This gets better and better. No search was ever conducted for the bag on the 6th floor but it was found. The authorities searched the entire building for suspicious items.
Cite, please. Or an admission that you just made this up will also suffice. Have you figured out yet how Norman's lunch bag "vanished into thin air"? Maybe CE142 was Norman's lunch bag, because nobody ever found another one, so there is "no doubt" that it must be that. Do you realize how stupid your argument is?
You also want us to believe that someone who worked in that building and could explain the bag found on the 6th floor for was used for a work-related purpose just remained silent about it forever because "they were not asked" about it?
Do you want us to believe that your made-up "explanation" constitutes evidence? PS. how do you know where CE142 was found? Do you have any evidence besides "cop said so"?
The bag the authorities indicated that the assassin used to carry the weapon that killed the President of the United States?
"authorities indicated". Really?
That's your evidence?

Wow. No one would volunteer to say that was just a bag that was used for some work-related purpose? Unreal. Even your star witness Frazier to this day, who has been asked about the bag, never said that any such bag had a legitimate purpose for being in the building?
Cite please. And why does it matter whether CE142 has a "work-related purpose"? What does that even mean? Did dominoes have a work-related purpose for being in the building?
And you have no interest in the fact that the bag you claim was carried into the building can't be accounted for in any way? Nothing to see there. How about this? It wasn't found not because no one searched for it, but because it wasn't there.
Argument from ignorance fallacy. Adding "end of story" to a conjecture doesn't actually turn it into a fact.
You also make a very silly comparison between Oswald denying that he carried a bag along the size estimated by Frazier and denying the one found on the 6th floor.
Where did you get the idea that Oswald "denied carried a bag along the size estimated by Frazier"? Fritz said nothing in his report written from memory several days after the fact that he said anything to Oswald about Frazier's size estimate. It's not even clear when Frazier was first asked to estimate the length.
Can you understand why these are different situations? Apparently not. If Oswald carried a shorter bag along the lines of the one estimated by Frazier that contained some non-incriminatory item like curtain rods, he would have every incentive to not only admit it but direct the authorities to its location.
First of all, you don't know what he did or did not say during interrogation. Secondly, what if he didn't know what "its location" was? Have you found Norman's lunch bag yet?
It would assist him to tell the truth in that situation. If, however, he carried a longer bag, such as the one found, and it contained the rifle, then he has every incentive to lie about it.
If, if, if. Argument from imagination.