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Author Topic: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"  (Read 7910 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Podcast & Book for Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2022, 11:31:58 PM »
My schism with the community has essentially been the result of my in-your-face refutation of the lunchroom hoax propagandists Sean Murphy, Greg Parker, Bart Kamp, Jim DiEugenio.

Oh dear, you sound like poor old Mr Doyle here!

Not only did Officer Marrion Baker talk about the lunchroom encounter with Detective Marvin Johnson, adding that he searched the suspect, immediately after composing his affidavit;


Said affidavit has Officer Baker catching a man walking away from the rear stairway on the third or fourth floor. Guess you missed that part
And said affidavit makes no linkage whatsoever between that man and the man Officer Baker has just seen being brought in to the homicide office. Guess you missed that part
And Det. Johnson has Officer Baker putting the encounter on the fourth floor. Guess you missed that part too

Oswald himself told his interrogators he had been in the lunchroom alone at the time of the assassination (see part 5 of The Men Who Killed Kennedy for Agent Hosty's attestion of that, at 17:00).


See below for Agent Hosty's same-day attestation of what Mr Oswald said:

The unearthing of this document in 2019 must have really broken your Lunchroom Gullible heart..........

Yet these hoax proponents build their theory around the numerous errors that arose from the numerous retellings of this lunchroom incident over the years, as if they're congenitally unable to process information that refutes their belief system. They have shown themselves incapable of admitting their error, and have successfully bullied dissenting arguments off of the EdForum, with the inside assistance of their cohort moderator James Gordon. Not only am I banned from that forum, but so is mention of my name and my research. And, with a contrived persona that I am the bad guy in this lunchroom "debate", I am ignored by Lancer and C.A.P.A. and other public venues such as Black OP radio. And so I end up having to publicize my TSBD research on my own dime and with whatever resources I can muster. The two curious behaviors of the Depository elevators are a rosetta stone of what happened in Dealey Plaza, and nobody in this JFK research community has been able to put together a counter-argument to my central thesis (employee complicity), and I have been writing about just that for a dozen solid years.

Yep, Doyle-style persecution complex here.......... ::)

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Re: Podcast & Book for Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2022, 11:31:58 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2022, 02:43:59 AM »
The 40-minute podcast for my new book Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB" is finally edited and available. It may be viewed at my website in the LECTURES section, or at
There is a lot of information packed into this slideshow. It took some doing to finally find a venue for its presentation. It focuses on Army Intelligence agent James Powell and my essay The Book Depository as a Potemkin Village, since I had one good swing at the 1963 Deep State. I am reasonably happy with the result.

The book, 400+ pages with 400+ photographs, is available at Amazon.

Best wishes for a brave new year.

In your book you provide a quote from Eugene Barnett basically stating he aloowed Oswald to slip through his fingers when he was at the front door of the TSBD.
Do you have a link for that quote?

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2022, 05:21:53 AM »
In your book you provide a quote from Eugene Barnett basically stating he aloowed Oswald to slip through his fingers when he was at the front door of the TSBD.
Do you have a link for that quote?

Mr Barnett of course said no such thing. What he did say, multiple times, was that had he gone to the front door immediately---------instead of running round back----------he would have been there in time to stop Mr Oswald slipping out

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2022, 05:21:53 AM »

Offline Richard Gilbride

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2022, 03:03:58 PM »
Dan O'meara- On p. 4 of my 2016 essay Inside Job I unearthed a quote from Welcome Barnett from a 50th anniversary conference, the Daily Campus conference in Dallas on 11/21/13, saying he admitted "I let the man who shot the President of the United States walk out the front door." He realized he was on the front landing at the same time as Oswald, yet he didn't acknowledge that in his WC testimony. An acknowledgement from him then would have fundamentally altered the investigation.

I haven't found the link to that quote, here in 2022. Apparently it was scrubbed. You might contact SMU's Daily Campus office if you are seriously interested in verifying that that is what Welcome Barnett finally admitted. I got it straight off the internet in early 2016, from an article that also, as I recall, had a picture of the 83-year-old Barnett. This admission was a complete contradiction of his WC testimony- he was asked straight-out whether he saw Oswald while he was on the front landing. His testimony came only a week after he belatedly submitted his after-action report, which didn't mention his 12:33-3:00 stint on the front landing.

