What are u talking about? I seriously have no idea what the point of this post is.
Are u saying the Biden Justice Dept was responsible for the violence that day?
Steve Bannon (J5): "All hell is going to break loose tomorrow"
The fact You do Not understand my post is proof positive you guys are Lost. Whatever you do Not agree with, you simply dismiss and continue spouting the same

This is why the Dem's are a Dead Party. They operate on BLIND Hate. And it's proffering J6 as a Top Campaign Issue that killed the Dem's/Harris. Same goes for MSNBC. They continued claiming J6 was a Top Campaign Issue though every exit poll during the Primaries proved this was Not the case. Again, they don't agree with what they are repeatedly seeing and they then simply dismiss it and wash, rinse, repeat. Stupid, but I enjoy it as it's nails in the coffin. MSNBC, CNN, The View, Colbert, Kimmel, ALL Gone! These stations/people are like the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer was doing his own nightly interview show from the basement of his apartment. Nobody Watching!