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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 237125 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2021, 12:13:35 AM »
House could vote Thursday on Biden's Build Back Better legislation, Pelosi says

Pelosi said she's waiting for more Congressional Budget Office cost estimates on the bill, which the agency said it would release later Thursday

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2021, 12:13:35 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2021, 01:50:36 AM »
So, it turns out that President Biden's record job creation is better than we thought, but it does come at a price. The BLS has severely undercounted Biden's job numbers which totals 626,000 jobs. That's almost 1 million jobs that were left off the books in June, July, August, and September. That led to negative news cycles against the President for no reason at all. The right wing media hammered away at Biden and accused him of being incompetent and trashed him all over social media. The main stream media also took part in continuous negative news cycles attacking the President for a lack of job creation. Even though the job numbers in those 4 months were significantly lower than expected, it was still more jobs created than Trump who was losing 1 million jobs per month. But as it turns out, the job numbers were not significantly lower at all as the BLS had to readjust the job numbers for June-September. The job numbers were actually higher than expected with an additional 626,000 jobs created for those 3 months. But people wouldn't know it, as the President was trashed by the media and these re-adjustment totals barely has received any press at all. So much for a "liberal media bias" that right wingers want to claim.   

As a result, President Biden was unfairly attacked in the media for a lack of job creation which is clearly not the case. People listened to this negative press and it could have caused voters to form a negative opinion of the President when this never should have happened in the first place. One has to wonder if someone is purposely trying to sabotage President Biden, perhaps a Trump holdover because never in our history of the BLS reporting job numbers have they ever missed close to 1 million jobs off 4 job reports for 4 consecutive months. Something has to give and it smells rotten in Denmark.

Did I not call this out correctly?

The BLS never makes severe errors like this undercounting job numbers on offical job reports. Especially for 4 consecutive job reports in a row when the numbers were slated to be high. So when the job report numbers from June-September were released and they were reported as underwhelming, the right wing media immediately went to work hammering President Biden. The Main Stream Media also took part in negative press against the President in continuous newscycles and headlines in newspapers and online articles. As it turned out, the job numbers weren't low at all, and 626,000 jobs were taken off those June-September job reports. That led me to believe something was extremely wrong and I suspected sabotage by a Trump holdover trying to destroy President Biden. My suspicion turned out to be 100% correct as news broke today that a Trump holdover was responsible for purposely removing job number totals from 4 consecutive job reports from June-September. This is criminal and because our country relies on these reports for our economy. We now have a right wing Trump stooge sabotaging President Biden trying to make him look bad so his poll numbers will drop. And even more information came out that, this same Trump stooge was purposely inflating Trump's job numbers to make him look good when in reality 922,000 jobs were lost. Trump is cheater, a pathological, liar, and a fraud, and he had a his own handpicked stooge at the BLS illegally inflating jobs that was never even created. This all has to be coordinated with the GOP because they all had their talking points ready to go all over social media and on tv. Never in the history of America have we had an Anti American party like the GOP trying to destroy our country so they can seize power and replace democracy with fascism and autocracy government.

Head of federal agency responsible for wildly inaccurate jobs numbers is Trump holdover

Some areas of the U.S. federal government are sacrosanct.

The CDC doesn't screw around with reporting COVID information, because millions of people, including scientists, make life or death decisions based on those data.

The Labor Dept. doesn't tweak jobs numbers for political purposes, or to make a president look good or bad, because to report inaccurate results leads to tremendous distrust of the government, messes up markets, and plans of major corporations.

And yet under President Donald Trump the Health and Human Services Dept. altered CDC documents – once considered sacrosanct documents – for political purposes, CNN reported last year.

"Amid tension between the administration and the CDC, former Trump campaign official turned chief HHS spokesman Michael Caputo and his team had demanded to see reports out of the CDC before they are released, a senior administration official said. Officials within HHS had defended the demand, saying the CDC fell under the agency's umbrella and that all communications and public documents needed to be cleared at the top."

A federal official told CNN that in addition to reviewing reports, HHS political appointee Paul Alexander has regularly added his input -- often interpreted by CDC officials as political in nature -- to weekly scientific reports intended to track the ongoing coronavirus pandemic response. The development marks the latest example of political interference by administration appointees at the nation's health agencies.

So when The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the federal government "sharply underestimated job gains for most of 2021, including four months this summer in which it missed more job growth than at any other time on record," some expressed concern.

"In the most recent four months with revisions, June through September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported it underestimated job growth by a cumulative 626,000 jobs — that's the largest underestimate of any other comparable period, going back to 1979. If those revisions were themselves a jobs report, they'd be an absolute blockbuster," the Post noted.

