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Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1368 on: May 07, 2023, 10:34:56 PM »
Texas GOPer 'needs to be removed from office' over 'unconscionable' Allen shooting remarks: colleague

Appearing on MSNBC early Sunday morning, a Texas lawmaker slammed his Republican colleague who represents the community where the latest mass shooting took place and said he deserves to be removed from office over his appalling comments on CNN afterward.

Speaking with MSNBC's Katie Fang, State Sen. Roland Gutierrez (D) expressed dismay over the latest mass shooting at a mall in Allen, Texas, that left 8 dead and more critically wounded.

The MSNBC host then quoted State Rep. Keith Self (R-Allen) from his appearance on CNN when he was pressed that people don't think "thoughts and prayers" are enough to stop the wave of gun violence that is engulfing the country.

According to Self, "Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty God who, who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives."

According to Guitierrez, his Texas lawmaker colleague should be ashamed of hiding behind the Bible.

"The god that I believe in gives us free will," he began. "They allow us to make decisions, gives us the ability to go out and make great laws. The Bible speaks about lawmakers often."

"A the end of the day, we are empowered, sure, by God and by our constituencies to go out and create change. -- positive change," he continued. "We are killing babies, we are killing family members, grandmothers in this country. It is unconscionable for this man to use the Bible or God in any way to defend these positions. I think he needs to be removed from office, that is how unconscionable this is."


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1368 on: May 07, 2023, 10:34:56 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1369 on: May 08, 2023, 01:21:10 AM »
The Republican party favorite pollster Rasmussen poll has President Biden at 48% approval rating. While Criminal Donald is on his way to prison for multiple felonies. And it doesn't matter what Biden's poll numbers are. When Biden is up against a right wing extremist he will easily win as all polls indicate.

HA HA HA.  This is an ABC poll.  The most leftist of media.  Keep spinning.  2024 is one day closer. 

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1370 on: May 08, 2023, 05:22:27 AM »
Thanks to President Biden's economic policies, small business is booming!

Small Business Is Booming. Here Are 6 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Keep Thriving

President Biden @POTUS

Small businesses are the engine of our economy – the soul of our communities.
It’s one of the best investments America can make.
That’s why supporting small business is at the heart of my plan to grow our economy from the bottom up and middle out.

Every time someone starts a new business – it’s an act of hope and optimism.
My economic plan is in an investment in that hope.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1370 on: May 08, 2023, 05:22:27 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1371 on: May 08, 2023, 05:25:57 AM »
House Republicans’ Pledge to Cut Appropriated Programs to 2022 Level Would Have Severe Effects, Particularly for Non-Defense Programs

U.S. DOT says Republican budget plan would cut rail inspections, shut air traffic towers

WASHINGTON, April 26 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on Wednesday said a Republican budget cut proposal would shut down 375 federally-staffed and contract-run air traffic control towers around the country and result in 7,500 fewer rail safety inspection days.

Overall, it said the Republican plan, which would sharply reduce budget spending in exchange for a short-term increase in the debt ceiling, would reduce funding for U.S. transit and highway infrastructure projects by nearly $5.2 billion.

The White House has said President Joe Biden would veto the legislation, and has called on Congress to raise the debt limit without conditions.

President Biden and his administration have pushed back hard against the proposal from Republican House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy, which would implement $4.5 trillion in spending cuts with a $1.5 trillion increase in the $31.4 trillion U.S. debt limit.

"House Republicans’ proposal would slash funding for programs the American people depend on in their everyday lives, including funding that’s vital for ensuring transportation safety and improving our country’s infrastructure," DOT said in a factsheet.

It said it estimated that cutting critical programs by 22% would lead to nearly 7,500 fewer rail safety inspection days and over 30,000 fewer miles of track inspected annually, at a time when lawmakers are calling for more inspections in the wake of the Norfolk Southern derailment disaster.

It said the plan would also shut down services at some 375 of about 550 air traffic control towers, potentially increasing security wait times at Transportation Security Administration check points by over two hours.

