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Author Topic: One Witness  (Read 24129 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #88 on: August 30, 2022, 05:36:21 PM »
A brilliant summation there, Mr. Cakebread, however with all due respect sir for your exemplary research, you are aware that there are witnesses on the record who saw the extension of a rifle barrel that afternoon before the shooting right ?

Are you suggesting someone was firing mere blanks from the TSBD?

It was after the shooting.  But even if the "projection" and the "pipe thing" were actually a rifle barrel, it doesn't just automatically follow that shots had been fired from it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #88 on: August 30, 2022, 05:36:21 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #89 on: August 30, 2022, 06:10:00 PM »
It was after the shooting.  But even if the "projection" and the "pipe thing" were actually a rifle barrel, it doesn't just automatically follow that shots had been fired from it.

How do you reconcile Amos Euins statement of seeing "a pipe like thing" with the description of a Mannlicher Carcano rifle?

How could anybody think that the wooden stocked carcano looked like a "pipe"??  If the carcano was hiden beneath the pallet as I believe .....then perhaps Euins was more observant than Brennan....and some one was  using some other rifle that had a exposed metal barrel  Like the one that Arnold Rowland described.

But now that I've written the above....I realize that Brennan must have been the witness who told the cops that the rifle looked like a 30-30 Winchester .... And the 30-30 Winchester does in fact have a exposed metal barrel that looks like a pipe.

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #90 on: September 09, 2022, 03:45:29 PM »
there are witnesses on the record who saw the extension of a rifle barrel that afternoon before the shooting right ?

Yes, Some witnesses said that they saw a rifle barrel ( or a "pipe like thing" )  sticking out of a window. Some of those folks said they saw the rifle in a man's hands before the shooting and some witnesses said they saw a rifle barrel protruding from a window during the shooting.  NONE of the witnesses reported that they saw a rifle being fired at anytime.   

Arnold Rowland and Howard Brennan are two of the most believable witnesses and I believe that both Rowland and Brennan saw the same man at approximately the same time .... I believe that Brennan's sighting preceded Rowland by a minute or two.   When Brenan saw the man who was dressed like a deputy sheriff in khaki the man was scanning the crowd while using the rifle scope as a telescope.... And the man then stepped back away from the window and that's when Arnold Rowland saw him. Rowland thought that the man was a security guard because something about the man gave him that impression. ( Rowland may have seen the khaki clothing and the rifle with the high powered scope)   

Brennan said that he saw the man aiming the rifle out of the window during the shooting but he didn't see the rifle actually being fired.  A reporter in a convertible also said that he saw a rifle barrel sticking out of a sixth floor window of the TSBD. Amos Euins said that he saw a pipe like thing sticking out of a window... So the consensus has to be :   There was a man aiming a rifle out of a TSBD window..... But that does not prove that the rifle was fired.   

Now having said that there were four witnesses who said they saw a rifle at a window.... I'm compelled to question the sightings, because it doesn't seem possible that only four people would see the rifle barrel when there were hundreds of spectators on the scene.   


Please read Mr. Worrell's WC testimony, Mr. Cakebread, as it confirms a rifle indeed was fired from the southeast corner of the sixth floor. Here's a brief snippet, courtesy of the New York Times ---->

The third eyewitness was James Richard Worrell Jr., 20, an unemployed laborer. He testified that he looked up at the sixth‐story window after hearing the first shot and saw the rifle aimed at Kennedy.
There was no doubt in Mr. Worrell's mind that the rifle was actually fired. He saw “a little flame and smoke” spit from the barrel on the second and third shots, but he couldn't see the rifleman.

Now, that said, I have never ruled out that the actions Mr. Worrell (James) witnessed meant actual live bullets were fired as much as to create a predetermined staging area to conform to the hastily contrived script the planners used to Frame the wrongly-accused. In my opinion--held since my initial foray into JFK assassination research way back in May, 2014--blanks were fired from that staging area to steer any legitimate investigation away from pursuing why Gunsmoke and the undeniable accompanying smell of gunpowder was emanating from in front of the presidential limousine, where the real chicken sh*t treasonous cowards fired from. Of course, back in those days when Mr. Mack (Gary) was present on this forum, he would flood my PM box with Hey Kid, you got it all wrong. You are wrong about This. You are wrong about That, etc. never quite knew what side he was on, the great myth or on the side of light, truth and justice in this matter.

Discouraged by his repeated bombardment I took a leave of absence from this forum, and to this day I am still encouraged by legitimate researchers like yourself, Mr. Iacoletti, a great many others, etc al, who are simply here to shed light, truth and justice in this case. Anything else is simply parroting back a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 03:46:14 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #90 on: September 09, 2022, 03:45:29 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #91 on: September 09, 2022, 04:06:52 PM »
How do you reconcile Amos Euins statement of seeing "a pipe like thing" with the description of a Mannlicher Carcano rifle?

How could anybody think that the wooden stocked carcano looked like a "pipe"??  If the carcano was hiden beneath the pallet as I believe .....then perhaps Euins was more observant than Brennan....and some one was  using some other rifle that had a exposed metal barrel  Like the one that Arnold Rowland described.

