Imagine the same CTer/contrarians who believe that high ranking US officials assassinated JFK and framed Oswald trusting that system to allow some unknown bureaucrat to sign official government documents and orders in the name of the president. That's breathtaking stupidity. Biden couldn't find his way to the front door if the WH was on fire. Anyone could have been printing these pardons out and signing them. We don't have a clue if he authorized all the pardons and orders issued in his name. There is a very legitimate question as to whether they are valid if he did not sign them.
Your believing that the J6 Committee pardon recipients pardoned themselves by forging Biden's signature is as wild as JFKA tinfoil-hat CT's believing the evil, evil, evil CIA killed JFK and that oodles and gobs of bad guys and bad gals were involved in the planning, the "patsy-ing," the shooting, and the all-important cover up.