Bastion of wingnuts': How the MAGA faction has left Georgia's GOP 'warped and wrecked'

The Republican party in one of America's central election battlegrounds has gotten so extreme its core activists – and even many of its elected officials – have been cast off, leaving it a "bastion of wingnuts, spiraling into chaos and irrelevance," the New York Times wrote Monday.

The GOP in Georgia has "gone so far down the MAGA rabbit hole that many of its officeholders – including Gov. Brian Kemp, who romped to re-election last year despite being targeted for removal by Donald Trump — are steering clear of it as if it’s their gassy grandpa at Sunday supper," wrote Michelle Cottle.

"What’s happening in Georgia is a cautionary tale for pluralism, an example of how the soul of a party can become warped and wrecked when its leadership veers toward narrow extremism."

The demise started when Georgia's GOP chairman, David Shafer, backed Trump-supported challengers in last year's primary to unseat Republicans who hadn't backed the ex-president's claims that the 2020 election had been stolen. Other Georgia politicians emerged as anti-Trump, and a schism appeared, Cottle wrote.

The slide into chaos, she added, was helped to hit full speed with the passing of a bill in 2021 that let officials and election challengers form leadership PACs that aren't subject to fundraising limits.

That meant Republicans “don’t have to play nice in the sandbox with a group that is sometimes at odds with them,” she wrote.

Gov. Brian Kemp, seen as a leader standing up to Trump, has announced he's skipping next month's state party convention. He has also suggested don't waste their money on party spending, saying, "We can no longer rely on the traditional party infrastructure to win in the future,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported

The party central, however, is very much in the Trump camp. Chairman David Shafer has been named in the Fulton County investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election, and "the party culture has become steeped in the paranoid politics of MAGA and election denial," wrote Cottle.

"And in the current environment, “everyone must pledge their undying loyalty to Donald Trump above all else,” says Jay Morgan, who was an executive director of the state party in the 1980s."

“Right now, it’s largely a place disconnected from reality,” Cole Muzio, president of Frontline Policy Action, a conservative advocacy group, told Cottle.

Among party-backed candidates winning recent elections at county and district levels are Kandiss Taylor, the new chairwoman of the First Congressional District who ran for governor last year as "the only candidate bold enough to stand up to the Luciferian Cabal.” She won just over 3 percent of the primary vote, announced that the vote was fixed and refused to concede.

"After election deniers failed to gain control of statewide offices across the nation in 2022, many of them refocused their efforts farther down the food chain," wrote Cottle. And that development means they are taking control of the core of the party.

She added, "Letting them oversee any aspect of the electoral process seems like a poor idea.If this development persists, Republicans more interested in the party’s future than in relitigating its past might want to look at how Kemp & Company have been trying to address their intraparty problems — and what more could and should be done to insulate not only the party’s less-extreme candidates, but also the democratic system, from these fringe forces.

"There are risks that come with ticking off election deniers and other Trumpian dead-enders. But the greater risk to the overall party, and the nation, would be declining to do so.

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Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1372 on: May 08, 2023, 05:30:38 AM »
'I made a little chart': Biden destroys GOPers who claim they didn't vote to cut veterans' benefits

President Joe Biden trolled House Republicans on Tuesday after they passed a debt ceiling bill that could cut benefits for veterans.

Republicans have accused Democrats of "shamelessly lying" about cuts to veterans' benefits. But the bill "does not explicitly exempt the Department of Veterans Affairs from federal spending caps," according to The Huffington Post.

On Tuesday, Biden tweeted a flow chart showing exactly how Republicans in the House had not protected veterans' health benefits.

"I hear House Republicans out on TV saying they would never vote to cut veterans' benefits," he wrote. "In case there's any confusion, I made a little chart that could help them out."

See the chart below:

President Biden @POTUS

I hear House Republicans out on TV saying they would never vote to cut veterans’ benefits.

In case there’s any confusion, I made a little chart that could help them out.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1372 on: May 08, 2023, 05:30:38 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1373 on: May 08, 2023, 05:42:01 AM »
Ron DeSantis handed Disney lawyers the ammo they needed to blow him out of the water

If Gov. Ron Ron DeSantis (R-FL) flops in his war with Disney, he will likely have himself -- and his presidential ambitions -- to blame, writes Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent.

