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Author Topic: Fake News is Old News.  (Read 7824 times)

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2021, 01:30:49 PM »

We have a main stream media and a far right wing fake news media in the United States. There is no "liberal media" in the United States.
Now the main stream media which is supposed to be independent has decided to amp up right wing talking points to boost their ratings. So yes, the media is right wing dominated and it's getting worse because independent outlets are being bought up by the far right. Politico and Sinclair Broadcasting is a perfect example of that.               

Most people who work in the media, maybe 60%, are politically Liberal. So I understand why some view the media as often biased in favor of the Democrats.

However, the news business is a “business”. The news media producers and editors publish what gets the most “clicks” or highest ratings, not what helps Liberals or Democrats politically. Sometimes their business interests align with Democratic agendas (ie anti-Trump coverage) but not always.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2021, 01:30:49 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2021, 01:49:20 AM »
Most people who work in the media, maybe 60%, are politically Liberal. So I understand why some view the media as often biased in favor of the Democrats.

However, the news business is a “business”. The news media producers and editors publish what gets the most “clicks” or highest ratings, not what helps Liberals or Democrats politically. Sometimes their business interests align with Democratic agendas (ie anti-Trump coverage) but not always.

It doesn't matter what political preference a person has privately. When the network puts out specific talking points that's what gets put out on the air. And if the person wants to keep their job, they will do what the network wants. It's about ratings and profits and nothing else.

Today on MSNBC, Chuck Todd was using the same right wing talking points that you hear on Faux. Chris Christie is getting a pro documentary series of himself on CNN to boost his political aspirations. On the ABC Evening News last night, the Infrastructure Bill wasn't even the lead story. CNN waited an entire hour to mention it during CNN prime time. So where is this "liberal bias" in the main stream media?     

Do you think the hosts at Faux actually believe all the COVID and vaccine lies they push when they themselves are vaccinated? ​Of course not. They need to gin up controversy and keep the sheep angry so they keep tuning in. It's entertainment and not news. And we all suffer because of it.

And these same right wingers on Faux and Newsmax who rail against vaccine mandates tell their viewers "do not comply" to mandates, all comply themselves to vaccine mandates because Faux and Newsmax implemented vaccine mandates as a company policy. So these hacks have to comply to mandates, or they will be out of a job, but tell their sheep viewers to "do not comply" when their own employers mandate them. They are blatant hypocrites. Why aren't they not complying to their mandates like they tell their sheep viewers to do? Because they want to keep their jobs, that's why. So, all the vaccine lies they push is keeping a significant portion of the population from getting vaccinated which is allowing the virus to keep surging. And as a result, they are killing off their own viewers just so they can have high tv ratings and make huge profits.

So, when right wing billionaires buy up independent media outlets and start pushing right wing propaganda, where is the "liberal bias"?

CNN, Politico, and the majority ABC, CBS, NBC local tv affiliates are owned by right wingers. Is anybody really going to claim that the right wingers who own these media outlets are going to promote a "liberal news bias" against their own interests?  :D             
« Last Edit: November 17, 2021, 02:01:47 AM by Rick Plant »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2021, 03:43:21 AM »

Today on MSNBC, Chuck Todd was using the same right wing talking points that you hear on Faux. Chris Christie is getting a pro documentary series of himself on CNN to boost his political aspirations. On the ABC Evening News last night, the Infrastructure Bill wasn't even the lead story. CNN waited an entire hour to mention it during CNN prime time. So where is this "liberal bias" in the main stream media?     

CNN and MSNBC still spend an awful lot of time talking about Trump and the January 6th investigations. I don't think most rightwingers and independents care about the January 6th hearings as much as Democrats.

The Infrastructure Bill is a great policy win for Biden but he's got to go out and sell it himself to voters. Policy-stuff in DC doesn't drive ratings or get clicks so the news media isn't going to spend much time discussing the Bill.

Do you think the hosts at Faux actually believe all the COVID and vaccine lies they push when they themselves are vaccinated? ​Of course not. They need to gin up controversy and keep the sheep angry so they keep tuning in. It's entertainment and not news. And we all suffer because of it.

True but controversy and anger sells on the Left too.

NPR and C-Span do great work but they don't have as big an audience as the major news networks because they do straight news without the focus on contentious wedge issues and other political drama.