They add, "recent revisions have been big enough to turn a substantial slump into a surprising surge."

Americans, in other words, have been living under the false belief that the labor market wasn't exactly hopping, thanks to wildly inaccurate numbers out of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the agency under the Dept. of Labor that collects, tracks, and analyzes these critical numbers.

Yes, under President Joe Biden the labor market has been surging, we now know, contrary to the information that's been coming out of the BLS.

Curiously, as the Post also noted, the exact opposite happened last year, when Donald Trump was president.

"Revisions in the already calamitous months of March and April 2020," under Trump, "found the economy had lost 922,000 more jobs than initially reported."


Given what we know happened at CDC, you'd think some might be wondering what's going on.

Well, we are.

As it turns out, William Beach – the head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the agency that since the start of the pandemic has been churning out wildly inaccurate (but very pro-Trump) numbers – was appointed by Donald Trump, used to work for a very pro-Trump think tank known as the Heritage Foundation, worked for a university research center that is funded by the very pro-Trump Charles Koch (as in the Koch Bros.), and also used to work for the Republicans on the the Senate Budget Committee.

(And while it's unclear when Beach left Heritage, it's important to know that right wing think tank is a purveyor of climate change denialism, fake critical race theory and voter fraud claims, and voter suppression legislation.)

So, who cares if the labor numbers are wrong?

Well, everyone, when they read headlines calling Biden's jobs numbers a “colossal miss," “ugly," “dismal" and “disappointing," as The Post noted. Companies make major decisions based on these numbers, which everyone realizes are just estimates, but up until last year were good indicators of what is going on.

Under Beach, the Biden administration has been slammed, giving Republicans a false tool to attack. And like bad newspaper articles that appear on page one and linger in Americans' minds for days, corrections only appear on the back pages, invisible to the vast majority of people who only remember what was false.

An important side note: the Bureau of Labor Statistics is also responsible for reporting out the Consumer Price Index, which in recent days has claimed massive price increases.

NCRM emailed Commissioner Beach on Wednesday, asking if he intended to resign, and asking him to explain what caused these massive errors and if that has been fixed.

We also asked if he maintains any professional, personal, or financial ties to The Heritage Foundation, Senate Republicans or any of his previous right wing employers.

Commissioner Beach did not respond, but Bureau of Labor Statistics Deputy Commissioner William J. Wiatrowski did – with a boilerplate explanation of revisions, and a statement assuring us that the "integrity of BLS data collection and reporting is paramount. The BLS commissioner, as has always been the case, does not see data until they are finalized. Civil servant economists and statisticians tabulate and analyze the data."

No word on any resignation – or if this massive problem has been fixed.

There's no evidence to say these massive screw ups are intentional – or worse, politically motivated – but the American public and American businesses deserve better, they deserve factual data they can count on, and they deserve to know what's actually happening on their President's watch – any president.

If that cannot happen under this commissioner, it's time for a new one.

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2021, 03:49:21 AM »
Lauren Boebert walloped by local news anchor in scathing on-air takedown

A local broadcaster shredded Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) in a scathing on-air editorial.

Kyle Clark, a KUSA-TV anchor, scolded his fellow journalists for holding the Colorado Republican to a much different standard that other elected officials in the state.

"We hold Congresswoman Boebert to a far lower standard," Clark said. "If we held her to the same standard as every other elected Republican or Democrat in Colorado, we would be here near nightly chronicling the cruel, false and bigoted things that Boebert says for attention and fundraising."

"This is not about politics, assuming politics is still about things like taxes, national security, health care, jobs and public lands. This is about us, as journalists, recognizing that we'll hold the politicians accountable if they say something vile once, but we won't do it if they do it every day."

"Our double standard is unfair to all the elected officials in Colorado, Republicans and Democrats, who display human decency," he added.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2021, 03:49:21 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2021, 12:23:42 AM »
Another right wing extremist that has no business being in Congress. This fascist is openly calling for violence.

Madison Cawthorn celebrates Rittenhouse verdict by telling followers to 'be armed, be dangerous'

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) on Friday celebrated Kyle Rittenhouse's not guilty verdict by encouraging his followers to arm themselves.

The right-wing congressman posted a video shortly after the Rittenhouse verdict in which he called the jury's decision a victory for freedom.

"Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty, my friends!" he said. "You have a right to defend yourself! Be armed, be dangerous, and be moral!"

Cawthorn also posted a text message on the video offering Rittenhouse an internship at his office.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2021, 12:32:15 AM »
The House Just Passed Biden's Build Back Better Bill. Here's What's In It

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2021, 12:32:15 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2021, 01:25:55 AM »
Happy Birthday to President Biden. Under Biden the economy is soaring and is the best economy in history!