Attorneys for the entertainment giant filed a lawsuit against the Florida Republican last Wednesday in U.S. district court in Tallahassee, Florida, asking to have its control over a special tax district restored back to the way it has been run since the 1960's.

Looking for the evidence they need to push back at DeSantis and his hand-appointed board, Disney lawyers found a great deal of what they need in the book DeSantis wrote as he ramped up his fledgling drive for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

As the Post's Sargent wrote, excerpts from the book, "The Courage To Be Free," feature prominently in the lawsuit which could undermine his case.

"Memoirs by presidential aspirants often lay out a blueprint for their coming candidacies. DeSantis does, too. It boasts extensively about his war on Disney to advertise how he would marshal the powers of the presidency against so-called woke elites," the columnist wrote. "Disney’s lawsuit cites exactly these passages. DeSantis — who signed a law taking control of Disney’s special self-governing district, and moved to nullify the company’s efforts to work around it — repeatedly flaunts the truth: These were retaliation against Disney for opposing his “don’t say gay” law limiting classroom discussion of sex and gender."

According to Scott Wilkens, senior counsel at the Knight First Amendment Institute, the governor's own words are a powerful weapon being deployed by the Disney legal team.

"You have pretty clear statements from Governor DeSantis that he is seeking to punish a corporation for its speech,” Wilkens explained. “That’s prohibited by the First Amendment.”

Sargent added, "All of this shows how hollow these right-wing theatrical exercises have become. When you start with the thrills you hope to inspire in the Fox News audience and build policy around that, the results tend to collapse once the lack of a real policy rationale becomes widely understood. If quotes from DeSantis’s own memoir lead to another such implosion, it would represent a spectacular and richly deserved form of political justice."

You can read more here:

China-hawk GOP senator making thousands of dollars from business deal with Chinese state firm: report

Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE) talks a tough game in standing up to China, and was known for his hawkish anti-China speeches in his former office as governor of Nebraska. But according to The Daily Beast, he is making thousands of dollars off the sale of a business to a company controlled by the Chinese government.

"The new filings by the son of billionaire Cubs owner Joe Ricketts reveal that he had received payouts in the amount of $2,501 to $5,000 last year from his holdings in the National Cement Share Company. The submissions note these are mere 'holdbacks' from the 2021 sale of the stake in the complex to West China Cement held by a private equity firm in which Ricketts served as limited partner—a $23.4 million transaction which The Daily Beast reported on last year," reported William Bredderman. "The recently appointed Republican senator’s office told The Daily Beast he would get a further payment of between $1,001 and $15,000 at an as-yet unknown date in the future. His team further asserted he had no decision-making role in the sale. Ricketts’ press staff in the governor’s office had previously failed to return calls and emails from The Daily Beast regarding the deal."

Ricketts was appointed to the Senate by Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen, shortly after leaving the governor's mansion himself. He succeeded Ben Sasse, a Republican who left to take over the University of Florida system, a move that was controversial for faculty and students of that institution.

"As evidence of his anti-China record, [a] spokesperson pointed to Ricketts’ 2020 ban on the use of the app TikTok on Nebraska-owned devices, and highlighted the closure of the Beijing-linked Confucius Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln that same year," said the report. "However, the state school at the time attributed the shutdown of the controversial Chinese cultural center to budget cuts. And while Ricketts adopted an extremely hostile posture toward the totalitarian regime at the end of his tenure as governor, even declaring a 'Victims of Communism Remembrance Month' to coincide with the 100-year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s founding in 2021, he praised the Confucius Institute in an exclusive interview he granted in 2018 to China Daily — the official mouthpiece of President Xi Jinping’s political apparatus."

As China has stepped up its support of the Russian invasion and genocide in Ukraine, and as military experts have prepared for the possibility China could launch a similar military conflict of its own in Taiwan, there has been a bipartisan demand to take a hard line against China's provocations, and to prevent entities tied to the Chinese government from segments of the U.S. economy critical to national security.

