Whew. That is quite a plan. If your fantasy conspirators control the evidence, why go through this complicated and bizarre charade and instead just say they found a bag with Oswald's prints on it?
Strawman. When, Mr Smith, did I equate conspirators trying to frame Mr Oswald before the event with your heroes in the 'investigative' cover-up?
That is after all what most CTers claim about any evidence against Oswald. That it is faked or planted by the authorities. But suddenly they have to go through this exercise? LOL.
And I thought some CTers (like yourself?) thought Oswald was working with the fantasy conspirators. So why not just tell him to put something in the bag to get his prints on it?
And what good would it do them to get Oswald's prints on a bag only 18 inches long?
Already explained----------try in future reading a post BEFORE answering it!