Here is the full post:
My Response:
We were talking about the cause of measles in South TX. You insisted without any written proof that is was migrants.
I showed you at least 5 written articles - debunking that it was not - and has not - been linked to immigration.
The sources I posted show, the cause being (my words): rich, white, "privileged" Americans fallen for the anti-VAX rhetoric. Not taking their vaccine.
Now, why would I think that's you?
It's no wonder you get your news all mixed up.
So you did think I was an anti-vaxer even though I said absolutely nothing about opposing vaccines. My entire point. You have a desired narrative that all Trump supporters are anti-vaxers. RFK is an anti-vaxer in your world even though he made clear that he does not oppose vaccines. He just wants everyone to have the information they need to decide whether to get vaccinated as opposed to forcing them do so. That's not a narrative that you like, however.
Citing articles from some Trump hating pro-illegal alien liberals who would refuse to blame an illegal alien for a crime if it was committed on live Tv is not very compelling. Again, if it rains for an entire week and your basement floods, it seems pretty obvious where the water came from. The measles outbreak began along the border states where millions of illegal aliens have recently entered. This has nothing to do with racism. Another leftist trope. Rather, when millions of poor come from all over the world from places with access to little or no health care, they create a risk of transporting new diseases. When the Europeans landed in North American centuries ago, they decimated the local population with new diseases. You can deny the obvious and most likely source of the outbreak for politically biased reasons, but it doesn't change the facts.