At the end of the day these autopsy photos were supposed to be locked away so that none of us could ever see them but I believe it was Groden who for financial gain smuggled them out, so their authenticity must be genuine but is there any way for us to be absolutely certain, yes there is!
Back when the autopsy photos were taken in 1963 right up until the smuggling by Groden there was virtually no way to fake genuine stereoscopic photos, these type of photos exposed slightly horizontally to the left or right of each other mimic human eyes and enable us to recombine and create stereoscopic images but since a lot of people don't have access to the hardware to enable viewing of stereo images these depth mapped morphs which rely on millions of pixels to be precisely the relative same distance from each respective position of the camera are a satisfactory 2D representation, so in a nutshell when recombined every pixel is at the relative same depth and creates perfect rotation.
The only hole on the back of Kennedy's head was the size of a bullet hole.

The injury on the side of the head is a perfect match to the authentic Zapruder film.

1) Blended GIFs are not stereo. Every intermediary frame is a fabricated interpolation of the originals.
2) Stereo pairs prove nothing anyways and they don't have to be darkroom creations to be fake. Besides, it is the back of the head photos in the 1st GIF that are fake.
3) Why did JFK's head explode, especially the right side of his head? How come the MB didn't explode? It also smashed thru bone, didn't it?
4) Why is JFK's hair 3 times the length in your 2nd GIF as the 1st GIF?
5) Who performed post mortem surgery on JFK's forehead to hide the bullet entrance wound?
6) Why did Dr. Malcolm Perry butcher JFK's neck wound under the guise of a tracheotomy when JFK was supposedly still alive? That incision surely would have killed him if he wasn't already dead.
7) How could JFK have still been alive when they brought him to Parkland?
8 ) How could so many medical professionals have got it wrong about the gaping exit wound in the back of JFK's head? Dr. Charles Crenshaw, surgeon at Parkland Hospital: "The headwound was difficult to see when he was laying on the back of his head. However, afterwards when they moved his face towards the left, one could see the large, right rear parietal, occipital, blasted out hole, the size of my fist, which is 2 and a half inches in diameter. The brain, cerebral portion had been flurred out and also there was the cerebellum hanging out from that wound. It was clearly an exit wound from the right rear, behind the ear. A right occipital area hole, the size of my fist."
9) Why were so few photos and x-rays taken and what happened to them all?
10) What happened to JFK's brain and all the frangible bullet fragments?