Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 237423 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1288 on: April 18, 2023, 08:28:02 AM »
The Trump tax cuts did nothing for our economy except put America 7 trillion dollars in debt.

When Republicans are in charge, they spend trillions on tax cuts for the top 1% and it ends up destroying our economy. It happened with George W Bush in 2008 and with Donald Trump in 2020. After they lose the election and are out of office, the Republicans in Congress hold the economy hostage by refusing to raise the debt ceiling on the debt they incurred as they threaten to cut programs like Social Security and Medicare to get their way. We've seen this same show before from the GOP.

CNBC host calls Kevin McCarthy a hypocrite to his face for 'unsustainable' Trump tax cuts

CNBC host Sara Eisen challenged House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Monday after he demanded spending cuts in return for raising the nation's debt limit.

During an interview in New York, McCarthy told Eisen that the country was like a child with a credit card.

"Would you just raise the limit?" he asked.

"Well, if it meant playing with America's standing and full faith and credit of U.S. government debt, I feel like you can deal with the spending in other ways, which is totally legitimate," Eisen observed.

McCarthy suggested that there was no other way to reduce the nation's debt.

"You did it three times in the Trump administration," Eisen noted.

"We never raised the debt ceiling by itself," McCarthy insisted.

"And tax cuts," Eisen interrupted. "That was like $2 trillion in deficit."

But McCarthy argued that the Trump-era tax cuts were good for the economy.

"So I was going to ask you about taxes because I wonder, because you want to extend the Trump tax cuts, correct?" Eisen asked. "But isn't that a little hypocritical when you're talking about finding savings everywhere and being on an unsustainable fiscal path?"

"How's that hypocritical when it's bringing tax cuts, tax savings?" McCarthy retorted. "I will always advocate for the idea that we are streamlining our tax policies, that we're also streamlining our regulation."

Watch the video below from CNBC:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1288 on: April 18, 2023, 08:28:02 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1289 on: April 18, 2023, 08:42:50 AM »
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas hit with new financial disclosure allegations

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was hit with new financial disclosure allegations as reports Monday said he plans to resubmit previous forms that omitted property sales to a GOP mega donor.

In the latest ethics blow for the conservative jurist, Thomas reportedly has claimed that he was paid between $50,000 and $100,000 annually by a Nebraska real estate company set up by his controversial wife, Ginni Thomas.

But the company went out of business in 2006, the Washington Post reported. It was replaced by a new company that took over its land-leasing business, but Clarence Thomas continued to report income from the previous company.

The new allegation came as Thomas reportedly has told associates he will file amended disclosure forms to cover blockbuster revelations in recent days about his financial ties to billionaire Republican mega donor Harlan Crow, CNN reported Monday.

Thomas failed to report sales of three properties, including his elderly mother’s home in Savannah, Ga., to Crow a decade ago. As previously revealed, the judge also failed to report that Crow paid for the Thomases’ lavish vacations, including a $500,000 private plane-and-yacht junket to Indonesia.

Crow, a Texas real estate magnate, denounced the reports Monday as “a political hit job” in an interview with the Dallas Morning News.

Thomas last put out a rare statement claiming he had been told the vacations weremere “personal hospitality” that did not need to be reported to the IRS.

He has not responded to reports about the property sales. Federal law require judges and other officials to disclose all property sales except for homes that they live in.

Congressional Democrats have demanded investigations into the allegations against Thomas, whom they portray as a serial violator of ethics rules.

“There is at least reasonable cause to believe that Justice Thomas intentionally disregarded the disclosure requirement to report the sale of his interest in the Savannah properties in an attempt to hide the extent of his financial relationship with Crow,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said in a joint statement.

They want Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to launch an investigation and have asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to look into whether Thomas violated federal ethics laws.

The lapses have shined a spotlight on the virtually nonexistent oversight of Supreme Court justices, who mostly are left to police their own behavior.

Aside from his disclosure failings, Thomas has refused to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election even though his wife is a prominent ally of former President Donald Trump who pushed for him to overturn President Joe Biden’s win.

He was the lone dissenter in an 8-1 decision that forced the handover to the congressional Jan. 6 committee of emails and text messages about the insurrection effort from Trump allies, including several from Ginni Thomas.

