You are more concerned with the way in which Trump pronounces the word "Hamas" than the National Security Advisor for the Biden administration congratulating himself on how quiet things were in the Middle East while terrorists were on the verge of a massive attack. And you still don't understand math. The average is over the entirety of your posting history. You and I have been posting for many years. The fact that you post one time more PER DAY on average over that lengthy period of years means that you have posted THOUSANDS of more times than myself. Again, putting aside your limited math comprehension, I have merely responded to your suggestion that I "get a life" when you post more frequently than myself. The irony is hilarious compounded by your lack of understanding.
BTW: Hamas is pronounced as huh-maas. Which sounds very like ______ (here you have an opportunity to fill in the blank to see if you can figure why you should be embarrassed to post so many times).
You are more concerned with the way in which Trump pronounces the word "Hamas"No, not really... it isn't the only word he could not pronounce correctly.... It just shows the guy is senile, with his pathetic rants about water taps not producing enough water, needing ID to buy bread etc... The list goes on and on. That, and his abysmal track record as President, when he was the laughing stock of all the world... and his extreme fascism of course... that worries me...
And you still don't understand math. The average is over the entirety of your posting history. You and I have been posting for many years. Actually, I joined this forum (after the old one crashed) on 01/06/18 and you joined two days later....
The fact that you post one time more PER DAY on average over that lengthy period of years means that you have posted THOUSANDS of more times than myself.2241 more posts actually over more than six years.... the bulk of those were spend having interesting conversations with people who, unlike you, actually had something to say and some of those were nothing more than a

to confirm I agreed with another poster. But I have to say, for someone who claims he couldn't care less how often I post, you are sure spending a lot of time on the subject.... Kinda weird, don't you think.
I have merely responded to your suggestion that I "get a life" when you post more frequently than myself.Yeah yeah, I understand that. But what you don't understand is that my "get a life" comment had nothing to do with how often you post. It had to do with the content of your ever whining, complaining go-nowhere posts that nobody is interested in. You argue like the grumpy guy sitting alone at the end of the bar who everybody ignores because he is simply not good company. You are a copy of Jeff Dunham's Walter, except ten times worse and not a bit as funny.
The irony is hilarious compounded by your lack of understanding. Oh, but I understood completely. It's straight out of the LN manual. Whenever a LN gets stuck and/or embarressed, they try to attack a poster by bringing up that persons posting history, as if it means something. Mytton did it in the past and you are just another one of those silly little men who does the same... No surprise whatsoever.
BTW: Hamas is pronounced as huh-maas. Hilarious.... so, your argument now is that Trump got the pronounciation right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... So much desperation.