Biden Has More S&P 500 Records Than Trump

Trump's economic record is being 'soundly beaten' by Biden as economy bounces back: Forbes

According to an analysis by Forbes that will likely displease former president Donald Trump, current President Joe Biden is blowing by his predecessor's economic records he was so proud of as the U.S. economy comes roaring back.

Chuck Jones of Forbes reports that Trump was in the habit of boasting about economic gains during his administration, but now his records are being "soundly beaten" according to the S&P 500.

Writing, "The S&P 500 closed at a record high on Thursday at 4,704.54 (its third close above 4,700) and fell just short of another record on Friday when it dropped 6.58 points or 0.14% to 4,697.96. The Nasdaq closed at a record high of 16,057, its first close above 16,000 while the Dow Industrials is the laggard at 35,601, almost 1,000 points below its record," Jones added despite rising inflation and the possibility that interest rates could rise the economy under Biden is thriving.

"By President Trump's favorite measure of success President Biden's post-election gains in the S&P 500 Index have soundly beaten Trump's equivalent at just over their one-year election anniversary," he wrote before explaining that, "Charlie Bilello, Founder and CEO of Compound Capital Advisors, has created a chart that shows how many times the S&P 500 has hit record highs in any year since 1929. For 2021 the Index has eclipsed the record 66 times, which is the second highest number to 1995's 77 times. Biden's record number also eclipses Trump's best year in 2017 when the Index broke its all-time high 62 times."

For good measure, he pointed out: "Using the Index's returns from when Biden's election was called the weekend after the election to Friday Biden's market returns are substantially above Trump's by 13.3% and 9.7% from his inauguration."

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #46 on: November 21, 2021, 01:45:15 AM »
Trump stooge Louis DeJoy is finally on his way to being ousted as Postmaster General affer he completely destroyed and dismantled the USPS. Criminal Donald put him in the position in which he has zero qualifications. He was a Trump donor who gave him and the GOP millions of dollars in campaign contributions so in return Trump put him in charge of the USPS as his personal stooge. DeJoy purposely dismantled the USPS by removing mail sorting machines in major post offices in Democratic counties all across America and also removed mail boxes in the towns. He did this so it would cripple mail delivery so mail in ballots wouldn't be received on time helping Criminal Donald to steal the election. DeJoy also wanted to destroy the post office for his own personal gain and as a result Americans are paying higher prices to ship and waiting longer to receive mail and packages.

'Now fire DeJoy': Biden moves to replace Trump-picked postal board members

President Joe Biden won applause Friday for moving to replace Ron Bloom and John Barger, two members of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors who've shown unwavering loyalty to scandal-plagued Postmaster General Louis DeJoy even as he's dramatically worsened mail delivery performance.

"It's affirmatively good to remove Bloom and Barger from the board, men who said they were 'tickled pink' with DeJoy's actions."

But replacing Bloom—a Democrat and the USPS board's current chairman—and Barger, a Republican, is just the first step toward rescuing the mail service from the ongoing right-wing assault, progressive advocates and Democratic lawmakers stressed Friday.

Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) called Biden's decision to replace Bloom "great news," slamming the outgoing postal board chair as DeJoy's "chief enabler and cheerleader."

"Now fire DeJoy," Pascrell added.

On Friday, Biden nominated former General Services Administration official Daniel Tangherlini and Derek Kan—a Republican and the former deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget—to replace Bloom and Barger.

If Biden's picks are confirmed by the Senate, his nominees will have a majority on the nine-member postal board—enough votes to remove DeJoy.

Bloom and Barger were both nominated to the postal board by former President Donald Trump, who repeatedly attempted to sabotage the USPS ahead of the 2020 presidential election, which relied heavily on mail-in ballots amid the coronavirus pandemic.

DeJoy—a Trump donor—was selected to head the USPS by the postal board in May of 2020. Upon taking charge of the agency in June, DeJoy wasted little time moving to overhaul mail service operations and slow package delivery.

Last month, DeJoy's decade-long plan for the USPS took effect as experts and Democratic lawmakers warned the changes would ensure the continued decline of Postal Service performance for years to come.

Lisa Graves, executive director of True North Research, told Common Dreams on Friday that Bloom and Barger "disqualified themselves from serving in positions of public trust by their enthusiastic support for Trump donor Louis DeJoy despite all the ways DeJoy has harmed the American people through his dictates, including charging people more for slower and less reliable mail."

