BELIN forgot to ask her.
Sure, it could have been any one of a thousand questions BELIN could have asked, but on the 22nd Roy Truly who is essentially the Texas School Book Depository Expert with decades of experience in that building....
Mr. TRULY. I went to work for the Texas School Book Depository in July 1934.
Mr. BELIN. And have you been employed by the Texas School Book Depository since that date, since July 1934?
Mr. TRULY. That is right.
.....confirms there were elevators operating just after the assassination.
Mr. TRULY. Well, I started around towards the stairway, and then I noted that this east elevator was there. So I told the officer, "Come on, here is an elevator," and then we ran down to the east side, and got on the east elevator.
Mr. BELIN. Could you put the letter "T" at the end of that line, please?
All right.
Now, where did you go with the east elevator, to what floor?
Mr. TRULY. We rode the east elevator to the seventh floor.