Offline Richard Gilbride

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2022, 05:38:21 PM »
Alan Ford-
I invite you to have a look at my 2018 essay Death of the Lunchroom Hoax at

On pages 79-80 you will see that Oswald described his lunchroom encounter to Captain Fritz, at his 1st interrogation, before Baker had even entered the Homicide Office to compose his affidavit. Fritz's notes are written as:

claims 2nd Floor Coke when
off came in
to 1st fl had lunch
out with Bill Shelley in

They are NOT written as:

claims 2nd Floor Coke
when off came in to 1st fl
had lunch out with Bill Shelley in front

Captain Fritz began a distinct thought on a subsequent line; there were run-on lines produced if he ran out of writing room to finish notating a thought. Since we have contemporaneous notes from Oswald's 1st interrogation, they help put Hosty's draft notes in context:

He went to 2nd
floor to get Coca Cola to eat with
lunch and returned to 1st floor to
eat lunch. Then went outside to watch
P. Parade

Fritz's notes are the ones which talk about the officer encounter. That was when Oswald contended he stopped into the 2nd floor to get a Coke. Oswald contended he then went to the 1st floor to have his lunch, and then went outside to view the parade with Bill Shelley.

Oswald was attempting to establish an alibi, deflecting from his presence on the 2nd floor (where I firmly believe he was assigned, and where he was at the moment of the shots). He wanted to give the impression he'd returned to the 1st-floor domino room to eat his lunch, and he knew his interrogators didn't know that he didn't have time for that. They didn't yet know that after the 12:31-12:31:30 lunchroom encounter, he had a 12:33:00 encounter with WFAA's Pierce Allman in the front lobby. This is all described on pp. 82-83 of Death of the Lunchroom Hoax.

To take Hosty's notes alone and out of context is a typical habitual example of how the lunchroom hoax zealots misinterpret the evidence in order to prop up their sorry-ass belief system.

As I noted on p. 5 of Furthering the Lunchroom Evidence, the last portion of Baker's affidavit was composed when 6 law officers, escorting Oswald, barged into that small back room in the Homicide Office. And so the affidavit stated inaccurately that "As we reached the third or fourth floor I saw a man walking away from the stairway." And Marvin Johnson compounded that error by mis-reporting it as "On about the 4th floor". But there was no question that the man Baker had encountered "walking away from the stairway" was the same man who was brought into that small back room at the Homicide Bureau.

Alan, the man that Baker saw was not reported as walking toward the stairway, was he?

A consequence of ignoring this critical encounter, subscribing to the hallucination that it was all make-believe, is that you miss what clues Oswald's behavior tells us. He flinched away once he saw the officer, and that behavior made Baker suspicious enough to pursue him. Only in the last year have I come to realize that Oswald did this intentionally, and not out of instinct, since he wanted to draw the first responder into the lunchroom, and thereby deflect the officer's attention from the descending west elevator.

This is not a lunchroom thread, and my initial fears have materialized, in that putting together a response consumed several hours of my time. When I have further time I will respond to the further erroneous allegations in your initial post, Alan. Do have a nice day, unless you've made other plans.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2022, 05:38:21 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2022, 06:41:46 PM »
Fritz's "notes" were not written during the interrogations though -- they were written several days later.

In this Barnett quote, does he actually claim to have seen Oswald walk out the front door?  I don't know of any evidentiary basis for that.

Also, what is the basis for the claim that Oswald "flinched"?  I don't recall Baker ever saying that.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2022, 07:54:16 PM »
Dan O'meara- On p. 4 of my 2016 essay Inside Job I unearthed a quote from Welcome Barnett from a 50th anniversary conference, the Daily Campus conference in Dallas on 11/21/13, saying he admitted "I let the man who shot the President of the United States walk out the front door." He realized he was on the front landing at the same time as Oswald, yet he didn't acknowledge that in his WC testimony. An acknowledgement from him then would have fundamentally altered the investigation.

I haven't found the link to that quote, here in 2022. Apparently it was scrubbed. You might contact SMU's Daily Campus office if you are seriously interested in verifying that that is what Welcome Barnett finally admitted. I got it straight off the internet in early 2016, from an article that also, as I recall, had a picture of the 83-year-old Barnett. This admission was a complete contradiction of his WC testimony- he was asked straight-out whether he saw Oswald while he was on the front landing. His testimony came only a week after he belatedly submitted his after-action report, which didn't mention his 12:33-3:00 stint on the front landing.

Here you go, Mr Gilbride:

Relevant quote:

W.E. “Gene” Barnett was one of three Dallas police officers standing on the corner of Elm Street and Houston Street, closest to the entrance of the Texas School Book Depository.

“The president had just come by and I heard a shot ring out,” Barnett said to a room of media Wednesday night on the seventh floor of the old depository building. “I looked at the president and saw his hands come up to his neck. I thought the shot was coming from the top of the building.”

That assumption would later haunt Barnett as he reflected on the day.

“I didn’t do the right thing,” he said. “I let the man who shot the president of the United States walk out the front door.”

Now! What you did was take the line from Barnett out of context in order to pass it off as an admission that he went straight to the front door, where he encountered Mr Oswald and let him leave. In fact, Mr Barnett is saying he is haunted by the fact that he did not go more quickly to the front door-----------where he would have encountered an exiting Mr Oswald.