CNN, Politico, and the majority ABC, CBS, NBC local tv affiliates are owned by right wingers. Is anybody really going to claim that the right wingers who own these media outlets are going to promote a "liberal news bias" against their own interests?  :D             

Well we agree that there's no real "Liberal/Progressive" outlet in the mainstream media. While I maintain that most who work in the media are politically Liberal, the on-air content is not driven by stuff that advances Liberal or Democratic political agendas.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2021, 03:43:21 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2021, 04:49:03 AM »
CNN and MSNBC still spend an awful lot of time talking about Trump and the January 6th investigations. I don't think most rightwingers and independents care about the January 6th hearings as much as Democrats.

They're supposed to report on a major domestic terrorist attack and coup attempt against the United States along with the anti American traitors behind it. That's real news that needs to be reported, not bogus right wing propaganda against Vice President Harris that CNN has been pushing. ​Independents do care about what happens to our democracy which Republicans are trying to replace with fascism. Republicans obviously don't care because that's what they want with Criminal Donald as their dictator. MAGA was trying to overthrow the US Government so it could happen. The right wing media constantly downplays the entire event and supports the terrorists involved in the coup.       

Reporting on the 1/6 insurrection isn't a "liberal bias". That's a domestic terrorist attack by MAGA and it needs to be reported as a major event on every media outlet. 

The Infrastructure Bill is a great policy win for Biden but he's got to go out and sell it himself to voters. Policy-stuff in DC doesn't drive ratings or get clicks so the news media isn't going to spend much time discussing the Bill.

President Biden is selling it to the voters. He was in New Hampshire today and will continue to go across the United States just like he's was doing for months when he was trying to get the bill passed. But when networks run Rittenhouse as the lead story over an historic Infrastructure accomplishment that no other President achieved of this magnitude, then nobody can claim a "liberal bias" when it's not the top story of the day. When Criminal Donald was in charge, the top story was of him making empty promises of infrastructure we never got. So he got the coverage while doing nothing, and when President Biden accomplished an historic goal, it's not even the 1st story of the night. There can't be a "liberal bias" when President Biden's Infrastructure Bill passage receives less coverage than Criminal Donald lying at a hate rally about his imagnary infrastructure plan he never even had.       ​ 

Chris Christie was on ABC yesterday. He was on CNN and MSNBC tonight. The New York Times just did a big interview with him today. He has his own pro documentary airing on CNN. What's their fascination with him? Seems like they are trying to repair his damaged image for a potential 2024 Presidential run. That's the same thing the media did for Donald Trump before he ran for office. These networks should be interviewing President Biden for his historic Infrastructure Bill. So, the President takes a backseat for a Trump stooge and some people still want to claim there's a "liberal media bias". What a joke.     

True but controversy and anger sells on the Left too.

Yes, which is why the MSM goes negative against Democrats and the current Democratic President at the time to get people on the left angry enough to tune in to drive up their ratings. It's all a ratings game. We've seen that with both CNN and MSNBC in the last few months with their biased coverage against President Biden and Democrats. Bill Mahr who's a self professed "liberal" is now pushing right wing talking points on his HBO show to get ratings. If the main stream media was so "liberally biased", there would never be one bad word spoken against Democrats like we see the pro Trump and GOP propaganda being pushed on Faux, Newsmax etc.

Who is always mostly booked on the major network Sunday morning shows? It's not Democrats or Biden Administration officials, it's right wing Republicans in Congress pushing their lies and talking points. And not one of the hosts ever pushes back against it. So, that right wing propaganda seeps into the main stream media and people who do watch the programs might be inclined to believe it. Then other outlets report on those lies. That's how right wing disinformation gets spread in the media. The only person who does a decent job of pushing back is Chris Wallace on Faux which is a surprise.           

NPR and C-Span do great work but they don't have as big an audience as the major news networks because they do straight news without the focus on contentious wedge issues and other political drama.

Yes, they do but their coverage is limited and the rest of the media should be the same without the propaganda. Except CSPAN still airs Criminal Donald's recent hate rallies which shouldn't even be broadcasted.         

Well we agree that there's no real "Liberal/Progressive" outlet in the mainstream media. While I maintain that most who work in the media are politically Liberal, the on-air content is not driven by stuff that advances Liberal or Democratic political agendas.

Yes, there in no "Liberal Media" in which right wingers continue to lie about each day.

When right wingers are buying up independent media outlets they aren't going to keep liberals on their staff. They are going to bring in right wingers who think just like them. And what a person's private political preference is doesn't matter, when the boss hands them a script of right wing talking points to say on the air they are going to say it or else they will lose their job.

