‘Ain’t no recession’: Economists praise ‘huge’ employment numbers – ‘We’re back, baby’
Employers in July hired more than double the number of people experts had predicted, 528,000, after many predicted the number to be just 258,000. Unemployment is now at the lowest level in half a century, at 3.5%.
CNBC calls today’s report from the federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics “far better than expected, defying signs that the economic recovery is losing steam.”
That was far from the only good news in Friday’s release.
“Wage growth also surged higher, as average hourly earnings jumped 0.5% for the month and 5.2% from the same time a year ago,” CNBC notes. “Despite downbeat expectations, the July gains were the best since February and well ahead of the 388,000 average job gain over the past four months.
“The bureau noted that private sector payrolls are now higher than the February 2020 level, just before the pandemic declaration,” a massive accomplishment, as economists are noting.
Economist Justin Wolfers, a professor at University of Michigan, New York Times contributor and a Senior Fellow at Brookings sums up today’s news.
“Put that recession talk away, and change the subject. A vibecession ain’t no recession: July payrolls came in at a huge +528k, and unemployment is down to 3.5%. A whap-bop-a-loopa-a-whap-bam-boo!”
Minutes later he added: “Hang on… I just-recalculated the unemployment rate (to extra decimal places), and at 3.46%, THIS IS THE LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN OVER HALF A CENTURY.”
Wolfers, continuing to examine the report, finds even more good news.
The number of people forced to work “part-time for economic reasons, — is also at the lowest rate ever recorded.”
Putting another economic overview on the data, Wolfers explains: “We’re back, baby.”
David Rothkopf, who wears many hats including professor of international relations, political scientist, journalist, CEO, podcast host, author, and member of the Council on Foreign Relations also summed up the news.
“To recap,” he writes. “More jobs created during Biden presidency than the net of the preceding 8 yrs added up. More jobs created during Biden presidency than the last 3 GOP admins added up. More jobs created last month than the net total of the entire Trump presidency. In short: Lotta jobs.”
Economist David Rothschild takes a moment to examine how the negativism of the media is affecting the economy.
“Disconnect between reality of healthy US economy and negative mainstream media narrative is startling: beyond demonstrating a Republican bias in trying to undermine Democrats, it is an actual serious source of harm to the an economy where confidence & expectations matter.”
He adds: “Mainstream Media/Republicans will argue that ‘numbers’ don’t tell real story of how working class (obviously for them they mean white working class) families are hurt by inflation: but reality is jobs are plenty & wage growth is keeping pace w/ inflation.”
Rothschild also preempts any talk of recession.
“Amazing job growth, strong & sustainable wage growth, and slowing inflation: WE ARE NOT IN A RECESSION.”
And economist Danny Blanchflower, an economics professor at Dartmouth, has a word of advice for workers: ask for a raise.
“Workers should definitely not refrain from asking/demanding inflation adjusted pay increases. They can tell the bosses it is their turn to show up.”