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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 225017 times)

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2392 on: March 03, 2025, 07:48:41 PM »
There is zero doubt that the measles outbreak in TX originated from those crossing the border into Texas......BLAH BLAH BLAH...... 

GARBAGE !!!  - what I posted....from a week ago

Marsha Griffin, M.D., a retired Professor of Pediatrics from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, and a founding member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Council on Immigrant Child and Family Health, is the President of Community for Children, Inc. a non-profit created to benefit immigrant children and families.

- what do you have?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 07:49:41 PM by Michael Capasse »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2392 on: March 03, 2025, 07:48:41 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2393 on: March 03, 2025, 08:03:29 PM »
GARBAGE !!!  - what I posted....from a week ago

Marsha Griffin, M.D., a retired Professor of Pediatrics from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, and a founding member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Council on Immigrant Child and Family Health, is the President of Community for Children, Inc. a non-profit created to benefit immigrant children and families.

- what do you have?

LOL.  You believe Trump colluded with Russia (the most baseless conspiracy theory in history) but not that the measles outbreak has anything to do with millions of illegal aliens crossing the border?  And your "proof" of this is a single retired MD who is probably a radicalized liberal who wouldn't admit that any illegal alien had ever done anything wrong in all of history.  Well, I guess that resolves it.  Of course, an epidemic has to come from somewhere.  It is suddenly in the border states of Texas and New Mexico.  Just another coincidence for Dr. Fauci and company?  If only there were a clue about where it came from.  Thankfully, RFK has made it a top priority.

Online Tom Graves

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2394 on: March 03, 2025, 08:11:59 PM »
LOL.  You believe Trump colluded with Russia (the most baseless conspiracy theory in history) but not that the measles outbreak has anything to do with millions of illegal aliens crossing the border?  And your "proof" of this is a single retired MD who is probably a radicalized liberal who wouldn't admit that any illegal alien had ever done anything wrong in all of history.  Well, I guess that resolves it.  Of course, an epidemic has to come from somewhere.  It is suddenly in the border states of Texas and New Mexico.  Just another coincidence for Dr. Fauci and company?  If only there were a clue about where it came from.  Thankfully, RFK has made it a top priority.

How do you know Roger Stone and Harley Schlanger (look him up) didn't collude with Putin and/or Assange on the timing of the e-mail dumps?

. . . . . . .

By Nicholas F. Benton, Falls-Church News Press 2/6/19

As the stern, unyielding noose of justice and truth tightens around the neck of Donald Trump, no amount of pomp, ceremony, lies and damn lies can protect him from the grizzly fate awaiting him in the coming weeks and months. This week’s State of the Union pageant was one of the biggest exercises of a completely fictional farce seen in these parts in many a moon. Yes, Mr. Emperor, of course you have your clothes on!

Fascination is supplanting other emotions, even fear and dread of the potentially horrible consequences of this presidency, as special counsel Robert Mueller doles out his carefully calculated next moves and the Southern District Court of New York works in a disciplined tandem to ensure that a veritable three-dimensional approach keeps the common crooks huddled in the White House unable to calculate where the next blow may be coming from.

Ah, Vladimir Putin, you picked quite the gang of fools to align your national interest with! You’re going to be set back for decades because of this, as their hapless schemes are brought to the light of day.

The latest in the parade of clowns to brandish his Nixon tattoo and mimicked victory sign, Roger Stone, arrested two weeks ago in early morning FBI raids on two of his domiciles, now leaves only three more major figures to go in the criminal roundup. Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Person of Interest No. 1 remain.

Then there will be the roundup of a number of scurrying rats and related vermin, including some mild surprises to be sure.

The only really sad part of all this resides in the contemplation of what was ruined by this criminal operation, a presidential election stolen, a government stressed to the max since and the countless lives, ranging from the tragic loss of her claim on national leadership by Hillary Clinton to the broken lives of separated and scattered families at the southern U.S. border. This damage done will never be recovered, but the best we should hope for is that the nation, the world’s foremost exercise of democracy and democratic values, will recover, and even move forward wiser and more resolute than ever.