It most definitely is driven by political agenda. After the buyout of CNN and Politico, the news on there has slanted right because the right wingers who owns them wants a right slanted content. 

When Sinclair Broadcasting buys up NBC, ABC, CBS tv affiliates they push far right wing propaganda into their local 4,5,6,11pm news broadcasts. That's politically driven right wing agenda being pushed into local media markets all over America. And that's more far right wing than Faux.     

So yes, it is politically driven because the right wingers that own these media outlets want their right wing agenda broadcasted. That's why they are buying up everything so more right wing disinformation can be pushed on people. They sure as hell aren't going to be pushing "liberal news" on people. :D       
« Last Edit: November 17, 2021, 06:42:01 AM by Rick Plant »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2021, 03:40:16 PM »
CNN and MSNBC still spend an awful lot of time talking about Trump and the January 6th investigations. I don't think most rightwingers and independents care about the January 6th hearings as much as Democrats.

The Infrastructure Bill is a great policy win for Biden but he's got to go out and sell it himself to voters. Policy-stuff in DC doesn't drive ratings or get clicks so the news media isn't going to spend much time discussing the Bill.

And by "spend an awful lot of time talking about Trump and January 6th" you mean run that almost continuously.  No one can question that CNN and MSNBC are biased to the point of being a propaganda arm of the DNC obsessed with Trump and fearful of 2024. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2021, 03:40:16 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2021, 04:58:07 PM »
And by "spend an awful lot of time talking about Trump and January 6th" you mean run that almost continuously.  No one can question that CNN and MSNBC are biased to the point of being a propaganda arm of the DNC obsessed with Trump and fearful of 2024.
Almost all of cable news is worthless. It's all "team" reporting. CNN used to be the least bad; but they've gone full Trump resistance and with that anything goes. The media critic for the Washington Post, Erik Wemple, asked the network about retracting some of their Trump collusion claims, specifically those in the Steele Dossier. They refused to respond.

MSNBC is the worst, Fox second worst, CNN third worst. But all are serving the country poorly.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2021, 05:35:58 PM »
Almost all of cable news is worthless. It's all "team" reporting. CNN used to be the least bad; but they've gone full Trump resistance and with that anything goes. The media critic for the Washington Post, Erik Wemple, asked the network about retracting some of their Trump collusion claims, specifically those in the Steele Dossier. They refused to respond.

MSNBC is the worst, Fox second worst, CNN third worst. But all are serving the country poorly.

Yes, I agree.  The news media used to report the news story and let the viewers form their own opinions.  Now they are mostly designed to influence the opinion of viewers.  They selectively decide which stories to run and instead of reporting the facts, they provide endless commentary of the events.  The distinction between Fox and the liberal outlets, is that Fox does at least exercise some independent judgment on the viewpoints they promote.  Fox does not automatically promote every position of the Republican party.  In fact, in many instances they are downright antagonistic to establishment republicans.  Agree with their opinions or not, it's often more of a populist perspective.  CNN and MSNBC, however, are a complete tool of the DNC.  You can often see that when they start using the exact same buzz words as the Dem politicians.   Their stories and messages are coordinated directly with the DNC and Dem politicians to promote the desired narrative.  It is basically a state-operated propaganda network like something from Communist China or the old USSR.  And the laundry list of debunked conspiracy theories they promoted, including most notoriously the "Russian collusion" theory, that they ran with for years demonstrates that they have no concern for the truth.  They will be sued again after this Rittenhouse trial concludes for promoting another fake narrative.  Biden will also be sued for his defamatory remarks. 

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2021, 11:30:35 PM »
And by "spend an awful lot of time talking about Trump and January 6th" you mean run that almost continuously.  No one can question that CNN and MSNBC are biased to the point of being a propaganda arm of the DNC obsessed with Trump and fearful of 2024.

:D :D :D

Once again this is absolutely false. AT&T owns CNN who also funded right wing pro Trump OAN. CNN has been pushing right wing talking points for months in order to boost their sagging ratings. Criminal Donald is under criminal investigations in 3 states plus he incited an insurrection attempting to steal an election he didn't win, so of course news outlets are going to report on it. It's the right wing media that dismisses it pushing their lies and propaganda instead. CNN is currently airing a pro Chris Christie propaganda documentary in prime time which is helping to promote him politically. You don't see CNN doing this currently for any Democrat. President Biden's historic Infrastructure Bill wasn't even mentioned in the first hour of CNN prime time and you're falsely claiming CNN is "an arm of the DNC". "Fearful of 2024" LOL. Trump lost by over 7 million votes and is even less popular today. He is on his way to being indicted for criminal election fraud in Georgia and finance fraud in New York.     

