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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 235551 times)

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1784 on: December 12, 2023, 11:12:22 PM »
A Trump hating Dem is spreading the conspiracy narrative?  Shocking.  Who is using the legal system to lock up political opponents?  Who censored speech on social media and fed false narratives to the mass media outlets?  Who changed the laws in almost state just before the election in a way that decided the outcome?  Trump?  No.  Old Joe did that.  All while his family was enriching itself to the tune of tens of millions in foreign influence peddling schemes.  And paying no taxes.

So far the party political propaganda, next.... the real news
« Last Edit: December 16, 2023, 12:07:25 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1784 on: December 12, 2023, 11:12:22 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1785 on: December 13, 2023, 02:37:33 PM »
Endless war rages on with no solution or even a process for ending them.  Old Joe isn't even trying.  He is making the US military contractors rich.   He is concerned about Israel being too tough on Hamas.  LOL.  Endless war in Ukraine is fine with him, though. Hopefully Jewish voters remember the betrayal by Ukraine Joe and the Dems in the upcoming election.  The leftists radicals have been exposed as anti-Semite hypocrites calling for genocide at universities with no repercussions or condemnation by Sleepy Joe.  He is apparently fine with calling for mass murder.  Just don't misgender anyone.   

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1786 on: December 13, 2023, 04:45:17 PM »
A Trump hating Dem is spreading the conspiracy narrative?  Shocking.  Who is using the legal system to lock up political opponents?  Who censored speech on social media and fed false narratives to the mass media outlets?  Who changed the laws in almost state just before the election in a way that decided the outcome?  Trump?  No.  Old Joe did that.  All while his family was enriching itself to the tune of tens of millions in foreign influence peddling schemes.  And paying no taxes.

In the last 20 min.... (BTW Richard, at this late date, your post is full of Trump's claims. Aren't 92 felony counts enough to give you pause?)
Aaron Rupar
Amazing. Chuck Grassley admits "I have no evidence ... the fact haven't taken me to that point where I can say the president is guilty of anything."

Following up from my post yesterday, closing remarks of "Trump hating," Rep. McGovern. Watch the brief video,
McGovern's closing remarks: "When it comes right down to it, this absurd impeachment process inquiry has nothing to do with the integrity of President Biden, and it has everything to do with the lack of integrity in the Republican Party."
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 04:49:47 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1786 on: December 13, 2023, 04:45:17 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1787 on: December 13, 2023, 05:40:38 PM »

In the last 20 min.... (BTW Richard, at this late date, your post is full of Trump's claims. Aren't 92 felony counts enough to give you pause?)
Aaron Rupar
Amazing. Chuck Grassley admits "I have no evidence ... the fact haven't taken me to that point where I can say the president is guilty of anything."

Following up from my post yesterday, closing remarks of "Trump hating," Rep. McGovern. Watch the brief video,
McGovern's closing remarks: "When it comes right down to it, this absurd impeachment process inquiry has nothing to do with the integrity of President Biden, and it has everything to do with the lack of integrity in the Republican Party."

Can't decipher that but the use of the legal system to prosecute your political opponents is exactly the sort of thing that a dictator would do.  Putin and Biden do that.   Doesn't that give you pause as to who is the dictator?  Trump was already president.   He did not prosecute anyone.  He did not change the election laws in the weeks leading up to the election to win in such a way as to ensure his election.   He did not censor speech.  Any of that sound familar?

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1788 on: December 14, 2023, 04:03:53 PM »
Can't decipher that but the use of the legal system to prosecute your political opponents is exactly the sort of thing that a dictator would do.  Putin and Biden do that.   Doesn't that give you pause as to who is the dictator?  Trump was already president.   He did not prosecute anyone.  He did not change the election laws in the weeks leading up to the election to win in such a way as to ensure his election.   He did not censor speech.  Any of that sound familar?
All of the damage Trump has already done, continues to do, threatens to do in the future, and what instead triggers you, is it 92 felony counts in four indictments and in a superseding indictment? Of course not! Your outrage is directed at Hunter Biden, who has never served in government and who Trump attempted to "shake down" President Zelenskyy into publicly and internationally discredit, in exchange for funds congress had appropriated as non-lethal assistance in Zelenskyy's government's armed resistance to Putin's invsion and occupation of eastern Ukraine the size of Texas, resulting in Trump's first impeachment.