© New York Daily News

Nicolle Wallace nails Jim Jordan over his 'circus' hearing in Manhattan

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace criticized Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for his "circus" hearing, bringing the House Judiciary Committee to Manhattan to attack District Attorney Alvin Bragg for what he said was a high rate of violent crime in the city.

"Whether all of this is really what Republicans should be doing with their time even in front of their own viewers and voters they got an authentic New York City welcome today in that they were routinely shouted at in the hallway," Wallace said. "Something Jim Jordan could have avoided if he had chosen a different location — like one with higher crime rates if that was his ostensible point today, for instance. Or maybe traveling just south of Jordan's own district, Columbus, Ohio, perhaps where the crime rate is about three times that of New York City."

She said that the "clown show" on display in New York wasn't about violent crime there or solving any other problems that Congress typically manages.

"It was about keeping their boss Donald J. Trump happy about showing him, Donald J. Trump, that no political stunt is too idiotic or illogical or unjustified to appease his badly damaged ego," she said.


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1290 on: April 18, 2023, 09:00:24 AM »
Wage growth returns with cooling inflation

Manufacturing companies double commitments

Companies have committed more than $200 billion to U.S. manufacturing projects as President Biden’s "effort to spark a new industrial revolution gains momentum," according to a new Financial Times report.

Why it matters: "The investment in semiconductor and clean tech investments is almost double the commitments made in the same sectors in the whole of 2021, and nearly 20 times the amount in 2019," the FT calculates.

Manufacturing is a huge part of Biden's reelection message, and the gains are spread across the country:

The White House points to huge semiconductor-manufacturing plans for North Carolina, Ohio, Arizona and upstate New York.
The Commerce Department announced Friday that 200+ companies have submitted statements of interest for CHIPS and Science Act funding for projects in 35 states.

What they're saying: "The last administration talked a lot about bringing jobs back to America, but failed to take real action. President Biden is taking action and delivering results — creating good-paying manufacturing jobs at home," White House chief of staff Jeff Zients said in a statement to Axios.

"And this is just the beginning. President Biden has given his team a clear mandate to continue this momentum by implementing pro-worker policies and investing in all of America."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1290 on: April 18, 2023, 09:00:24 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1291 on: April 18, 2023, 09:42:22 PM »
Today, President Biden is signing an executive order to expand access to long-term care, including home care.

This is a historic first step towards providing seniors and people with disabilities the care needed to live in dignity.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1292 on: April 18, 2023, 10:31:30 PM »
GOP leader McCarthy went to Wall St. to sell his debt ceiling scheme — and it's not going well for him

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy traveled to Wall Street on Monday, the financial capital of the world, to deliver a speech at the New York Stock Exchange demanding President Joe Biden negotiate with him on the debt ceiling while he unveiled what is being called his latest “scheme” – taking the debt ceiling “hostage,” failing to produce his long overdue budget, and revealing that it will include a requirement that people who use food stamps to survive will to have to work to get them.

It hasn’t been well received.

In fact, most aspects of his speech, and even his choice of venue, have been thoroughly lambasted, discredited, or just mocked over the past 24 hours.

“Kevin McCarthy literally going to the New York Stock Exchange to pitch cutting food stamps for poor people is… well, there’s a reason why people think Kevin is an idiot,” tweeted Vox’s generally reserved Ian Millhiser.

“Today at the NYSE, Speaker McCarthy explained his scheme to slash food aid for low-income Americans to his true constituents: Wall Street and massive corporations who pay little to no taxes,” tweeted the New York Working Families Party.

“Delivering today’s speech threatening our economy at the New York Stock Exchange shows Speaker McCarthy is either in denial about the danger of his threats or intentionally hoping for market turmoil,” tweeted U.S Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA). “I’m not sure which is worse.”

It wasn’t just the venue. Far from it.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday railed against McCarthy’s speech: “I’ll be blunt, if Speaker McCarthy continues in this direction, we are headed to default.”

It gets worse for McCarthy.

Indeed, McCarthy’s “argument is out of date,” wrote noted author and professor of history Heather Cox Richardson overnight in her Substack newsletter.

