Movements of the Wrongly-Accused post assassination time...
*Given Mr. Darnell's video film capture, the wrongly-accused remained outside with his TSBD fellow employees for at the very least 4 minutes. Mr. Shelley's testimony placing both Baker and Roy Truly outside rings true, as Mr. Darnell's film also attests (there's Baker running past Roy Truly, while the wrongly-accused is still present on the upper front-entrance steps observing female employees climbing the stairs to reenter the building.
*Upon reentering the building himself, at some point after that 4 minute interval outside upon the entrance steps he took up a position over by the small storage room on the first floor (multiple witnesses saw him there upon reentering the building with Mr. Campbell (Ochus).
Over the next 3-4 minutes he engages two different news reporters, assisting them at different time intervals to where they may find a phone to call in the latest developments amid a chaotic scene unfolding in Dealey Plaza.
More to follow next week, but just wanted to share one more major gaffe one of the lying rooftop tandem members reveals while simultaneously negating their fairytale rooftop experience up on that otherwise locked roof from the inside...
Inspector Sawyer (Truth) versus Baker (desperately trying to keep his lies straight)
BELIN. To go up and look around and come down?
Mr. SAWYER. To look around on the floor. How long it took to go up, it
couldn’t have been over 3 minutes at the most from the time We left, got
up and back down.
Mr. BELIN. Then that would put it around no sooner than 12:37, if you heard
the call at 12 :34?
Mr. SAWYER. Yes, sirBring your attention to the difference between 12:34PM and 12:37PM (three minutes) According to the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure, the lying rooftop tandem should have exited their phantom encounter w/the wrongly-accused 90 seconds ago while continuing their dash up the backstairs, but upon taking Inspector Sawyer's mere three minute differential in mind, here's Baker negating his and Roy truly's dash up to that otherwise locked rooftop ---->
Mr. BAKER - The next thing that I noticed was Inspector Sawyer, he was on one of those floors there, he is a police inspector.
Mr. DULLES - City of Dallas Police?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. And he was on, I really didn't notice which floor he was on, but that is the first thing I saw.Poor Baker simply telling the truth about an actual event but forgetting the outright lie about being elsewhere when it actually happened (up on the roof at this time interval with Roy Truly) Liars lie...but Baker cannot be up on the roof for 10 minutes (his words not mine, yet encounter Inspector Sawyer, who was only in the building long after the lying rooftop tandem were clinging to their hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure, and gone before they begin their fairytale descent from the roof amid another scripted lie.
Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. -- George Washington
The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.