Nixon and Trump are the only contemporary POTUSes on record attempting to prosecute or, for example "sic" the IRS on perceived political enemies.
You are projecting this, my easily supported argument. If you disagree, post examples of Joe Biden publicly calling for prosecution of specific political opponents.

Good luck!
December 14, 2023
"On July 11, 2023, David Weiss’ First AUSA Shannon Hanson responded to an inquiry from Judge Maryanne Noreika’s courtroom deputy, Mark Buckson. He wanted to know when “the final versions of the documents” pertaining to the Hunter Biden plea deal would be completed. Hanson responded within five minutes. Before she explained that she didn’t know when they’d have the final documents, but hoped to have them to Judge Noreika by Thursday (so July 13), she described that, “I will be speaking with the team later today (I understand they are in a secure location and cannot readily be contacted at the moment.”

Hanson was describing “the team” — she had cc’ed Delaware AUSA Benjamin Wallace and Baltimore AUSAs Leo Wise and Derek Hines — as something of which she was not a part. And she was describing that team as being in a SCIF.

Hunter Biden’s attorneys included the email with their motion to dismiss based on an argument that the diversion agreement Hunter signed prohibits the indictment charging him with three gun charges. The email shows that the final documents filed with the court on July 20, by Wallace, had just one change from the version submitted on June 8, by Hanson. Wallace explained:

    The parties and Probation have agreed to revisions to the diversion agreement to more closely match the conditions of pretrial release that Probation recommended in the pretrial services report issued yesterday.

Hunter’s team submitted it to show that, following the Probation Office’s recommendation of Hunter for diversion on July 19, the parties submitted it as a finished agreement.

This motion makes a strong argument that the government entered into an agreement with Hunter for which he sacrificed his rights — including by allocuting to the facts regarding the gun purchase — and therefore must honor the contractual protections it offered to get Hunter to sacrifice those rights.
....Ziegler made that comment on June 1. And he was right, at that point — as he sat in a room making claims about Lesley Wolf’s conduct that documents he himself released almost four months later would substantially debunk — that “they” had not yet “removed all the prosecutors.” But they would, within days.

As Chris Clark described in his declaration describing plea negotiations, that same day, June 1, Lesley Wolf invited Clark to come to the US Attorney’s Office the next day to work on the plea agreement, in part so they could share language with David Weiss in real time.

QUOTE   20. On June 1, 2023, AUSA Wolf sent me an email inviting me to meet at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Wilmington on June 2 to work together on the agreements’ specific language and provisions. The idea was for the AUSAs and defense counsel to be in the same room with access to U.S. Attorney Weiss, so that the terms could be worked out. A true and correct copy of AUSA Wolf’s June 1, 2023, email to Chris Clark is attached hereto as Exhibit H.

    21. On June 2, 2023, co-counsel Matthew Salerno and I went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Wilmington, where the USAO presented us with its draft of a new Diversion Agreement, along with a draft Plea Agreement. This was the first time that we had seen the USAO’s draft Agreements. Each draft Agreement was accompanied by a broad and lengthy Statement of Facts, each of which had been drafted solely by the USAO in advance of the June 2 meeting. At this meeting, AUSA Wolf expressed the view that it was in Mr. Biden’s interest to have broad Statements of Facts included because the scope of immunity (under Paragraph 15 of the Diversion Agreement) would be tied to the Statements of Facts. The Agreement included a more limited immunity provision than I had discussed with AUSA Wolf or that Mr. Biden would accept. Among the revisions, during or shortly after that June 2 meeting, references to tax liability for years 2016 and 2019 were specifically added to the Plea Agreement’s Statement of Facts.