“It’s time to get Americans back to work,” McCarthy on Monday declared, despite unemployment having hit a 54-year low, (and a new historic low for Black unemployment), as the Speaker blamed President Joe Biden, alleging he’s keeping Americans from obtaining employment.

McCarthy repeatedly promised he “will grow the economy,” as he promised to bring jobs back from China, while complaining that “there are more job openings than people who are looking for jobs.”

He touted House Republicans’ HR 1 legislation, the “Lower the Energy Cost Act,” that “makes us less dependent upon China, and it brings jobs back to America that will grow the economy,” he said.

Now, we should presume that McCarthy has an economist on staff, hopefully. But it does not appear so, because what he’s promising doesn’t actually work.

Economists tell us that inflation is still at higher levels because the economy is growing too fast – which is why the Federal Reserve keeps raising interest rates, literally to slow the growth so we don’t explode into a recession. And yet McCarthy wants to grow the economy which in theory will lead to higher inflation.

“I have full confident [sic] that if we limit our federal spending, if we save the taxpayer money,” said Speaker McCarthy, in his unique manner. “If we grow our economy, yes we will end the dependence on China, we will curve [sic] inflation, and we will protect Social Security and Medicare for the next generation.”

“In reality,” Professor Richardson observes, “the inflation that plagued the U.S. as it reopened from the worst days of the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed dramatically, making it clear that the policies of the Biden administration are working. As Jennifer Rubin noted yesterday in the Washington Post, the annual inflation rate for producers is 2.7%—the lowest rate in more than two years—while consumer price increases are at their lowest point since May 2021: 5%. Gasoline prices have dropped 17.4% since the high prices that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The overall declines mark nine months of slowing inflation.”

She goes on to deflate McCarthy’s claims.

“At the same time, labor force participation is at record high levels,” Richardson notes. “Real incomes—that is, incomes after inflation is factored in—have risen 7% for those making $35,000 a year or less and 1.3% across the whole economy. Meanwhile, the deficit has dropped more than $1.7 trillion in two years.”

McCarthy also said he wants to create more job openings, while acknowledging that there aren’t enough people to fill the job openings we currently have.

Which is why, just like Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Iowa Republicans gutting child labor laws to allow America’s most vulnerable population to work adult jobs, Speaker McCarthy is looking for anyone (except the people staring him in the face: undocumented immigrants, and migrants from Central America) to fill those jobs.

Instead, McCarthy wants to put Americans to work, Americans who for many reasons need government assistance – food stamps – while ignoring that most families on food stamps already have people working at least one job.

What was the main focus of his speech?

The debt ceiling. And his desire to negotiate over it — or, as many are saying, holding the nation hostage to fringe House Republicans’ demands.

“McCarthy is trying to hide the Republicans’ own bumbling disarray,” tweeted Richardson. “Congress negotiates over the BUDGET, not the debt ceiling, which simply pays for bills already rung up in large part by the Republicans themselves. But they can’t agree on a budget, so are screaming about Biden.”

Pointing to his Morning Memo titled, “This Is The Dumbest Debt Ceiling Fight Ever,” Talking Points Memo executive editor David Kurtz tweeted, “Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has such a tenuous grip on his own conference that the debt-ceiling hostage-taking he is attempting to pull off has all the hallmarks of the bumbling kidnapping capers you see in the movies.”

Professor Richardson actually had a lot more to say about Speaker McCarthy in her newsletter.

“McCarthy has not offered a budget proposal because the Republican conference cannot agree on one,” she says, noting he is “trying to use the threat of national default to extract the cuts extremist members of his conference want. The Biden administration has made it clear that it will not negotiate over paying the nation’s bills, especially since about a quarter of the debt was accumulated under former president Trump, $2 trillion of it thanks to tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. In those years, Congress raised the debt ceiling three times. Biden presented his own long, detailed budget, full of his own priorities, as a start to negotiations in March, and he says he is eager to sit down and hammer out the budget once McCarthy produces his own plan. McCarthy is trying to deflect from his inability to do that but is confusing the issue, suggesting that he has the right to negotiate instead over whether or not to pay our bills.”

House Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries’ spokesperson, Christie Stephenson, on Monday blasted “Speaker McCarthy’s refusal to produce a Republican budget,” and his New York Stock Exchange speech:

“A speech is not a plan. Extreme MAGA Republicans continue to treat the full faith and credit of the United States as a hostage situation while their so-called budget proposal remains in the witness protection program. As always, we will evaluate any legislative text when and if House Republicans can ever agree with themselves about how much they want to devastate American families in order to finance tax cuts for the wealthy, well-off and well-connected.”


Adam Frisch outraises Lauren Boebert ahead of potential 2024 rematch

Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Silt has consistently ranked as one of Colorado’s top congressional fundraisers since her election to the 3rd District seat in 2020, raking in small-dollar contributions from a national network of grassroots conservative donors.

But in her bid to win a third term next year, she may have to overcome an even more prolific fundraising effort by her likely Democratic challenger.

Adam Frisch, a former Aspen City Council member who lost to Boebert by just 546 votes in the 2022 election, raised more than $1.7 million in the first quarter of 2023 — more than double the $763,000 raised by Boebert in the same period, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures.

“I am honored to be receiving the support of so many hardworking Colorado families,” Frisch said in a statement Monday. “Boebert’s fundraising numbers reaffirm that her days in Congress are numbered because she continues to ignore the needs of her district and instead prioritizes being a leader of the angertainment industry.”

If Boebert continues to trail Frisch in fundraising, it would be the first time the far-right representative has been at a financial disadvantage since her successful 2020 primary challenge against five-term GOP Rep. Scott Tipton. Boebert unseated Tipton despite raising just $133,256 to Tipton’s $973,739 in the first half of 2020.

In her bid for reelection last year, Boebert raised nearly $8 million, by far the highest total of any of Colorado’s U.S. House candidates. Frisch, who narrowly won a three-way Democratic primary with 42% of the vote, raised $4.4 million from donors and supplemented that with over $2.2 million in personal loans to his campaign.

Boebert was widely projected to win reelection by a comfortable margin in 2022, and neither Republicans nor Democrats spent heavily through super PACs to influence the 3rd District race. But after Frisch’s unexpectedly strong performance in a race that triggered Colorado’s first congressional recount in 20 years, the stage has been set for a potential blockbuster rematch next year.

Earlier this month, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee included the 3rd District, which encompasses most of Colorado’s Western Slope as well as Pueblo County, on its list of 2024 targets. A poll released by a progressive group last week showed Frisch and Boebert tied at 45% support among likely voters.

In what promises to be an unusually high-profile congressional race, both Boebert and Frisch continue to rely on contributions from out-of-state donors. About 63% of Boebert’s itemized donations in the first quarter came from contributors outside of Colorado; for Frisch, the figure was 57%.

In other U.S. House districts, Democratic Rep. Yadira Caraveo of Thornton, who was narrowly elected over Republican state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer as the first representative of Colorado’s new 8th District last year, reported raising $339,307 for her reelection, while Democratic Rep. Brittany Pettersen of Arvada, who was elected in the 7th District to succeed longtime former Rep. Ed Perlmutter, reporting raising $218,108. Neither candidate has yet drawn a Republican challenger.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1292 on: April 18, 2023, 10:31:30 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1293 on: April 19, 2023, 09:36:24 AM »
President Biden @POTUS

Today, I'll sign the most comprehensive set of actions any Administration has taken to increase access to child care and long-term care, and support care workers and caregivers.

If you live in a major city, you can pay more than $17,000 a year per child for child care.

For many families, that’s more than you pay for a mortgage or a college education.

It’s overwhelming.

That’s why today I'm signing an Executive Order to make child care more affordable.

The cost of child care and long-term care is too high.

No one should have to choose between their parents, the children who depend on them, and the paycheck they rely on.

I just signed an Executive Order that includes historic actions to increase access to high-quality care.

Care work is demanding and requires serious skill – but these workers are among the lowest paid in the country.
My Executive Order on improving the pay, job quality, and benefits available to our care workers addresses that head-on.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1294 on: April 19, 2023, 09:43:18 AM »
Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s investments, American manufacturing has come roaring back.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1295 on: April 19, 2023, 02:30:18 PM »
Even leftist publications see the writing on the wall:

Politico (April 15) headline:

Biden’s poll numbers look grim as he preps for reelection bid

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1295 on: April 19, 2023, 02:30:18 PM »