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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 235643 times)

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1776 on: November 27, 2023, 09:20:28 AM »
Having been given numerous opportunities to have a rational discussion and declining to respond to the points that he raised including Hitler, Martin goes on the ignore list with his contrarian brethren.  Adios.

Run little man... run

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1776 on: November 27, 2023, 09:20:28 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1777 on: November 28, 2023, 03:24:51 PM »
Every new day is one day closer to the end of Biden's disastrous presidency.  The poll numbers are crushing.  Newsom is circling like a vulture.  Old Joe is begging forgiveness from the terrorists and sending millions to those who support them in Iran.   Meanwhile they are attacking US troops and ships on a daily basis with no response.   Weak and incompetent.  Ukraine Joe makes Jimmy Carter look good.   Expect Sleepy Joe to announce in the coming weeks that he is done.  He will use the mission accomplished and now wants to spend more time with his family excuse.   

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1778 on: December 03, 2023, 03:40:50 PM »
Gavin Newsom is circling Old Joe like a vulture just waiting for the end.  He is not running, though.  Just ask him.  Only having debates and visiting China like someone who wants to be president.  I wonder if that Chinese kid who he steamrolled while playing basketball is out of the hospital.  What a fool. And more dangerous than Ukraine Joe because he actually has some of his marbles.   He is complete fraud.  The American version of Trudeau.  Trying to convince people that a rich white guy of privilege is the champion of teh marginalized communities.  He ran against a self-made republican who was African American and convinced many Californians that the black candidate was a white supremacist.  You can't make that up.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1778 on: December 03, 2023, 03:40:50 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1779 on: December 07, 2023, 06:31:02 PM »
Old Joe has broken another record as president.  Most illegal aliens to cross the border in a single day.  It's now up to 12K per DAY.  That's almost 400K per MONTH.  Many are them are from China, Africa, and the Middle East.  That would mean 5 million more illegals in the next year.  On top of the 5 million or so who have already crossed.  How committed are the Dems to the open border policy?  They have refused to even compromise in exchange for funding of their beloved endless war in Ukraine.  They would rather see Ukraine overrun by Russia than implement any new border security measures in the US.  Why would that be?  Why do they consider this to be so important to them?

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1780 on: December 10, 2023, 04:02:57 PM »
Of all the insane, baseless conspiracy theories espoused about Trump including the "Russian collusion" lie, perhaps none is as laughable as the current talking point that the leftist media has conjured up.  Trump will be a "dictator" if elected in 2024.  Cue spooky music.  Repeat endlessly.  Of course, Trump has already been president and did not declare himself a dictator.   He is also in his late 70s.  How long could this dictatorship last?  What does it even mean in this context?  Does it mean to use the legal system to indict your political opponents?  Suppress speech on social media?  Conspire with the media to promote desirable narratives?  Take bribe money from foreign government and use your political influence to avoid jail?  Open the border to flood the country with millions of unknown illegal aliens in violation of the law hoping that they are future voters for your party?  Change the election laws in almost every state in the weeks leading up to the election in a way that is most favorable, and win based on the margins of those changes?  Those all sound like things dictators might do if in power.  And it does sound familiar, but Trump did none of those things.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1780 on: December 10, 2023, 04:02:57 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1781 on: December 10, 2023, 07:46:15 PM »
87 attacks and counting on US troops and ships in the past month.  And Old Joe has done nothing.  Weak and incompetent.   If this was happening under Trump, the press would be running it nonstop.  But they are burying the story the same way they buried the story of Dirty Hunter's indictments.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1782 on: December 12, 2023, 04:35:43 PM »
Of all the insane, baseless conspiracy theories espoused about Trump including the "Russian collusion" lie, perhaps none is as laughable as the current talking point that the leftist media has conjured up.  Trump will be a "dictator" if elected in 2024.  Cue spooky music.  Repeat endlessly.  Of course, Trump has already been president and did not declare himself a dictator.   He is also in his late 70s.  How long could this dictatorship last?  What does it even mean in this context?  Does it mean to use the legal system to indict your political opponents?  Suppress speech on social media?  Conspire with the media to promote desirable narratives?  Take bribe money from foreign government and use your political influence to avoid jail?  Open the border to flood the country with millions of unknown illegal aliens in violation of the law hoping that they are future voters for your party?  Change the election laws in almost every state in the weeks leading up to the election in a way that is most favorable, and win based on the margins of those changes?  Those all sound like things dictators might do if in power.  And it does sound familiar, but Trump did none of those things.
McGovern: "We are here because the insurrection did not succeed on January 6, and this is about finishing the job. So let's not kid ourselves that Donald Trump doesn't play a role here."
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 04:41:22 PM by Tom Scully »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1783 on: December 12, 2023, 09:05:06 PM »
McGovern: "We are here because the insurrection did not succeed on January 6, and this is about finishing the job. So let's not kid ourselves that Donald Trump doesn't play a role here."

A Trump hating Dem is spreading the conspiracy narrative?  Shocking.  Who is using the legal system to lock up political opponents?  Who censored speech on social media and fed false narratives to the mass media outlets?  Who changed the laws in almost state just before the election in a way that decided the outcome?  Trump?  No.  Old Joe did that.  All while his family was enriching itself to the tune of tens of millions in foreign influence peddling schemes.  And paying no taxes. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1783 on: December 12, 2023, 09:05:06 PM »