    22. The AUSAs and we took turns working on the specific language of each Agreement—with AUSA Wolf running the changes by Office leadership, including U.S. Attorney Weiss. No final agreement was reached that day, and the meeting concluded with the AUSAs agreeing that the USAO would work on composing acceptable language on an immunity provision.

    23. That same evening (Friday June 2), at or around 9:43 PM EST, I emailed AUSA Wolf, copying my co-counsel, and proposed one revision to Paragraph 15 of the Diversion Agreement (the provision governing immunity): that Paragraph 15 provide that “The United States agrees not to criminally prosecute Biden, outside the terms of this Agreement, for any federal crimes arising from the conduct generally described in the attached Statement of Facts (attachment A) and the Statement of Facts attached as Exhibit 1 to the Memorandum of Plea Agreement filed this same day.” (Emphasis added.) In the email, I advised AUSA Wolf that it was “very critical for us” that the Diversion Agreement include “[t]his language or its functional equivalent.” A true and correct copy of Chris Clark’s June 2, 2023, email to AUSA Wolf, copying co-counsel, is attached hereto as Exhibit I. [emphasis original] END QUOTE

Wolf was still on the team when — after Clark spoke with Weiss directly on June 6 about the importance of protecting Hunter from any further legal exposure — she sent Clark new language seemingly addressing Clark’s concerns about the immunity language.

QUOTE  28. After extensive discussion with AUSA Wolf in which she repeatedly stated that U.S. Attorney Weiss was unwilling to revise the language of the Agreement’s immunity provision, I conveyed that if this language could not be revised, we would not have a deal and that it was the most important term in the Agreement that Mr. Biden get finality. Accordingly, I requested to speak directly with U.S. Attorney Weiss, whom I was told was the person deciding the issues of the Agreement. Later that afternoon, on June 6, 2023, I spoke directly with U.S. Attorney Weiss. During that call, I conveyed to U.S. Attorney Weiss that the Agreement’s immunity provision must ensure Mr. Biden that there would be finality and closure of this investigation, as I had conveyed repeatedly to AUSA Wolf during our negotiations. I further conveyed to U.S. Attorney Weiss that this provision was a deal-breaker. I noted that U.S. Attorney Weiss had changed the deal several times heretofore, and that I simply could not have this issue be yet another one which Mr. Biden had to compromise. The U.S. Attorney asked me what the problem was with the proposed language, and I explained that the immunity provision must protect Mr. Biden from any future prosecution by a new U.S. Attorney in a different administration. The U.S. Attorney considered the proposal and stated that he would get back to me promptly.

    29. Later that same evening on June 6, 2023, at or around 5:47 PM EST, AUSA Wolf emailed me proposed language for the immunity provision that read: “How about this- The United States agrees not to criminally prosecute Biden, outside of the terms of this Agreement, for any federal crimes encompassed by the attached Statement of Facts (Attachment A) and the Statement of Facts attached as Exhibit 1 to the Memorandum of Plea Agreement filed this same day.” (Emphasis in original.) After speaking with Mr. Biden, I responded to AUSA Wolf that the language she sent me “works” and is suitable for Mr. Biden as well, at which point the Parties had a deal. A true and correct and correct copy of AUSA Wolf’s June 6, 2023, email to Chris Clark is attached hereto as Exhibit K. [all emphasis in Clark’s declaration]
And Wolf was still on the team on June 8, the day when the documents were first filed with the court.

That is, Wolf was still on the team when Jim Jordan and Bill Barr had already intervened in the case.

    Wolf was still on the prosecutorial team — and negotiating a plea deal that would have ruled out FARA charges — on June 7.

    That’s the same day Weiss sent the first response, to a May 25 letter Jim Jordan sent Merrick Garland about the IRS agents’ complaints of being removed from the investigation. In it, he cited Rod Rosenstein’s explanation to Chuck Grassley in 2018 how congressional interference might politicize an investigation (in that case, the Mueller investigation).

