Chappy, the "artist" pretending to be a psycho analyst, can't even figure out that he is exposing his own psycho nature on a daily basis. It is so funny to watch how he keeps on trying while getting no traction at all.
lol Bawbag got mad when I first called him bawbag, he scolded me by saying *not sure exactly* because he deleted the comment immediately after typing it. Well, he deleted the comment after I pointed out he just said something homoerotic.
I called him Bawbag Bill as a joke. Not really implying he likes bawbag's, that would be ridiculous + hilarious. But his reply sort of alerted me to maybe Bill does see something electrifying about bawbags. He said I was a 'queer' I think, from memory. And then he typed something like ''keep your sexual fantasies to yourself'' I said: exsqueeze me BillyBawBags. I don't swing that way. At least when I look in the mirror I don't sing to myself ''Swing Low, Sweet Chariot''. No one mentioned bawbags sexually, at this point. So why Billy Low Ball brought sex and ballbags up in the same sentence -- I couldn't tell a judge why he (BillyBawBags) called me a queer and then said ballbags are sexual.
If this goes to court Martin Weidmann, I am giving your screename as a witness. Just saying.