The Roger Stone arrest roughly coincided with an article published in Mother Jones magazine that made an important observation. Entitled, “Lyndon LaRouche is Still Alive and He’s Been Hobnobbing With Roger Stone; the International Cult Leader Has Long-Standing Ties to Russia — and Robert Mueller,” the December 2018 article by Shilpa Jindia marks one of the first cases outside of the three-part series I wrote last August that brings the “LaRouche factor” into focus as a marginal but important component in the Trump campaign’s collusion with the Russians in rigging the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

My series was entitled, “The Trump Cult’s LaRouche Factor,” and focused on how the marginal political cult that’s been around since the early 1970s was named in the infamous Christopher Steele Dossier as among those invited, along with the Green Party’s Jill Stein and U.S. General Michael Flynn, to a meeting in Moscow with Putin in December 2015 on the eve of the launch of the major Russian election interference offensive.

It also drew from my own experiences as one who knew the cult from the inside, recruited in the early 1970s when, as Mother Jones put it, the organization “culled supporters in the late 1960s from leftist student radicals” before it descended into intensely manipulative cult behavior. LaRouche’s ties with Soviet and Russian intelligence go back to the 1970s, and it was through them that Roger Stone was invited to forge “back channels” to the Russians for the 2016 campaign.

In particular, as former Young Americans for Freedom co-founder Douglas Caddy reported in a paper he prepared to submit to Mueller last year, it was Stone’s ties with the LaRouche organization’s Harley Schlanger through which those channels were established.

Caddy, in the file on Stone and LaRouche he posted to then FBI Director James Comey and subsequently the Mueller team in June 2017, suggested that the “back channel” likely facilitated the Wikileaks operations.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

I posted Caddy's letter on my free Substack page, "How the KGB Zombified the CIA and the FBI".

Back in August of 2017, former Watergate attorney Douglas Caddy posted on the Internet the letter he had sent to Robert Mueller on 10 December 2016 and to and James Comey on 27 June 2017 (one month after he’d been fired by Trump) in which he described how an acquaintance, Harley Schlanger of the pro-Russia Lyndon Larouche organization, had contacted him in early 2016 and asked him to put him in contact with Caddy’s former associate, Roger Stone. Schlanger and some other officers of the Larouche organization had just returned from Moscow where Caddy believes they attended the same December 15, 2015, RT dinner that Michael Flynn and Jill Stein went to at the all-expenses-paid invitation of Vladimir Putin.

Schlanger and Stone met for lunch in Houston, and on 20 February 2016, Stone sent Caddy an email saying,

Thanks for connecting me with Harley Schlanger – he is a great guy and shares our goals. I think we hit it off. I have a back channel to Trump and we are fighting the globalists.

(Emphasis added)

Caddy never heard back from Mueller or Comey on the letter.

Here’s the letter, with an explanatory introduction for the forum’s members, that Caddy posted at the so-called JFK Assassination Debate - Education Forum in August of 2017:

I am posting my legal file on this subject in the JFK Assassination Topic of the Forum because the events described within it initially came about when Roger Stone contacted me in 2012. He requested any information that I might have on LBJ, which I was pleased to provide. In 2013 Stone published his book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, which became a best-seller. In his book Stone credits me as a primary source for information, as is disclosed in the file. Thus, in a roundabout way JFK five decades after his murder is providing from the grave a nexus of how the 2016 presidential election was rigged. Don’t you think he is pleased at doing this?



Member, Texas Bar since 1979 and
District of Columbia Bar since 1970

Subject: Roger Stone, Lyndon LaRouche and Russia influencing the 2016 Presidential election
Date: August 22, 2017

This memo to the file brings up to date what has occurred since I sent my letter of December 10, 2016, to FBI Director James Comey and my subsequent letter of June 27, 2017, to Special Counsel Robert Mueller in regard to the above subject.

In my letter to FBI Director Comey I stated that “I knew Roger Stone of the Trump presidential campaign forty years ago in Washington. Because of this Harley Schlanger of the LaRouche organization, whom I also knew, earlier this year asked me to arrange a meeting between him and Stone. I agreed to do so. Such a meeting took place in February [2016]. I was not present at the meeting.