  The information sought by the Committee concerns an open matter about which the Department is not at liberty to respond. As then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote in 2018 in response to a request for information from the Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary:

        Congressional inquiries during the pendency of a matter pose an inherent threat to the integrity of the Department’s law enforcement and litigation functions. Such inquiries inescapably create the risk that the public and the courts will perceive undue political and Congressional influence over law enforcement and litigation decision.


    Weiss might claim that he replaced Wolf with Wise and in the process had Wise reassess the prior prosecutorial decisions. But, given the date of that letter, there was never a moment he had done so before the political pressure started. David Weiss cannot claim he did so before being pressured by Jim Jordan.

    And Jordan’s letter wasn’t the only political pressure. On the same day that Weiss said he couldn’t share information — the likes of which Shapley had already started sharing — because it might politicize an ongoing investigation, Bill Barr (one of the people Lowell wants to subpoena) publicly intervened in the case, insisting the FD-1023 recording Mykola Zlochevsky making a new allegation of bribery had been a live investigative lead when it was shared with Weiss in October 2020, the FD-1023 Weiss specifically said he could not address because it was part of an ongoing investigation.

    On a day when Lesley Wolf remained on the case, both Jordan and Barr had already intervened. And because there was never a time that Weiss had replaced Wolf with Wise before the political pressure started, there was little time he had done so before the physical threats followed the political pressure.

But June 8 — the day the plea deal first got shared with the court — was the last day that Lesley Wolf shows up in Clark’s timeline.

She wasn’t removed for misconduct. In his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Weiss agreed that Wolf, “did her work on the Hunter Biden matter in a professional and unbiased manner without partisan or political considerations.” He said,

I believe she did. As I said, she served the Department for more than 16 years, and I believe her to be a prosecutor with integrity.

But per Michael Batdorf, she was, nevertheless, replaced.

On June 19, Principal Senior Assistant Special Counsel Leo Wise made his first appearance. Joseph Ziegler, a disgruntled IRS agent spreading false hearsay claims, succeeded in getting Wolf replaced.

That same day, June 19, Hanson requested that Clark modify the statement he was going to release. But, in a phone call, she told him that there was no pending investigation against Hunter Biden.

QUOTE  35. On June 19, 2023, at 2:53 PM EST, after I had a phone call with AUSA Hanson indicating I would do so, I emailed AUSA Hanson a proposed press statement to accompany the public release of both Informations that read, in part, “I can confirm that the five-year long, extensive federal investigation into my client, Hunter Biden, has been concluded through agreements with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware.” (Emphases added.) A true and correct copy of Chris Clark’s June 19, 2023, email to AUSA Hanson is attached hereto as Exhibit P.

    36. Shortly after that email, I had another phone call with AUSA Hanson, during which AUSA Hanson requested that the language of Mr. Biden’s press statement be slightly revised. She proposed saying that the investigation would be “resolved” rather than “concluded.” I then asked her directly whether there was any other open or pending investigation of Mr. Biden overseen by the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, and she responded there was not another open or pending investigation. Thereafter, at 4:18 PM EST that day, I sent AUSA Hanson a revised statement that read: “With the announcement of two agreements between my client, Hunter Biden, and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, it is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.” (Emphases added.) The new statement revised the language from “concluded” to “resolved,” a stylistic change that meant the same thing. A true and correct copy of Chris Clark’s June 19, 2023, email to AUSA Hanson is attached hereto as Exhibit Q [Clark’s italics, my bold] END QUOTE

I hope to hell Clark has notes of that conversation, because the assertion that there was no pending investigation of Hunter Biden on June 19 directly conflicts with a claim that David Weiss made to the House Judiciary Committee.

On November 7, David Weiss repeated a claim his office made when they first announced the deal: that it was ongoing. “I can say that at no time was it coming to a close,” Weiss told the House Judiciary Committee. “I think, as I stated in the one statement I made at the time … the investigation was continuing. So it wasn’t ending there in any event.”

