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Author Topic: One Witness  (Read 24122 times)

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2022, 06:00:26 PM »
Dougherty continued...

Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, when the FBI men---I imagine it was who it was---he showed me his credentials, but he asked me who the manager was, and I told him, "Mr. Truly." He told me to go find him. Well, I didn't know where he was so I started from the first floor and Just started looking for him, and .by the time I got to the sixth floor, they had found a gun and shells.
Mr. BALL - When you went up to the sixth floor, it was after they found the shotgun and shells?
Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir; and I found out later he was on the fourth floor, which I didn't find.

I find it mildly interesting that he imagine FBI when he was shown credentials, however, despite being mildly retarded, he indicates having searched the building systematically from the first floor up and then reaching the 6th floor after the gun was found -- that's a long time searching!

Interesting tidbit about finding out later that Truly was on the fourth floor. Almost sounds like Truly was there all along the way it's worded, so how did Dougherty miss him?

An excellent summation, Mr. Beck, no great surprise considering the source.

Mr. Dougherty is and remains a mysterious figure as we approach the sixth decade of President Kennedy's assassination next year in November.  Your keen discernment warrants the questions you are posing. We are left to wonder & ponder a few more questions with Mr. Dougherty in mind...

*Did he plant the shell-casings and rifle, Or, Did Roy "nothing truly about him" Truly ---->

Mr. BELIN. When did you get over to the southeast corner of the sixth floor?
Mr. TRULY. That I can't answer. I don't remember when I went over there. It was sometime before I learned that they had found either the rifle or the spent shell cases.

**When (what time sequence?) and Why did Mr. Dougherty abandon his post upon the orders of Bill Shelley ---->

and, lastly...

*** IF the lying rooftop tandem called up for the elevators, Why didn't Mr. Dougherty acknowledge that "truth" instead of sharing the actual truth ---->

Mr. DOUGHERTY. Well, I came on back downstairs.
Mr. BALL. How did you come downstairs?
Mr. DOUGHERTY. I used that push button elevator on the west side.
Mr. BALL. Did you hear Mr. Truly yell anything up the elevator shaft?
Mr. DOCGHERTY. I didn’t hear anybody yell.

Because the horse manure about the lying rooftop tandem being together at the base of the backstairs is mere fiction. Last thought before getting into the balance of the three men observed by news reporter Mr. MacNeil, it wouldn't come as a surprise to me that Roy Truly spent more time on the 4th floor that afternoon than on the backstairs or up on that otherwise locked roof from the inside. Liars lie.

“Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
” ― George Washington

« Last Edit: March 09, 2022, 06:07:52 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2022, 06:00:26 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2022, 06:12:42 PM »
Brief Recap:

The LNs still cannot produce one credible witness to substantiate the fiction about Baker and Truly being together at the same time at the base of the backstairs. There's a reason for that. They cannot do it.

Amid all their parroting back and forth of a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure, they have nothing. Not one witness, not even one.

Now, turning to the third man that Mr. MacNeil saw upon entering the TSBD during the immediate aftermath of a cowardly ambush upon a duly elected representative of the People by more than a few chicken-sh*t, lying treasonous cowards....Those of us who are already familiar with Commission Exhibit 1381 are aware that all 69 TSBD employees gave statements that none of them saw any strangers that afternoon. In their respective statements Shelley and Lovelady added to this overall consensus found within CE 1381.

With that in mind, the third man seen by the news reporter entering the TSBD that afternoon wasn't a stranger. Thus he was someone familiar to both Shelley and Lovelady. Very familiar, despite their lying eyes to the contrary. Back next week the Good Lord willing to share evidence that supports only one person can be identified as the third man Mr. MacNeil encounters and observes upon his entrance inside the TSBD in search of a telephone. Best to all to remain well, safe and free of any lingering COVID-19 variants.

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2022, 06:36:43 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2022, 04:54:40 PM »
Baker's lying lips are moving again ---->

Mr. Baker. As I entered this building, there was, it seems to me like there was outside doors and then there is a little lobby.
Mr. Belin. All right.
Mr. Baker. As I entered this lobby there were people going in as I entered.

