"The report gives no indication the UAPs' [unidentified aerial phenomena] origins are extraterrestrial."
There's a difference between acknowledging UFOs as "unidentified" (the government has records of unidentified aerial phenomena going back to the 1940s) and then taking the final step based on "gut feeling" that they're from other planets.
It wasn't my intention to argue that the US government confirmed that extra-terrestrials are real. My point is, the government admits that the UFO phenomena is real and they don't rule out that it could be ET's.
So it's a little strange to call people CT'ers for speculating that the UFOs
could be from other planets when no one seems to have an explanation for the source of the UAPs.
I personally believe the US government intentionally creates ambiguity around the UFO issue in order to cover their testing of new and advanced military technologies. They have admitted to doing so in the past.
1997 - C.I.A. Admits Government Lied About U.F.O. Sightingshttps://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/03/us/cia-admits-government-lied-about-ufo-sightings.htmlI'm not someone who thinks all the UFO reports are proof of extra-terrestrials but I don't think it's crazy or makes someone a "CT'er" to speculate that it could be.
Same with the "conspiracy" indications coming in the weekend of the Katzenbach memo. A "communist conspiracy" the Dallas police were pulling out of their ass and the "right-wing conspiracy" the Soviet press were pulling out of their ass. There was the fear that a political-based Congressional Committee would invent and parade a "communist conspiracy" by way of McCarthyism. When Katzenbach wrote his memo, there was no reason for high-up law enforcement and justice department officials to take the next step based on "gut feeling" and declare such "conspiracy" claims were legitimate especially when all the evidence being gathered pointed exclusively to Oswald's sole guilt.
Likewise, there was no reason to say "the public must be convinced that Oswald acted alone" hours after Oswald was killed, if they intended to fully investigate the case.
Let's make sure we're on the same page on this debate.
At the time of the Katzenbach memo, it was reasonable for them to assume that Oswald was guilty even though there were still some loose ends and they weren't aware that Oswald's palm print would soon be ID'd on the rifle (by Dallas PD not the FBI). Most of the criticism of the Dallas PD and the Warren Report didn't surface until after the Report was published. So there was no large constituency of people at the time of the memo, who thought Oswald might be innocent.
So why even write the memo?
Because there was a huge amount of speculation, even in the White House, that others were involved. Mountains of evidence support my view. We know about J Edgar Hoover's phone calls with LBJ that weekend. We know about RFK's conversation with CIA director, McCone. We know that high level intelligence officials in Mexico City were alarmed by reports about Oswald's trip (his meeting with KGB people and rumors that he threatened to kill JFK while in MC).
So while it was reasonable for Katzenbach and others to presume that Oswald was "guilty" 48 hours after the assassination, it was not reasonable for them to conclude that no one else was involved at that stage of the investigation. They had reasons for their suspicions about a Communist conspiracy and it wasn't limited to Oswald having lived in the USSR.
The Katzenbach Memo and Johnson's instructions to Earl Warren prove that they never intended to publicly address concerns about conspiracy in JFK's assassination by conducting a good faith investigation.
Privately, due to the information we've learned in the decades since, we know that they were very concerned about a conspiracy.