“It is my impression that as a result of that February meeting the LaRouche organization agreed to use its extensive Russian contacts to open up a back channel for the Trump campaign to communicate directly to Russian intelligence. This ultimately led to Russian intelligence hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee, which became a major issue in the presidential campaign and continues to do so to this day. Stone may have played a role in Wikileaks being given the hacked emails for distribution to the public.

“Harley Schlanger and other LaRouche leaders interviewed Stone on a LaRouche radio program on a number of occasions during the course of the presidential campaign.”

With my letter to Director Comey I attached a number of emails that I had received from Schlanger and Stone on this matter. Relevant quotations from some of these follow later in this memo. In addition I sent copies of my letter to Director Comey to President Obama and CIA Director Peter Goss as a safeguard that it would not be deep-sixth.

After President Trump fired Director Comey in May 2017, which led to the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller, I wrote Mr. Mueller on June 27, 2017 in part as follows:

“On December 10, 2016, I sent the enclosed letter with its email attachments to FBI Director James Comey about the above referenced matter. I never heard back from him and hence I am writing you. My motivation in doing so is because I fear that our democracy was severely endangered by Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. Alarmingly, this Russian threat is unabated. The continued existence of the United States as a free nation is at stake.

“Here is a brief summary of my letter to Director Comey: In January 2016 Harley Schlanger of the LaRouche organization contacted me to request that I set up a meeting for him with Roger Stone of the Trump Campaign. Their meeting was held in Austin, Texas, in February 2016. I was unable to attend but my impression is that as a result of that meeting the LaRouche organization agreed to use its extensive Russian contacts to open up a back channel for the Trump campaign to communicate directly with Russian intelligence.

“Since writing my December 10 letter to Director Comey I have uncovered the following information that may corroborate the contents of that letter:

“A month before Schlanger contacted me to set up the meeting with Stone, a LaRouche delegation sympathetic to Russia attended the RT anniversary dinner in Moscow in December 2015 where Premier Putin was seated next to General Flynn. For confirmation see the bottom of page 15 and top of page 16 of the famous Christopher Steele British Dossier. Schlanger may have been among those who attended. There are essentially five persons who lead the LaRouche organization today: Lyndon LaRouche (age 94), his wife, Helga, Jeffrey Steinberg, Harley Schlanger and Anton Chaitkin.

“Jeffrey Steinberg participated in an annual Economic Conference in Moscow in March 2016.

“In November 2016, Roger Stone interviewed Lyndon LaRouche on his radio program.

“I am writing you because you possess the investigative power and authority to determine if any of the information provided in this letter and my prior letter to Director Comey merits further investigation. It may or may not. As a private citizen I am in no position to make that determination. However, I believe it is my solemn duty both as a private citizen and an attorney who is a member of the District of Columbia and Texas Bars to call this matter to your attention.”

When I sent my letter to Mr. Mueller, I also sent copies of it to Senator Mark Warner of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Congressman Adam Schiff of the House Intelligence Committee.


Here is the link to obtain update viewpoints from the LaRouche organization:

Three of the brightest and most knowledgeable persons I have ever met are Jeffrey Steinberg, Harley Schanger and Anton Chaikin. However, it is well known that Lyndon LaRouche is the ultimate decider on all policy matters and his word overrides those in the organization whose views may differ.

The Houston Chronicle of November 7, 1982, published an article titled, “The man who ‘perfected’ Marx: LaRouche collects money, works at making folks over ‘in my own image.’”

The article states that, “former members say LaRouche is omnipotent within the organization.” It further declares that, “According to his 1979 autobiography, The Power of Reason, LaRouche was born into a Quaker family in New Hampshire in 1922 and had only two friends until late in high school. He says the reason for his lack of friends was that his mental capabilities exceeded those of his peers….As a young man, he joined a socialist group where he ‘perfected’ the theories of Marx.’”