One of the largest national moves against China has been President Joe Biden's sanctions cutting China off from the U.S. semiconductor industry, which massively disrupted the nation's technology industry and took many industry experts by surprise.

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House GOPer confronted with deep cuts his state will face under Kevin McCarthy's proposed budget

During an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" to praise House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for getting his budget proposal passed by a very slim margin, a member of his caucus was confronted by host Dana Bash about how the proposal will hurt his own constituents.

Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) was on to make the case that it is up to President Joe Biden to meet with McCarthy to resolve their differences which led the CNN host to dig into the details of how the proposed budget will impact the state he represents

"Let me quickly look deep inside what you did get passed this past week," Bash began. "The bill would cut all non-defense discretionary funding by 22% — that is a lot of money and I want you to look at what the administration would say it would mean for your home state of Minnesota."

Putting a graphic up, she continued, "Thousands would lose food, rental assistance, and they would pay more for college. Outpatient VA appointments for veterans could be cut. This will make a big difference if, what you want, this bill actually would become law. A big difference in the lives of Americans, especially those living paycheck to paycheck. What do you say to them?"

"Well, I actually challenge it," Emmer bristled.

"They're just not true and what you just said is just not true either," he accused. "You should scrutinize what the administration is talking about."


Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1374 on: May 08, 2023, 05:47:51 AM »
'Unparalleled in its audacity': Herschel Walker accused of scamming more than $500,000 from billionaire donor

Failed Georgia Republican senate candidate Herschel Walker’s improper solicitation of a billionaire donor revealed in emails obtained by The Daily Beast have shocked campaign finance experts, the outlet reports.

Walker in communication with donor Dennis Washington sought hundreds of thousands of dollars for his own personal business, The Daily Beast reports.

Washington complied with Walker's request for the funds, thinking the contributions were political, the report said.

The emails, which have been verified as authentic by a person with knowledge of the exchange, specifically shows Walker requested $535,200 be wired directly to that undisclosed company, HR Talent, LLC, the report said.

The emails, which have been verified as authentic by a person with knowledge of the exchange, specifically shows Walker requested $535,200 be wired directly to that undisclosed company, HR Talent, LLC, the report said.

Roger Sollenberger writes for The Daily Beast, “In the best possible circumstances, legal experts told The Daily Beast, the emails suggest exponential violations of federal fundraising rules; in the worst case, they could be an indication of more serious crimes, such as wire fraud.”

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Favoritism accusations swirl after Boebert’s son allowed to appear in court virtually

The son of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was allowed to phone in virtually to a court hearing on his driving violation, sparking accusations of political favoritism, reported Westword.

"On April 24, the favoritism apparently continued: A Garfield County judge let Tyler appear in court virtually, instead of in person, despite his failure to show up at a previous hearing and getting hit with a bench warrant as a result," reported Chris Perez. "'Typically, if a defendant misses a court hearing and a bench warrant is issued or stayed, they are required to appear for the next date,' says Sarah Nordgaard, deputy district attorney with the 9th Judicial District. 'Whether that is virtual or in person just depends on individual circumstances.'"

Tyler crashed his vehicle in September of last year, putting a friend in the hospital with a concussion and hand lacerations that nearly severed his thumb. Initially, Tyler was charged with "careless driving leading to bodily injury," a misdemeanor, which was later reduced to the civil violation of driving with broken headlights.

According to prior reports, the congresswoman was unaware her son missed his original court date.

"Tyler, who turned eighteen in March, was scheduled to appear in court and provide proof of completing the 'Alive at 25' driver awareness program — one of the key terms of his 'defective vehicle for headlights' plea deal," said the report. "It was the very last stop on his months-long road of legal drama. 'He must've emailed in the certificate,' said a Garfield County court clerk, who added that virtual appearances are considered on a 'case-by-case basis. If people request it, they can be granted or denied.'"

Boebert has been accused of covering up details of the incident from the public, including the extent of the injuries caused by the crash.

Even this conservative thinks the Clarence Thomas scandal has become too big to ignore

Writing for The Daily Beast on Thursday, conservative columnist Matt Lewis says that the new reporting about Clarence Thomas accepting tuition for his grandnephew from billionaire megadonor Harlan Crow, is the "straw that broke the camel’s back for me" — and the Supreme Court needs to adopt a code of ethics immediately.