How AT&T helped build far-right One America News

One America News, the far-right network whose fortunes and viewership rose amid the triumph and tumult of the Trump administration, has flourished with support from a surprising source: AT&T Inc, the world's largest communications company.

A Reuters review of court records shows the role AT&T played in creating and funding OAN, a network that continues to spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic.

OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.

Dallas-based AT&T, a mobile-phone and Internet provider, also owns entertainment giant Warner Media, which includes CNN and HBO. AT&T acquired DirecTV in 2015 and in August spun off the satellite service, retaining a 70% share in the new, independently managed company. AT&T’s total U.S. television subscriber base, including satellite and streaming services, fell from 26 million in 2015 to 15.4 million as of August.

Yes, I agree.  The news media used to report the news story and let the viewers form their own opinions.  Now they are mostly designed to influence the opinion of viewers.  They selectively decide which stories to run and instead of reporting the facts, they provide endless commentary of the events.  The distinction between Fox and the liberal outlets, is that Fox does at least exercise some independent judgment on the viewpoints they promote.  Fox does not automatically promote every position of the Republican party.  In fact, in many instances they are downright antagonistic to establishment republicans.  Agree with their opinions or not, it's often more of a populist perspective.  CNN and MSNBC, however, are a complete tool of the DNC.  You can often see that when they start using the exact same buzz words as the Dem politicians.   Their stories and messages are coordinated directly with the DNC and Dem politicians to promote the desired narrative.  It is basically a state-operated propaganda network like something from Communist China or the old USSR.  And the laundry list of debunked conspiracy theories they promoted, including most notoriously the "Russian collusion" theory, that they ran with for years demonstrates that they have no concern for the truth.  They will be sued again after this Rittenhouse trial concludes for promoting another fake narrative.  Biden will also be sued for his defamatory remarks.

More nonsense and projection. Faux Propaganda is a pro Trump network and Sean Hannity was basically a Trump adviser. Ex Trump stooges all got jobs at the network. The only person at the network who has any credibility is Chris Wallace. The rest of them push pro Trump talking points and lied about COVID-19 right out of the gate. Now they graduated to lying about the vaccine which is why the sheep who watch won't get vaccinated. Name one host at any network who has access to President Biden like Hannity had to Trump? The answer is 0. Faux decided to push the imaginary "critical race theory" using that buzzword to anger old white right wingers to keep them tuned in. No surprise that the GOP is pushing this same nonsense as well.  So RNC propaganda is being pushed by all the right wing media outlets.     

Fox News' Sean Hannity 'Basically Has a Desk' at White House As President's Most Influential Counselor: Trump Adviser

And even more nonsense. There was Russian collusion but Criminal Donald covered it up. The Senate Intelligence Committee issued a Bipartisan report confirming Russian collusion but you continue to ignore it. Also, last July Russia admitted they were actively helping Trump. And why was criminal Paul Manafort giving Trump internal polling data to the Russians? Also, every criminal in the Trump administration has ties to the Russians. Rudy was taking dirty Russian money and got raided by the FBI. The GOP takes illegal Russian money for their campaigns. Lots of Russian collusion below.

U.S. Senate report goes beyond Mueller to lay bare Trump campaign's Russia links

Bipartisan intelligence panel says that Russian who worked on Trump’s 2016 bid was career spy, amid a stunning range of contacts

US intelligence warned House members Russia is working to get Trump re-elected – reports

Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy

US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016

All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

GOP Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia

A nearly 1,000-page report confirmed the special counsel’s findings at a moment when President Trump’s allies have sought to undermine that inquiry.

Giuliani, Parnas and 'Russian Money': The Other Scandal Rocking Trump World

U.S. prosecutors claim Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas concealed information about his finances, including a $1 million payment he had received from an account in Russia in September

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns

Campaign finance reports show troubling connections between a group of wealthy donors with ties to Russia and their political contributions to Trump and top Republican leaders

« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 04:13:48 AM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Fake News is Old News.
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2021, 11:30:35 PM »