But now that I've written the above....I realize that Brennan must have been the witness who told the cops that the rifle looked like a 30-30 Winchester .... And the 30-30 Winchester does in fact have a exposed metal barrel that looks like a pipe.

Since writing this post...   I've realized that Euins  may have seen a silencer on the end of a gun barrel......

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #92 on: September 09, 2022, 04:20:46 PM »
Mr. BALL. Now, did the police come into the building?
Illr. SHELLEY. Yes, sir ; they started coming in pretty fast
Mr. BALL. Did you go with them any place?
Mr. SHELLEY. Yes; Mr. Truly left me guarding the elevator, not to let anybody up and down the elevator or stairway.[/i]

Yes, sir ; they started coming in pretty fast

THE POLICE started coming in pretty fast...... At about 12:40. Immediately after the shooting the police were searching the rail yard behind the picket fence.   Then they were diverted to the TSBD and went there and that's when Shelley saw them coming in "pretty fast " 

When did Baker leave the TSBD and go to Parkland?

Before entertaining your last question posed in your response here, Mr. Cakebread, there's a couple of things to point out: (A) IF Baker and Roy nothing truly about him are indeed navigating the backstairs, fetching an elevator after reaching the 5th floor, and enjoying their make belief exploits up on an otherwise locked roof (from the inside) begs the question: Did the so-called magic-bullet bequeath Roy nothing truly about him enough magic to be in two places all at once? (his phantom experience 7 floors up on that otherwise locked roof, while simultaneously giving Mr. Shelley a verbal command 7 stories below?  (B) lest we forget, when we combine both Mr. Shelley and Mr. Lovelady's testimonies we generally arrive at a reentrance time back into the TSBD at 4-5 minutes after their initial railroad expedition. This timeline is important because Roy nothing truly about him is still downstairs on the first floor (review Mr. Piper's WC testimony, where he witnesses the building superintendent w/"someone" or "some fellow", rather than accompanied by an obviously clad white helmeted motorcycle officer in looooong black boots.

Of course, the lying rooftop tandem would come together later in this fictitious fairytale to Frame an innocent party by meshing both their individual experiences that fateful afternoon into one hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

"Half a truth is often a great lie." - Benjamin Franklin

Now, turning our attention to your question ---->

When did Baker leave the TSBD and go to Parkland?

I trust wholeheartedly that it wasn't when he said he did...but in fairness to him I will take the time to read over his WC testimony to evaluate his said timeline

"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." -- George Washington

« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 04:24:11 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #92 on: September 09, 2022, 04:20:46 PM »

Online Zeon Mason

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #93 on: September 10, 2022, 03:19:52 AM »

To reconcile the apparent contradiction between Rowland seeing a scope while Euins, Brennan, Couch and Jackson did not see a scope , the answer must be the Angle  of observation difference between SE and SW windows and also the way the SW gunman was presenting the rifle “at the ready” position when observed by Rowland at 12:15.

Imo the reason Rowland could see a scope at all from a block away, was because the scope was CENTER mounted on top of the barrel  as would be the case on the typical hunting 30.06 rifle OR a rifle like an FN-FAL military style rifle.

Other than that, Rowland, Euins, Brennan etc are describing a ratio of barrel length that’s quite noticeably farther beyond the stock than the  5” of an MC rifle.

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #94 on: September 12, 2022, 03:37:11 PM »
Saw the following post making the rounds over at the Education Forum ---->

So, for clarification sake I believe Mr. Davidson made a simple mistake when accrediting me as the author of the information he is sharing...

Credit to Alan J. Ford (Duncan's Forum) for posting the "Original" in this collage some months ago.

rather than Alan Ford, who joined this forum sometime in my absence during my hiatus from Mr. Mack's shenanigans. No harm, no foul but for clarity sake just want to set the record straight.

For the record, I have believed since my initial foray into JFK Assassination research in May, 2014 and even now the following: (A) Prayer Man is a man; and, (B) he is none other than the wrongly-accused who was standing outside as the presidential limousine turned off Houston onto Elm. Nowhere near the sixth floor let alone firing a rifle. The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 03:41:21 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: One Witness
« Reply #95 on: September 12, 2022, 03:52:41 PM »
To reconcile the apparent contradiction between Rowland seeing a scope while Euins, Brennan, Couch and Jackson did not see a scope , the answer must be the Angle  of observation difference between SE and SW windows and also the way the SW gunman was presenting the rifle “at the ready” position when observed by Rowland at 12:15.

Imo the reason Rowland could see a scope at all from a block away, was because the scope was CENTER mounted on top of the barrel  as would be the case on the typical hunting 30.06 rifle OR a rifle like an FN-FAL military style rifle.

Other than that, Rowland, Euins, Brennan etc are describing a ratio of barrel length that’s quite noticeably farther beyond the stock than the  5” of an MC rifle.

Yet another excellent summation there, Mr. Mason, especially noting Mr. Rowland's observations @  12:15PM...keen discernment noting the obvious differences between what three actual eyewitnesses observed when compared to the planted rifle used amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to frame an innocent party.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One Witness
« Reply #95 on: September 12, 2022, 03:52:41 PM »