Talk about a lack of confidence in Old Joe. This means that Congress - both Dems and Repubs = think Trump is winning in 2024. LOL.
"Congress this week approved a measure aimed at preventing any U.S. president from unilaterally withdrawing the United States from NATO without congressional approval."
Imagine if NATO countries were actually required to pay their fair and agreed upon share instead of the US bearing the entire burden of defending them. What a dictator Trump must be to suggest that "Europe" pay at least a very small amount for their own defense.
The difference is Trump withdrew U.S. commitment to defend NATO allies in event of attack whether they spent more on their own defense or not.
Trump can always be counted on to please Putin by stoking uncertainty and division instead of unity and resolve!
Trump pushes NATO allies to spend more, but so did Obama and Bush
CNBC 11, 2018 — Bush and Barack Obama regularly expressed frustration with NATO member governments for not spending more of their domestic budgets on defense.```````````````````````
John E. Cook 💙🇺🇸🧢
Mar 17, 2022
Contrary to Trump's assertions, European members of NATO & Canada *increased* their defense spending in 2015 and 2016, *before* Trump took office!
Also, NATO countries don't "pay up." They pledge some % of GDP on their *own* military + a small stipend for NATO headquarters. Friend🌹Pray God saves us from liberals
Nov 12, 2021
President Obama also urged European NATO members to contribute their full share to the alliance, saying that "Europe has sometimes been complacent about its own defense." (April 25th 2016)
Obama urges NATO members to pull their weight 15th (November 2016) Destabilizing on Putin's behalf!
Fears of a NATO Withdrawal Rise as Trump Seeks ...
The New York Times › U.S. › Politics
Dec 9, 2023 — Mr. Trump likes to brag that he privately told leaders of NATO countries that if Russia attacked them and they had not paid the money they owed ...