Have Stolley’s and Zapruder’s backgrounds and connections been thoroughly - or sufficiently - investigated?
I think Zapruder’s film was “commissioned" for the purpose of documenting the event - and mostly to document who was on the scene likely filming or taking pictures that might reveal the actions of nefarious characters on the Grassy Knoll taking aim at our president. It is why the focus of the camera is on the bystanders and less on the president’s limousine... That seems obvious when you watch the film...
I also think the purchase of the Z. film was prearranged... so that the release to the public could be limited... items could be removed (several minutes of the film are missing, I’ve read... and perhaps specific frames in the assassination sequence removed / some damaged...)... and other items distorted and covered over with an overlay to obscure viewing certain features... The film was screened for the Secret Service the day after the assassination...
The full movie was not shown to the public until the 1970’s... not because of the graphic nature of the film... but as part of the cover-up... in my opinion...
In an alternate world in which the FBI and WC, with the cooperation of CIA, DIA, NSA, and ONI, had done a thorough investigation that minimized pre-conceived notions, the person most responsible for the opportunity for the creation of the Zapruder film
https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/abraham-zapruder-film-kennedy-assassinatin/...and who appears in its opening frames would have been subjected to much more scrutiny because,
https://jfkassassinationindex.blogspot.com/2011/09/ROGERS, SAM
Manager of Dobbs House at 1221 N. Beckley. Believed LHO had frequented the Dobbs House. His daughter-in-law is Brenda Simmons.
CE 3001; CD 1364, pp. 1-11
When the 1963 Dallas City Directory was sent to the printer, these two shared the same address.
Late that year, Lillian appeared in the opening frames of the Zapruder film. Husband Sammie did not die,
Lillian was not a widow. Sammie in the 1963 city directory became Sam in 1964, residing at a different address as reported in FBI documents. In the 1964 & in the 1965 directory, despite Lillian being a "wid", "Sam" Rogers was listed as Dobbs House manager.