I can't decipher your nonsense. Biden had COVID about six times. Wasn't he following the leftist protocols? Many more Americans died of COVID under Biden than Trump. Your idol Putin was falling on the ground laughing at how leftists blamed Trump for COVID. Putin is an amateur at fixing elections compared to that. Zelensky went one better. He doesn't have elections.
You're so full of xxxx.
You really do sound like a Russian troll (or worse).
Are you a Russian troll, Smith?
Come on, admit it.
By the way, you're confused, again.
Neo-fascist "strong man" Putin is your and The Traitorous Orange Xxxx's xxxxbuddy, remember?
Truth be told, you want to smother him with kisses, right? Because he, with help from your buddies Paul Manafort, Konstantin Kilimnik, Roger Stone, Harley Schlanger (look him up), the Internet Research Agency, Cambridge Analytica, et al. ad nauseam, and 60-plus years of KGB* disinformation (can you say, for example, JFKA conspiracy theories?), "active measures," and strategic deception counterintelligence operations (look it up) waged against us and our NATO allies put The Traitorous Orange Xxxx in the White House in 2017 and 2025.
Rhymes with bird.
*Today's SVR and FSB