I find myself in agreement with some of the policies espoused by the LaRouche organization, such as constructing a modern, transnational “silk road” and reform of the U.S. financial system, including Glass-Steagall reinstatement and creation of a national credit institution for infrastructure and manufacturing. Where I vehemently differ with the group is its alleged role in assisting Russia in influencing the 2016 presidential election. This issue is paramount above all others.


I first met Roger Stone in 1975 soon after the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) was created. Its chairman was Terry Dolan, a really nice guy who questioned the moral leadership of the conservative movement at the time. He was upset that republican Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina was driving around Washington, D.C. in a convertible with a young blond woman at his side. Charles Black, a key leader in NCPAC, was from North Caroline and was a protégé of Senator Helms, a racist demagogue if there ever was one. Stone was another leader. Paul Manafort was on the scene but not prominent in the organization. I was the organization’s legal counsel.

A short story will suffice in my finding out that Stone was a classic sociopath. On one occasion in 1975 Dolan, Stone and I had lunch together in the greater Washington area and had left the restaurant and were walking down the street. We noticed that on the opposite side of the street an elderly woman who suffered from severe curvature of the spine was walking with what appeared to be her two children, a man and a woman in their thirties. The poor woman’s agonizing bent over posture was such that her face was almost parallel with the sidewalk. When Stone saw her he immediately let out a yell of delight and began to walk and prance in the same way as the poor woman was doing. He did so while gesturing towards the trio on the other side of the street so as to attract their attention. I was so embarrassed and shocked at Stone’s gross behavior that I ran into a public garage in an attempt to distant myself from him. About twenty years ago I received a phone call from Fox commentator James Rosen (if my memory is correct) and who asked me what I thought of Stone. I told him about the above disturbing incident.

Charles Black, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone went on to form the political lobbying firm of Black, Manafort and Stone and what they all had in common was being sociopaths. Their quest was for power, access and money and the thought of what was best for our country never entered the picture.

In a sense I bear some responsibility for their rise to prominence. While an undergraduate at Georgetown University in 1958 I co-founded with a college friend, David Franke, the National Student Committee for the Loyalty Oath. We did this because there was no conservative movement in existence at the time and we thought we could start such a movement using college students. Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire brought us national exposure by endorsing our organization in a speech on the floor of the Senate. The following year, 1959, Franke and I founded Youth for Goldwater for Vice President, which was another major step toward building a conservative movement. Here is an account of what happened next from the book by Professor John A. Andrew III, The Other Side of the Sixties: Young Americans for Freedom and the Rise of Conservative Politics, (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1997), pp. 217-218:

“William F. Buckley and Marvin Liebman met Douglas Caddy and David Franke, both of whom attended as representatives of Youth for Goldwater for Vice President. Together, these four men would turn their disappointment in Goldwater’s loss [at the 1960 GOP convention in Chicago that nominated Nixon] into a national conservative youth movement. Impressed by the passion of Caddy and Franke and their attempts to organize conservative youth in the past, including the creation of the Student Committee for the Loyalty Oath in 1958, Buckley and Liebman decided to mentor them. The loss of Goldwater for the Vice Presidential nomination convinced Buckley that young conservatives in the GOP needed to be fostered from the top down. He believed that young conservatives, with his guidance, could change the American political discourse. Consequently, Buckley hired Franke to intern at the National Review and Caddy worked for Liebman in public relations. Their first major task was to organize a national youth group for conservatives funded by Buckley. In September of 1960, on the Buckley family estate in Sharon, Connecticut, over 100 students from 44 different colleges and universities across the country assembled to devise a plan to capitalize on the growing conservatism of American youth and turn it into an organized political movement. The result created the Young Americans for Freedom, officially chartered on September 11, 1960, and the adoption of the Sharon Statement at the conference. In the Sharon statement, YAF articulated its critique of American society and proclaimed, ‘In this time of moral and political crisis, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths.’”

The founding of YAF in 1960 led to the birth of the modern conservative movement which occurred in the wake of a fantastically successful rally of conservatives at Manhattan Center in New York City in March 1961.