Yet, the tallest figure on the front entrance landing that afternoon, Mr. Frazier (Buell Wesley) shares this truth ---->

Mr. Ball: Did you see anybody after that come into the Building while you were there?
Mr. Frazier: You mean somebody other that didn't work there?
Mr. Ball: A police officer.
Mr. Frazier: No, sir; I stood there a few minutes

So much for the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure about a fictitious 90 second mad dash up to the 2nd floor lunchroom amid a phantom encounter with the wrongly-accused.

To buttress Mr. Frazier's observations, there's this ----> brb

Mr. Molina: I was right in the entrance.
Mr. Ball: Did you see a police officer with him?
Mr. Molina: I didn't see a police officer. I don't recall seeing a police officer.

There again folks, another same day up close and personal eyewitness to history derailing the hastily contrived script about the lying rooftop tandem (Baker & Roy Truly) sprinting off to a mad 90 sec dash up the backstairs to a phantom encounter with the wrongly-accused. All lies folks mired in the stench of horse manure amid a hastily contrived script to Frame an innocent party.

The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody. He was Framed by a bunch of lying chicken-sh8t treasonous cowards. 

« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 05:07:01 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2022, 04:54:40 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2022, 05:31:27 PM »
The wrongly-accused is the 3rd man news reporter Mr. MacNeil (Robert) observed upon entering the TSBD in search of a phone to relay the lastest developments on that fateful afternoon. Interestingly enough though, he wasn't the only news reporter in search of a telephone that afternoon that the wrongly-accused came to the aid of. Back next week the Good Lord willing to share news reporter Pierce Allman's encounter with the wrongly-accused, after chronicling the wrongly-accused's pre & post assassination path, sharing his detailed movements, from standing outside on the front-entrance steps, Yes, you read that right, to retracing his steps back inside over to the small storage area on the first floor (where he was seen by more than a few of the TSBD employees as they re-entered the building), etc.  Best to all to remain well safe and free of any lurking COVID-19 variants.

The LNs are still continuing to fail miserably to produce One Witness, just one will suffice, who can substantiate Baker & Roy Truly's lies about being together at the base of the backstairs. They cannot do it. There's a reason for that. Because only The plain simple truth can stand alone all on its own, whereas a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure merely masquerades as evidence. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 05:45:59 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2022, 05:35:17 PM »
100 days ago, I challenged the LNs to offer up just one witness to substantiate the lie repeated by Baker and Roy Truly about them being together at the base of the backstairs together, 100 days later they still cannot do it. With good reason, they weren't there together despite a hastily contrived script mired in horse manure to the contrary. The problem with officialdom's hastily contrived script is it is just that, a flimsy script, masquerading as evidence.

Before picking up where I left off in the previous post, I want to share yet another piece of contrived evidence beyond the lying rooftop tandem's exploits on that otherwise locked roof; their phantom encounter with the wrongly accused on the 2nd floor; and the bs about Baker seeing Inspector Sawyer while at the same time sequence he and Roy Truly are supposed to be atop that otherwise locked roof from the inside. Liars R' Us.

Remember that often repeated storyline about Texas School Book Employee Gloria Calvery running up from her position down on lower Elm Street, where she took in the presidential parade that fateful afternoon? In late 2017, I discovered that only one woman was actually running during the immediate aftermath of the assassination (sourced in her own words and captured in the same time sequence by the late Jimmy Darnell's film footage that afternoon), her name wasn't Gloria Calvery (but the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure did anything to embellish their framing of the wrongly-accused) Here's the actual truth ---->

''I, Miss Georgia Ruth Hendrix, freely furnish the following
voluntary statement to Eugene F . Petrakio and A . Raymond Switzer
who have identified themselves to me as Special Agents of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation . "I recall that just seconds after the car in Thich President John
F . Kennedy was riding passed the position where I was standing, I
heard a shot . At first I thought it was a salute to the President,
but when the second shot was fired and I saw the President fall down
in the car I knew someone was shooting at him . When I heard the third
shot I turned and fled back into the Depository Building and immediately
want to my office on the third floor,

