I used to be that way as well - at least during the major commemorations like the 50th or 40th. I first joined up here (or the earlier site) on the 50th in 2013. But since then my interests come and go even on the anniversary. I'll post here and then disappear for weeks.
As to new books. Other than the Shenon book (which made much too much, I think, about Oswald and Mexico City) I don't seriously read many more books. I'll look at them, shrug, and move on. What's come out in the past 5-6 years of note?
Look, the enemy of conspiracies is time. Over time the conspiracy (if it involves many people) is exposed. People talk, documents are found, evidence uncovered. People are people; they want to talk, want to admit guilt, get caught.
But time is also the enemy of conspiracy theories too. Because over time more evidence is found that doesn't show a conspiracy, that doesn't provide the smoking gun. It's been almost 60 years since the assassination. Thousands of men and women have gone through Washington, leading or surrounding the leaders of the CIA and FBI and other agencies. Liberals and conservatives and moderates, Republicans and Democrats, Kennedy haters and lovers, conspiracy believers and lone assassin believers. To think that any large conspiracy has been suppressed over this time by all of these various people is simply, to me, not possible.
But others disagree. And here we are.
Steve, how do you account for this? Is ignoring it adequate or fair to history?
President Johnson was hardly in office 24 hours when he called for Mr. Clifford. Faced with the sudden and enormous task of running the country
after Kennedy's assassination, Johnson talked with Mr. Clifford for two hours, then three, then four. It was late in the evening, Mr. Clifford remembered, when Lady Bird Johnson entered the Oval Office and reminded her husband, ''Just because you're President now doesn't mean you don't have to eat dinner.''.."
Marina Oswald (left), widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, with friend
Jerre Hastings (center) and Priscilla Johnson McMillan. McMillan befriended Oswald after the assassination of JFK.
http://www.newspapers.com/newspage/35602601/July 31, 1967 (click on the OCR link on the lower left of the newspaper page linked above)
Las Vegas Optic from Las Vegas, New Mexico
"A suit has been filed in the First Judicial District court
by Miss Joanne McAdams of Santa Fe asking for damages in the amount of 390,000,000. The suit is based upon alleged wrongful arrest resulting from an emergency court order which itself was based, the plaintiff asserts in her complaint, on "the false and malicious medical reports of Beregere Kenney and Gene Roscnbaum two Santa Fe physicians. Named as defendants in the suit arc Kenney, Rosenbaum, Rudolph Bramanli, M. D., Dan Palmer, M. D... Lcc R. Chutnow, M. D.,
Jerome Hasty, Marguerite
McAdams Hasty, James M. Scarborough, Samuel Z. Mo.n- toya, Alfonso G. Sanchez, Norman M. Neel, Leon Kare- lilz, James B. Thomson, Robert Elder, Frances Clark, Laura Mac Naylor,
David Davenport. Diana Kerner, Perez Roybal, New Mexico Slate Hospital, and the Santa Fc County Grand Jury of Jan. 4, 1967. Miss Me Adams, who is not represented by an attorney in the suit relates in the complaint that she had come to Santa Fe
to visit her mother, Mrs. Marguerite McAdams Hasty, and her mother's husband, Jerome Hasty, and David Davenport, a friend of Hasty, induced her to consult Dr. Roscnbaum. As a result, she claims, the sheriff of Sazita Fc County, Perez Roybal, arrested her without a warrant and she was transported lo the-State Hospital at Las- Vegas, where she \vas incaceratcd from July 28, 1965 to August 15, J.%5. The p l a i n t i f f states in her complaint that Dr. Bramanti issued a false and malcious medical report "accusing the plaintiff of buing mentally ill," and recommended that "judicial proceedings be instituted against the plaintiff." Further, the complaint states, UK- ulaintift was held "incommunicado" five days; was refused a lawyer which she had requested: and that medication was "forced on her" against her will. . Leon KareliU, the complaint says "was induced by t h e other dcfcndenls and conspired with them to trick the plaintiff into signing a voluntary commitment paper on Aug. 12." A hearing was held before Judge James M. Scarborough, Ihe coiTiplainUnt says, without her knowledge or presence. When she left (V» hospital Aug. 15, 19G5 t h e release form stated die h--; been "admitted lo the hospital on July 28, as .n vr.'iifitary patient." The woman stated in her complaint ^hc was not able to obtain legal counsel; dial certain records and dockets wort missing; thai James E. Thomson gave her false and misleading information on the recommendation of Norman M. Ncel, assistant district attorney. Finally, when Ihe plaintiff went to the Grand Jury Dwyer. "
"Hasty" did not legally change his name to Hastings until 1966.:
The plaintiff in the lawsuit above was the first cousin of Defense Secretary, Clark Clifford, her mother, Marguerite, described near the bottom of the article and in the obit below, along with Joann, was Clifford's aunt.
James Phelan worked for William Douglas McAdam's brother, Clifford's other uncle, at the family's newspaper, the Alton Telegraph, for at least ten years, until 1945.
The Case Against Congree - Page 309
books.google.com › booksDrew Pearson and Jack Anderson · 1968 · Snippet view
with his cronies , he'll boast that Clark Clifford charged him $ 25,000 . ... It was a duty that Clifford could not shirk -
his client , the William Douglas McAdams drug advertising firm , was founded by his uncle .