Really kind of pathetic even by your standards.
So much for admitting when you are wrong. Apparently you think the bullet and fragments can be reused and then fired from a different rifle.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine this bullet to determine whether it had been fired from Exhibit 139 to the exclusion of all other weapons?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - What was your conclusion?
Mr. FRAZIER - This bullet fragment was fired in this rifle, 139.
Undeniable. Same for the HSCA. If you aren't certain how they match bullets to weapons watch any cop show. Pretty basic. Like a fingerprint.
Styles and Adams never emerged out the back of the building for the first 3 minutes after the shots were fired. This is proven because you posted Officer Barnett's testimony.
Apparently you think the bullet and fragments can be reused and then fired from a different rifle.No, only a very confused mind would think something like that. Oh wait... you thought about it.

Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine this bullet to determine whether it had been fired from Exhibit 139 to the exclusion of all other weapons?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - What was your conclusion?
Mr. FRAZIER - This bullet fragment was fired in this rifle, 139.
Undeniable. Same for the HSCA. If you aren't certain how they match bullets to weapons watch any cop show. Pretty basic. Like a fingerprint.
Is cop shows where you get your information from? Because that would explain an awful lot.
Now, tell me please where Frazier or whoever you are thinking about in the HSCA, says
when the bullets were fired by that rifle?
Before you jump to conclusions, you really need to consider this;
1) There is no chain of custody for the bullet now in evidence as CE399. Nobody who handled the bullet Tomlinson found before the item got to the FBI lab in Washington was able to identify CE399 as the bullet they had handled. Even worse, Mr. Wright, the man who recieved the bullet from Tomlinson is on record as saying that CE399 does not resemble the bullet he handled.
2) There also is no chain of custody for the bullet fragments that allegedly came from the limo. FBI expert Frazier went down to the Secret Service garage to inspect the car and when he got there he was given some bullet fragments that had allegedly been found in the limo by two men who contaminated the crime scene by allegedly going through the car before the FBI experts arrived. That's why none of the fragments show up in any in situ photograph.
And let's not forget General Walker. When he saw the bullet the HSCA presented as the one that was allegedly recovered from his home he denied it completely. He even went through the trouble of writing to the HSCA several times and when they did not respond he instructed his lawyer to get in touch with them. The HSCA ignored his denials.
You see a pattern emerging here?
Now, why don't you go back to those cop shows and try to figure out what evidentiary problems could be the result of such amateur like shenanigans and get back to me when you have a reasonable explanation for the obvious fact that the bullet now in evidence as CE399 looks very much like a bullet fired into cotton wool or a water tank.
Styles and Adams never emerged out the back of the building for the first 3 minutes after the shots were fired. This is proven because you posted Officer Barnett's testimony. Utter BS. Why don't you write this a hundred more times or so. Who knows, perhaps it suddenly comes true.
Let me make this suggestion to you. If Adams and Styles did not get down the stairs within 60 seconds after the shots, wouldn't they have encountered Truly and Baker (as Dororthy Garner did) on the fourth floor?