If you are still in denial on this score, I suggest you check out this interview where Mr Barnett goes into the matter in some detail:

I won't hold my breath waiting for you to withdraw your patent twisting of a simple fact into a fantasy-fuelling factoid, as I know that's not how you roll

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2022, 08:13:32 PM »
Alan Ford-
I invite you to have a look at my 2018 essay Death of the Lunchroom Hoax at

I have read it, Mr Gilbride, and I'm afraid it's very poor stuff indeed

On pages 79-80 you will see that Oswald described his lunchroom encounter to Captain Fritz, at his 1st interrogation, before Baker had even entered the Homicide Office to compose his affidavit. Fritz's notes are written as:

claims 2nd Floor Coke when
off came in
to 1st fl had lunch
out with Bill Shelley in

They are NOT written as:

claims 2nd Floor Coke
when off came in to 1st fl
had lunch out with Bill Shelley in front

Captain Fritz began a distinct thought on a subsequent line; there were run-on lines produced if he ran out of writing room to finish notating a thought. Since we have contemporaneous notes from Oswald's 1st interrogation, they help put Hosty's draft notes in context:

He went to 2nd
floor to get Coca Cola to eat with
lunch and returned to 1st floor to
eat lunch. Then went outside to watch
P. Parade

Fritz's notes are the ones which talk about the officer encounter. That was when Oswald contended he stopped into the 2nd floor to get a Coke. Oswald contended he then went to the 1st floor to have his lunch, and then went outside to view the parade with Bill Shelley.

Mr Iacoletti has already dealt with your error in treating Capt. Fritz's notes as contemporaneous.

Oswald was attempting to establish an alibi, deflecting from his presence on the 2nd floor (where I firmly believe he was assigned, and where he was at the moment of the shots). He wanted to give the impression he'd returned to the 1st-floor domino room to eat his lunch, and he knew his interrogators didn't know that he didn't have time for that. They didn't yet know that after the 12:31-12:31:30 lunchroom encounter, he had a 12:33:00 encounter with WFAA's Pierce Allman in the front lobby. This is all described on pp. 82-83 of Death of the Lunchroom Hoax.

To take Hosty's notes alone and out of context is a typical habitual example of how the lunchroom hoax zealots misinterpret the evidence in order to prop up their sorry-ass belief system.


You put all your eggs in the Lunchroom basket, and then in 2019 discovered to your horror that Mr Oswald himself claimed to have visited the lunchroom BEFORE the P. Parade and then gone "outside to watch P. Parade" was SUPPRESSED in all the officially published interrogation reports. Which left you in the heroic position of trying to save face by doing everything in your meagre power to support the cover-up story by attacking Mr Oswald's own claimed alibi. Face it, Mr Gilbride, you have no credible explanation for this explosive document:

As I noted on p. 5 of Furthering the Lunchroom Evidence, the last portion of Baker's affidavit was composed when 6 law officers, escorting Oswald, barged into that small back room in the Homicide Office. And so the affidavit stated inaccurately that "As we reached the third or fourth floor I saw a man walking away from the stairway." And Marvin Johnson compounded that error by mis-reporting it as "On about the 4th floor". But there was no question that the man Baker had encountered "walking away from the stairway" was the same man who was brought into that small back room at the Homicide Bureau.

Your use of the words "And so" is hilariously incoherent. But then you share with your pal Mr Doyle the crown of King of the Non Sequiturs!

Alan, the man that Baker saw was not reported as walking toward the stairway, was he?

No. So what? He heard the steps coming up and turned around----but not in time to avoid being caught.

A consequence of ignoring this critical encounter, subscribing to the hallucination that it was all make-believe, is that you miss what clues Oswald's behavior tells us.

More nonsense. Only you and the Warren Gullibles ignore this critical encounter. As for what clues Mr Oswald's behavior here gives us, the answer is: not a one. Because Mr Oswald wasn't the light-brown-jacket-wearing man caught walking away from the stairway several floors up. Mr Truly vouched for a non-employee

He flinched away once he saw the officer, and that behavior made Baker suspicious enough to pursue him. Only in the last year have I come to realize that Oswald did this intentionally, and not out of instinct, since he wanted to draw the first responder into the lunchroom, and thereby deflect the officer's attention from the descending west elevator.

This is not a lunchroom thread, and my initial fears have materialized, in that putting together a response consumed several hours of my time. When I have further time I will respond to the further erroneous allegations in your initial post, Alan. Do have a nice day, unless you've made other plans.

Have a nice day yourself, Mr Gilbride-----------and a big hi to Mr Doyle!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Podcast & Book for "JFK INSIDE JOB"
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2022, 08:13:32 PM »