With the above in mind, the lone challenge offered up by the Lns was to cite Ms. Hendrick's age, yet when I'd counter with she's much younger than the ancient Roy Truly, and you guys have no problem with him and Baker making a mad dash up the backstairs bs in spite of his age...they suddenly go into cricket-mode.  The problem with officialdumbs often parroted back hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse-manure about any of the so-called "truth' masquerading as evidence to frame the wrongly-accused is it's "evidence" cannot ever stand alone all on its own like the plain simple Truth. their "truth" never fails to need a modification here, a modification there, etc. In fact, until this thread challenged the LNs to produce one witness to substantiate Baker and Roy Truly's lie about being together at the base of the backstairs this has become an Oops moment in dire need of modifications they never even anticipated, let alone seen coming, thus their silence. There's a reason for that. They have nothing. They have been rendered speechless amid continuing to cowering away from this challenge with each passing day. The beauty of this particular challenge is they simply cannot offer up one witness to substantiate the lying hastily contrived script's opening scene (Baker and Roy Truly at the base of the backstairs together)

*Will have to return next week the Good Lord willing to share the wrongly-accused's actual movements pre-assassination, during the assassination and post-assassination. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody. Best wishes to all to remain healthy, safe and free of any lingering COVID-19 variants. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 05:55:23 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2022, 05:35:17 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2022, 05:27:29 PM »
Good morning, Gentlemen

Now that it's been firmly established (in light of the LN's inability over four months time to produce any sustaining evidence to the contrary, not even one witness) the lie about Baker and Roy Truly being together at the base of the backstairs during the immediate aftermath of the assassination exposes the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure for what it is: An outright lie to Frame an innocent party.

Over the next few weeks the good Lord willing, I'll cover three blocks of time sharing where the wrongly-accused was before, during and immediately after the cowardly ambush upon a duly elected representative of the people. He was never in the staged 6th floor sniper's nest. He wasn't encountered in the 2nd floor lunchroom by two people who cannot even produce one witness who actually can substantiate they were even together on the backstairs. There's a reason for that, with good reason because they weren't together as much as the hastily contrived script manufactured that they were.  No great surprise, because throughout this case all of the "evidence" is manufactured.

Today, let's focus our attention on where the wrongly-accused was before the chicken sh*t cowards ambushed an unarmed duly elected representative of the people...brb

The following two exchanges negates the bs about Baker and Truly encountering the wrongly-accused upstairs in the 2nd floor lunch room ---->

Mr. BALL. Did you see them go into the building7
Mr. SHELLEY. So; we didn’t watch that long but they were at the first step
like they were fixin’ to go in.

Let anyone forgets or tries to purposely muddy the waters here, the above statement notes a time interval of 4 minutes later (Mr. Shelley's words not mine) during the immediate aftermath of the assassination. So, that alone calls out the phantom 2nd floor encounter in 90 seconds time for the bs it is. Another lie of many...

Mr. BALL. Did you go with them any place?
Mr. SHELLEY. Yes; Mr. Truly left me guarding the elevator, not to let anybody up and down the elevator or stairway.

So, IF the lying Roy Truly has already left the first-floor scene some five minutes ago tearing up the backstairs as the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure would have us believe, then How is he speaking directly with Mr. Shelley down on the first-floor?, when he has supposedly encountered the wrongly-accused (please excuse the eye-roll) and then made a hasty dash to that otherwise locked roof from the inside?

Final thought before getting to the heart of today's post ---->

Mr. BELIN. When did you get over to the southeast corner of the sixth floor?
Mr. TRULY. That I can't answer. I don't remember when I went over there. It was sometime before I learned that they had found either the rifle or the spent shell cases.

More evidence of manufactured planted 'evidence" to Frame an innocent party. brb gents

Moving along now with today's focus on where was the wrongly-accused before the unthinkable unfolded in Dealey Plaza that fateful afternoon:

Let's begin with this exchange ---->

Mr. BALL - How long did you stand there?
Mr. JARMAN - Well, until about 12:20, between 12:20 and 12:25.