"They failed to object to his 'ten-year' plan to weaken the service standards or to DeJoy continuing to receive millions each year from an arrangement he has with his former company, a contractor of the Postal Service that got a $100+ million contract to outsource postal work, among other things," Graves noted. "It's affirmatively good to remove Bloom and Barger from the board, men who said they were 'tickled pink' with DeJoy's actions."

While Graves expressed concern over Biden's choice to replace Bloom and Barger with Tangherlini and Kan—calling them "not the right people at all" for the roles—she said the transition will be "an opportunity for the Postal Service to move in a new direction, given the destructive path chosen by DeJoy and enabled by Trump's appointees."

The Washington Post reported Friday that Biden's decision to remove Bloom—who's currently serving a one-year holdover term that expires in December—"came as a surprise to the postal industry and policymakers in Washington."

"Bloom as recently as last week told confidants he expected to be renominated," according to the Post. "Last week, Trump appointees on the governing board reelected him as chairman over the objections of Biden-appointed Democrats."

The Post noted that at least four members of the Senate Democratic caucus—Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—have pointed to Bloom's enthusiastic support for DeJoy as a reason to oust him from the postal board.

"We need a Postal Service board of governors that is committed to replacing Mr. DeJoy with a postmaster general who will protect and strengthen the Postal Service, not undermine and sabotage it," Sanders told the Post.

In a statement on Friday, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) said he's "tickled pink that two DeJoy enablers" are on the verge of being replaced.

"This action is a good thing for the Postal Service and, most importantly, a great thing for the American people," he added.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2021, 03:04:55 AM »
A right wing judge let a white supremacist punk named Kyle Rittenhouse off the hook for murder. Never in my life have I've seen such biased behavior from a judge who is supposed to be impartial. He did whatever he could to get a 'not guilty' verdict including letting the murderer pick his own jurors from a tumbler. Now these were jurors that were dismissed. Dismissed jurors are removed because of clear bias. But the judge let the murderer Rittenhouse pick his own biased jury for his own personal advantage. How the hell is this even legal? Who else in America gets to pick their own favorable jury? Nobody, but this killer was able to pick his own.

This white supremacist is the MAGA poster boy for guns and violence. He is (and has been for over a year) being cheered by the right wing media and GOP politicians as a "hero" for murdering people in the streets with a semi automatic weapon that he shouldn't even be allowed to carry since he isn't even an adult. So the fake "Pro Life" GOP party is cheering on death and a murderer. That should be no surprise since the GOP couldn't care less how many people die from COVID including babies and children.

These are the same right wing hypocrites who still viciously attack a Capitol Police officer for shooting Qanon MAGA insurrectionist rioter Ashi Babbitt for illegally smashing through the Capitol window in which she was a threat to his life so she was shot in self defense. But they praise a white supremacist punk killing people in the streets as 'claimed self defense'. As long as you are white and brandish guns the GOP will make you into a hero for their fascist movement.     
So, his mother drove him across state lines so he could walk the streets with a semi automatic weapon looking for trouble. This white supremacist punk is not in law enforcement and had no business being there. When things got heated, he murdered people in the streets claiming it was self defense.

This sets a dangerous precedent where anybody can come armed to the teeth with weapons and shoot protesters in the street and claim 'self defense'. This is pure right wing fascism on display because the far right wants to silence voices they don't like and violently attack them. We've already seen the violent meme that Paul Gosar tweeted against AOC which the entire GOP House condoned except for Cheney and Kinzinger.  The GOP hates Democrats and supports violence against them. We've already seen that in Texas where a 'Trump Train' harassed a Biden campaign bus and attempted to run it off the road. The GOP was gleeful about it and Trump retweeted the incident in full support.

This is the violence the GOP condones and it's getting worse with all the far right wing extremist hate groups that want a civil war and this disgraceful verdict emboldenes these right wing thugs to do the same. The insurrection showed us that these domestic terrorists will do anything to be violent and even try to overthrow the US Government. Now this bogus ruling will indeed allow more violence in America. Steve Kerr has a good take on this below and the bogus verdict green lights more violence from far right violent Proud Boys to carry out similar murders. This ruling says that anybody can be armed and then murder somebody they don't like. Republicans are ecstatic over it. America is slowly becoming a fascist nation with no law and order.     

Rittenhouse verdict step on 'dangerous path': Warriors coach Kerr

For far-right groups, Rittenhouse's acquittal is a cause for celebration

Experts Are Warning That Kyle Rittenhouse’s Acquittal Might Inspire More Far-Right Extremist Violence
“There's precedent for acquittals like this to be used in inciting to and carrying out further violence.”

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2021, 03:04:55 AM »