Imagine coming to a JFK assassination forum day after day to say that you have no theory about the JFK assassination and are not even interested in formulating a theory. It is just unsolvable. And then spend your time insulting and lecturing folks with endless commentary about why you are right. Of course, no one who reads this nonsense believes for a second that you are not a CTer. Rather, this is just the only way to avoid having to explain the implications of any of your concerns about the evidence having any validity. You can't have a theory because the standard of proof that you apply to Oswald's guilt is an impossible standard. No fact in human history could ever be proven applying that standard. As a result, any alternative theory - based on no evidence whatsoever and contrary to common sense - would be all the more absurd.
Imagine coming to a JFK assassination forum day after day to say that you have no theory about the JFK assassination and are not even interested in formulating a theory.Something you don't understand?
Imagine coming to a JFK assassination forum day after day to say that Oswald was a lone gunman and not being able to provide even the beginning of some evidence to prove it.
And then spend your time insulting and lecturing folks with endless commentary about why you are right. When exactly did I ever claim that I was right, Mr. Strawman?
Of course, no one who reads this nonsense believes for a second that you are not a CTer. Rather, this is just the only way to avoid having to explain the implications of any of your concerns about the evidence having any validity. You can't have a theory because the standard of proof that you apply to Oswald's guilt is an impossible standard. No fact in human history could ever be proven applying that standard.Nurse, Richard is whining again....
Btw, the implication of the official narrative being a fraud and the evidence not "having any validity" is simple; it's a conspiracy of some kind. What you don't understand is that I don't care if it was a conspiracy or not. You and your ilk are the ones who are desperately fighting, for some unexplained reason, against the possibility of a conspiracy. I'll be more than happy to accept that Oswald was the lone nut gunman if you provide the proof. And that's where the whole thing goes wrong. You know that you can not provide the conclusive evidence so, instead, you whine like a cry baby about people not being persuaded by the crap you come up with. It's pathetic.
As a result, any alternative theory - based on no evidence whatsoever and contrary to common sense - would be all the more absurd. More absurd as what? The offical narrative? There can never be anything more absurd as the offical narrative!

Btw, I'm sorry but I have lost count. Just how many posts have you written that actually have nothing to do with the case and the evidence? I lost count at 2340... Did I miss something?