Blatant Right Wing Hypocrisy: Starring Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders 
Right wing Republican hypocrites like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, always rail against the government screaming about "socialism". But these Republican hypocrites are always the first ones with their hands out looking for the government money they claim to hate when a natural disaster strikes their state. Isn't that interesting?
Since right wingers subscribe to the conservative theory "government isn't here to help you", then why do they still request government money for their state after a disaster? Perhaps they should find other means to obtain their resources since that's what they constantly preach. It's hilarious how these phony conservative hypocrites don't even follow their own supposed beliefs.
This right wing hypocrisy perfectly illustrates why conservatism is full of crap, because these right wingers are taking government money that they scream you shouldn't have. Republicans are partaking in the "socialism" they claim to hate as they attack Democrats on "socialism" in their daily talking points. You can't make this stuff up, and these "conservatives" should be laughed at every time they cry about "socialism" because they don't even believe in their own right wing conservative theory.
So, as it turns out, right wing Republicans are indeed "socialists" themselves.
Here is Sanders in two separate tweets showing her blatant hypocrisy.
On January 16, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders declares that the “meddling hand of the federal government will be stopped cold at the Mississippi River.”

On April 1, after tornadoes trash the state, Sanders has her deputy chief of staff announce that she’s requesting federal aid.

So, the "meddling hand of big government" is good enough for Sanders when it suits her.
Is Sanders going to stop the government money "cold at the Mississippi river"? Of course not, because residents of Arkansas need the funds to rebuild and she won't "stop cold" any funds entering her state of Arkansas.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is just a liar and a fraud. She is not going to do what she promised her voters in Arkansas which is to "stop the meddling hand of government". She's eagerly taking the big government's hand full of money while she rails against "socialism" and "big government".
If Sanders was the "true conservative" she claims to be hating "every aspect of socialism", she wouldn't have requested federal money from the "big government". Sarah Sanders is a just phony hypocrite and should not be taken seriously like the rest of these Republicans. They say one thing and then do another against their own ideology. And in a week or two, she will go right back to screaming against "socialism" pretending she didn't take a dime of "big government's" money for Arkansas.
Like I said, you can't take these conservative clowns seriously. They are total hypocrites going against their own "socialist" and "big government" talking point they preach. Absolutely hilarious!