"Even if Justice Thomas’ decisions have never been directly influenced by his friend’s generosity, Supreme Court justices should be expected to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. And there can be no denying that the optics of this situation are…bad," wrote Lewis. "Keep in mind that this latest revelation comes on the heels of reports that Thomas enjoyed lavish vacations on Crow’s dime and that Crow purchased the home of Thomas’ mother (and allows her to live there rent-free)."

Initially, Lewis admitted, he was ready to ignore this story because he supported Thomas' jurisprudence, and because he felt the public criticism of Crow's collection of Hitler memorabilia was unfair. But now, he believes it is impossible to ignore.

The whole situation, Lewis wrote, is akin to "a theoretical scenario where left-wing billionaire George Soros was paying for Biden-appointed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s child to attend an extremely expensive school" — something Republicans would surely find "completely inappropriate."

"If our elected officials (whom we could, at least theoretically, fire) are shedding credibility by wetting their beaks, then it must be doubly true of unelected judges with a lifetime seat," wrote Lewis. "It’s not like these institutions have credibility to burn. A 2022 Gallup survey showed that trust in the Supreme Court was at a historic low of 25 percent. That was down 11 percentage points from the previous year, no doubt owing to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. In the wake of these latest revelations regarding Justice Thomas, it may sink even lower ... It is vital that we preserve a separation of powers. But if we the people cannot demand that SCOTUS implement some reform or accountability, then the one unelected branch of government is beyond oversight."

Chief Justice John Roberts has a responsibility here, Lewis argued: "If Roberts really cares about preserving the credibility of this institution, he should push for serious, self-imposed reforms that would ban judges from accepting lavish gifts, regardless of whether there is direct quid pro quo."

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Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1375 on: May 08, 2023, 05:52:26 AM »
Since President Biden took office, small businesses have created 3.1 million jobs – a near record level.

FACT SHEET: The Small Business Boom Under the Biden-⁠Harris Administration

Through the American Rescue Plan and the equitable implementation of emergency relief programs, President Biden and Vice President Harris fostered the strongest recovery for Main Street on record. In 2021, Americans applied to start 5.4 million new businesses—more than 20 percent higher than any previous year on record.

The boom in new business creation has been particularly strong for entrepreneurs of color. In 2021, Hispanic Americans started new businesses at the fastest rate in more than a decade and 23 percent faster than pre-pandemic levels.

And, in the three-quarters of 2021, small businesses with fewer than 50 employees created 1.9 million jobs, the fastest start to small business job growth in any year on record.

This new White House report details the historic recovery for America’s small businesses and demonstrates how the Biden-Harris agenda laid the foundation for this small business boom. By focusing on combatting the pandemic, providing Americans with greater financial security, and delivering more than $450 billion in emergency relief to small businesses, the Biden-Harris Administration has helped create the conditions for unprecedented business and job creation.

The Biden-Harris strategy to rescue and revitalize Main Street contrasts sharply with the latest tax plan from Republicans in Congress. The Congressional Republican proposal put forward by Senator Rick Scott to impose a minimum tax on middle-class families would increase taxes on small businesses across the country. In addition to detailing the historic economic progress the Biden-Harris Administration has made to date, the Appendix includes a new state-by-state analysis of the Congressional Republican tax plan. The analysis finds that this tax plan would raise taxes on nearly half of small business owners (6.1 million people), including 82 percent of small business owners making less than $50,000 per year. Under the Congressional Republicans’ plan, the typical small business owner would see their taxes increased by almost $1,200.

President Biden rejects Congressional Republicans’ plan to increase taxes on half of small business owners. His four-pillar economic strategy for small businesses will lower costs and level the playing field for families and small businesses. The plan is focused on:

1. Expanding access to capital,

2. Making historic investments in helping small businesses navigate available resources,

3. Leveraging federal spending to support small businesses, and

4. Leveling the playing field for small business owners by reforming the tax code.

Read the full report here:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1375 on: May 08, 2023, 05:52:26 AM »