1) Blended GIFs are not stereo. Every intermediary frame is a fabricated interpolation of the originals.
2) Stereo pairs prove nothing anyways and they don't have to be darkroom creations to be fake. Besides, it is the back of the head photos in the 1st GIF that are fake.
Did you even read what I wrote, you are foolishly attempting to make an argument where none exists?
My rotating morphs come from stereoscopic photos. The reason that the rotation works at all is because the images are true stereoscopic images and thus each intermediary frame can only exist if the originals have millions of individual pixels and represent reality by having 100% perfect depth mapping and they do.
Here are the stereo images and being an expert photo type guy you have either or both red/cyan or a stereoscope viewer so you should see the depth created by the stereoscopic process. But unfortunately most people don't have the above equipment so the rotating morphs which use the same information are a more effective representation and besides I'm tired of people who claim to have the appropriate glasses and say they see something different.

Stereo pairs prove nothing anyways and they don't have to be darkroom creations to be fake.
How about you put your money where your mouth is and show us some photo realistic stereoscopic faked images that weren't manipulated on an "optical printer" -snigger- from anywhere in the 60's.
Besides, it is the back of the head photos in the 1st GIF that are fake.
You're an expert, prove it with science like I did or don't, your choice!