So Black and Manafort and Stone, sad to say, are ethically challenged by-products of the modern conservative movement which decades ago was taken over by opportunists and sociopaths. Stone was active in successfully rigging three presidential elections: In Florida in 2000 for G. W. Bush, in Ohio in 2004 for G. W. Bush and in 2016 for Trump. He has utter contempt for honest elections. Rigging is what he does.

Prior to the creation of NCPAC in 1975, Stone was active in the Nixon 1972 presidential campaign.

I was the Original Attorney for the Watergate Seven but did not meet Stone until three years after the Watergate case broke.

Liberals rejoiced with Nixon being forced to resign the presidency but the immediate result was the rise of the radical right with Black, Manafort and Stone being formed as a lobbying/PR firm and the extreme right-wing oligarch Joseph Coors founding the Heritage Foundation, headed by Edwin Feulner, and the Committee for a Free Congress, headed by Paul Weyrich

I left Washington, D.C. in 1979 and moved to Texas once I recognized the bizarre and dangerous direction that the conservative movement was coming to embrace.

Thus, it came as a surprise three decades later when in 2012 I was contacted by Roger Stone who requested that I supply him with any material in my possession on President Lyndon Johnson. This came about because I had been the attorney for Billie Sol Estes, LBJ’s silent business and political partner, in Billie Sol’s quest in 1984 to obtain a grant of immunity from prosecution from the U.S. Department of Justice in order that he could tell what he knew about LBJ crimes that took place before and during his presidency.

Stone’s praise-worthy best-selling book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, was published in 2013.

Stone’s book credits me as a primary source of information. For example, on page 214, he writes, “I did have access and the full cooperation of Billie Sol Estes’ personal attorney Douglas Caddy who supplied interviews, source materials and remembrances for this book.”

It was because of my contribution of information in 2012 to Stone’s JFK book that when Schlanger asked me in January 2016 to arrange for him to meet Stone I was able to do so.


I provided FBI Director Comey and Special Counsel Mueller with a large number of emails that accompanied my letters to them. Here are excerpts from a few of these:

In an email of Feb. 20, 2016, Stone wrote me: “Thanks for connecting me with Harley Schlanger – he is a great guy and shares our goals. I think we hit it off. I have a back channel to Trump and we are fighting the globalists.”

In email of May 5, 2016, Schlanger wrote me: “I have continued to work with Roger. He and I have done three radio interviews together, and I have set up several more for him, with my contacts. Obviously, he has played quite a brilliant role in the Trump campaign, outflanking completely the lead-footed GOP establishment. While I find some of what Trump says to be good, I’m still and not sure what a Trump presidency would mean.”

In an email of July 25, 2016, to Schlanger, I wrote after the GOP presidential convention: “Well, you picked an exciting time in Germany to find a new home there. On the other hand, the U.S. as you can see from afar, is an exciting place, too, these days as both major parties are melting down. Neither candidate is worth a damn.

“After watching Trump's acceptance speech, I realized what a dangerous and hypocritical man he is. He plans to turn domestic and foreign policy over to his VP Pence and spend his time making ‘America Great Again,’ which means acting out his narcissism on steroids. I have lost all respect for Roger Stone and realize my belief that he had changed from his sociopathic past was misplaced.

“Roger and his business partner Paul Manafort will undergo minute media and governmental scrutiny in the coming weeks for their past political and business dealings. Manafort is increasingly linked to being a back door to Putin for the Trump campaign. The whole scandal will get radioactive if the Intelligence agencies produce evidence of a tie there.”


