Depends what you mean by "effect". There's emotional/morally, and then there is the material. USA carries Europe and has dating back to WW1. Trump has always been an Isolationist. Energy Independent, greatest military in the world, Space Force, and now a Dome Defense. USA can stand alone if need be. Zelenskyy issa con man pocketing Billions/$$. Trump DOGE'd him for an accounting of the $350 Billion the USA has GIVEN him and he could NOT provide an account for it. Trump is a "bottom line" guy. If You can Not provide "receipts for expenditures" = "You're FIRED". This is the current status of Zelenskyy.
You Russian trolls are so full of sh*t it's sickening. Blaming Zelenskyy for squandering the $183 billion (not $350 comrade) that the US gave him to keep a murderous dictator from wiping his country off the map is reprehensible. You do realize that most of that money was for weaponry that was stockpiled and about to be decommissioned anyway. Small price to pay to wage a war by proxy against a scumbag commie dictator without losing a single troop or firing a single shot. That's a fricken bargain you fool!
Only a Russian troll would defend an orange retarded Nazi pedophile, clearly hellbent on selling out the US to the 4th Reich oligarch dictators of the world to help them carve up the planet for the new world order. Sound familiar? Making excuses for everything Mien Fuhrer Trumputin does tells me everything I need to know about you and your ilk. Otherwise, have a nice day, comrade.