Joe Rogan says it best
If you want to argue that young and healthy people need not get vaccinated against COVID-19, you’re better off going with Joe Rogan, and not some medical expert of infectious diseases like Dr. Fauci.
If you want to argue against the SBT, you’re better off going with Joe Rogan, and not some ballistic expert like Luke Haag, Michael Haag or Larry SPersonivan. Why get the opinion about what happens to FMJ bullets from experts who run real life tests with FMJ bullets when you can get the opinion of a Joe Rogan who only has experience using hunting, that is, non-FMJ bullets.
If you want someone to argue in 2020 that Trump would be a better president than Biden, you should go with Rogan. Not with someone more reasonable.
Why can’t you get a true expert to argue against the SBT? Oh yes. I forgot. This Large-Secret-Enduring JFK Conspiracy has control of all the ballistic experts in the world.
So, yes, I agree. If you want to support nonsense, Joe Rogan is your guy. Nobody does it better.