I have no regrets in writing Comey and Mueller even though I have been regularly harassed for so doing by private detectives employed by an unknown person of interest:

I had a duty to do so because the on-going investigation is into felonious criminal activity. Here is the definition of Misprision of a Felony, which is applicable in my situation and governs my actions:

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

§ 4. Misprision of felony

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 684; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

I do not know whether my two letters will lead or have already led to an investigation by Special Counsel Mueller. Only time will tell. However, this entire venture will merit an interesting chapter in my forthcoming autobiography:

« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 09:46:43 PM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2394 on: March 03, 2025, 08:11:59 PM »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2395 on: March 03, 2025, 08:52:02 PM »
LOL.  You believe Trump colluded with Russia (the most baseless conspiracy theory in history) but not that the measles outbreak has anything to do with millions of illegal aliens crossing the border?  And your "proof" of this is a single retired MD who is probably a radicalized liberal who wouldn't admit that any illegal alien had ever done anything wrong in all of history.  Well, I guess that resolves it.  Of course, an epidemic has to come from somewhere.  It is suddenly in the border states of Texas and New Mexico.  Just another coincidence for Dr. Fauci and company?  If only there were a clue about where it came from.  Thankfully, RFK has made it a top priority.

(the most baseless conspiracy theory in history) - all coming together right before our eyes !

Of course, an epidemic has to come from somewhere. - rich, white, "privileged" americans fallen for the anti-VAX rhetoric.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 08:58:12 PM by Michael Capasse »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2396 on: March 03, 2025, 08:53:06 PM »
Let's check back and see where the King sits on May DayThumb1:
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 08:53:57 PM by Michael Capasse »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2396 on: March 03, 2025, 08:53:06 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2397 on: March 03, 2025, 09:05:53 PM »
(the most baseless conspiracy theory in history) - all coming together right before our eyes !

Of course, an epidemic has to come from somewhere. - rich, white, "privileged" americans fallen for the anti-VAX rhetoric.

You have really gone off the rails.  I'm not an anti-vaxxer.  Neither is RFK.  I just posted his most recent quote touting the benefits of vaccines.  Do anti-vaxxers promote vaccines?   This is a classic case of someone making up false claims to comport to their desired narrative.  Where do you think the measles came from along the border states where there is an outbreak?  Did it spontaneously occur?   If it rains for an entire week, and your basement floods, where would you think the water came from?  If there is a COVID outbreak in the same city from all the cities of the world where they have a lab experimenting with COVID, where you do think the outbreak originated from?  If you have a measles outbreak along the border where tens of millions have been allowed to cross illegally, where do you think it most likely originated? 

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2398 on: March 03, 2025, 09:11:32 PM »
You have really gone off the rails.  I'm not an anti-vaxxer.  Neither is RFK.  I just posted his most recent quote touting the benefits of vaccines.  Do anti-vaxxers promote vaccines?   This is a classic case of someone making up false claims to comport to their desired narrative.  Where do you think the measles came from along the border states where there is an outbreak?  Did it spontaneously occur?   If it rains for an entire week, and your basement floods, where would you think the water came from?  If there is a COVID outbreak in the same city from all the cities of the world where they have a lab experimenting with COVID, where you do think the outbreak originated from?  If you have a measles outbreak along the border where tens of millions have been allowed to cross illegally, where do you think it most likely originated?

What rails? - He has a history of anti-vax rhetoric and actions.   
Let us see.  Thumb1:

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2399 on: March 03, 2025, 09:46:11 PM »
You have really gone off the rails.  I'm not an anti-vaxxer.  Neither is RFK.  I just posted his most recent quote touting the benefits of vaccines.  Do anti-vaxxers promote vaccines?   This is a classic case of someone making up false claims to comport to their desired narrative.  Where do you think the measles came from along the border states where there is an outbreak?  Did it spontaneously occur?   If it rains for an entire week, and your basement floods, where would you think the water came from?  If there is a COVID outbreak in the same city from all the cities of the world where they have a lab experimenting with COVID, where you do think the outbreak originated from?  If you have a measles outbreak along the border where tens of millions have been allowed to cross illegally, where do you think it most likely originated?
Not to get in between this food fight but I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup 60+ years ago in Dallas, a coup that's been covered up by major elements of the government including six administrations, are now deeply worried that Trump will steal democracy from us.

If I have their complaints right,  Trump would be stealing it from the fascists who stole it from JFK and have been holding it all of these years? Wouldn't they be *for* Trump doing this? I know, it's JFK conspiracy world: it doesn't have to make sense.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 09:48:34 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2399 on: March 03, 2025, 09:46:11 PM »