The above statement's importance is considered noteworthy, because of the time stated and the gentleman speaking, sharing when he made a decision to reenter the TBD. The wrongly-accused described Mr. Jarman's and his TSBD fellow employee Mr. Norman reentering the building at the back of the building in the same time sequence.

So, IF you or I are already upstairs lurking in the snipe's nest that Roy Truly admits he was standing in before the rifle and shell casings were found, Ask yourself a simple question: IF you are way up on the 6th floor in the front of the building, How could you describe anyone, let alone two different people reentering the building in the back of the building 6 floors below? Easy if you are the wrongly-accused sitting in the domino room downstairs as late as 12:23-12;25PM, nowhere near the 6th floor let alone in a sniper's nest at the southeast corner.

More to apologies am juggling some work related paperwork.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2022, 06:42:42 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2022, 06:19:40 PM »
Now that it has been firmly established that the wrongly-accused was indeed downstairs in the domino room with his lunch between 12:23-12:25PM, let's address why he didn't then proceed upstairs in that limited time space interval between then and the unthinkable...

*The elevators at that time weren't accessible to the wrongly-accused (his coworkers--Mr. Jarman, Mr. Norman, Mr. Wiliams and Mr. Dougherty had all taken them upstairs. Neither of these men claimed to have seen or heard the wrongly-accused come up the backstairs, let alone exposing himself and his actions by carrying an open rifle. Mr. Dougherty was in prime position to see and/or hear him because his testimony reflects that he was alert and moving to & fro. his surroundings up on the upper floors in this time sequence. Given that none of these men saw and/or heard the wrongly-accused, it's reasonable to believe what his next action sequence was after leaving the domino room. Back nest week the Good Lord wiling to share his whereabouts During the cowardly ambush upon an unarmed representative of the people. Bunch of lying chicken-sh*t treasonous cowards knee-deep in a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

Prior to the time sequence of Mr. Jarman's 12:23-12:25PM movements more than a few eyewitnesses standing in the plaza that afternoon saw two figures standing in the sniper's nest while Mr. Jarman crossed paths with the wrongly-accused downstairs in the domino room. So, who was really over in the sniper's nest that afternoon? Genuine evidence puts the wrongly-accused nowhere near it.

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2022, 06:35:41 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2022, 07:09:32 PM »
Now that it has been firmly established that the wrongly-accused was indeed downstairs in the domino room with his lunch between 12:23-12:25PM, let's address why he didn't then proceed upstairs in that limited time space interval between then and the unthinkable...

*The elevators at that time weren't accessible to the wrongly-accused (his coworkers--Mr. Jarman, Mr. Norman, Mr. Wiliams and Mr. Dougherty had all taken them upstairs. Neither of these men claimed to have seen or heard the wrongly-accused come up the backstairs, let alone exposing himself and his actions by carrying an open rifle. Mr. Dougherty was in prime position to see and/or hear him because his testimony reflects that he was alert and moving to & fro. his surroundings up on the upper floors in this time sequence. Given that none of these men saw and/or heard the wrongly-accused, it's reasonable to believe what his next action sequence was after leaving the domino room. Back nest week the Good Lord wiling to share his whereabouts During the cowardly ambush upon an unarmed representative of the people. Bunch of lying chicken-sh*t treasonous cowards knee-deep in a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

Prior to the time sequence of Mr. Jarman's 12:23-12:25PM movements more than a few eyewitnesses standing in the plaza that afternoon saw two figures standing in the sniper's nest while Mr. Jarman crossed paths with the wrongly-accused downstairs in the domino room. So, who was really over in the sniper's nest that afternoon? Genuine evidence puts the wrongly-accused nowhere near it.

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.

"WRONGLY ACCUSED" IS SIMPLY TOO MILD.....  Although  that is an accurate and true statement, Lee Oswald was not simply "wrongly accused", he was deliberately and maliciously framed by the authorities, and hastily lynched  when it became clear that the authorities had no evidence or case against Lee Oswald. ( J. Edgar Hoover admitted that when he was on the phone with Lyndon Johnson.)   The authorities knew that a dead man could not be tried, so they lynched him..... Case closed.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2022, 07:09:32 PM »