That is, Weiss’ First AUSA, Shannon Hanson, allegedly told Clark something that directly conflicts with something Weiss said to Congress.

That may be why Abbe Lowell, while arguing that no hearing is necessary to dismiss the indictment based on the contract that existed between the government and Hunter Biden, said that if Judge Noreika thinks she does need a hearing, then to please have David Weiss prepared to testify as a witness.
    If the Court believes that parol evidence should be considered, Mr. Biden requests an evidentiary hearing in which all participants in the negotiation of the Diversion Agreement, including Mr. Weiss and the responsible members of his prosecution team, can be called as witnesses to address the extensive recapitulation provided in Mr. Clark’s Declaration.

It’s going to be a lot harder for Weiss to claim that US Attorneys-turned-Special Counsels can’t testify when he was willing to testify to Congress.

This is undoubtedly why Lowell asked to be able to subpoena Bill Barr’s communications, through the present, about the Hunter Biden investigation — a version of which he made in formal discovery as well (Lowell also noted Barr’s recent comments on the investigation in the selective and vindictive prosecution MTD). Because Bill Barr intervened in this case before such time as Wolf was apparently removed and replaced by Principal Senior Assistant Special Counsel Leo Wise. Barr intervened publicly, and given Wise’s concerns about DOJ materials in the possession of former DOJ employees in his response to that subpoena request, it seems acutely likely that Weiss recognizes that Barr intervened in a way that shared privileged information...."

« Last Edit: December 14, 2023, 05:02:52 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1788 on: December 14, 2023, 04:03:53 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1789 on: December 14, 2023, 08:09:32 PM »
What a rambling rant.  Bottom line.  Dictators do things like: 1) use the legal system to imprison their political opponents; 2) change election laws in ways that ensure their election; 3) suppress free speech; Who has done these things? 

Putin - check

Stalin - check

Biden - big check on that one

Trump - no.  He was president and voluntarily left office after the election was legally rigged by corrupt politicians who changed the laws in almost every state in the months leading up to the election.  The results prove that those changes altered the outcome of the 2020 election with Biden taking 80% or so of the votes cast using these new methods.  Trump received the most votes of any incumbent President in US history.  More votes than he received when he won the election in 2016 and still lost due to ballot harvesting and other methods used to bolster Biden's chances.  Trump overstates this as being "stolen."  The election was not stolen only because the Dems legalized what would have otherwise been considered voter fraud in the months leading up to the election.  It would be like lowering the basket in an NBA game to the ground and then the shortest people win the NBA championship against the best team of NBA players.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2023, 01:37:06 AM by Richard Smith »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1790 on: December 15, 2023, 01:51:31 AM »
Old Joe continues to hound Israel about scaling down its war on terrorism while at the same time sending oceans of money to Ukraine to fund an endless war with no apparent way to end it.   Hopefully Jewish voters remember the way that leftists have treated them during these last few months.  The leftists have joined in calls for genocide and sided with terrorists.   Meanwhile there have been nearly 100 attacks on US military targets by proxies from Iran with no response from Old Joe.  He is a disgrace.  There are multiple grounds for his impeachment including failure to uphold the immigration laws of the United States, taking bribes from foreign sources, allowing multiple members of his family to sell influence to foreign sources to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, and failure to defend the US military members who are in harm's way by his direction. 

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1791 on: December 17, 2023, 02:36:55 AM »
Talk about a lack of confidence in Old Joe.  This means that Congress - both Dems and Repubs = think Trump is winning in 2024.  LOL.

"Congress this week approved a measure aimed at preventing any U.S. president from unilaterally withdrawing the United States from NATO without congressional approval."

Imagine if NATO countries were actually required to pay their fair and agreed upon share instead of the US bearing the entire burden of defending them.  What a dictator Trump must be to suggest that "Europe" pay at least a very small amount for their own defense. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #1791 on: December 17, 2023, 02:36:55 AM »