Sorry that I overlooked your half-assed interlocking witness Paulene Sanders.
No need to apologise as you've spotted your error.
The Sanders "interlock" is not half-assed by any means. This is from her FBI statement from 24th:
"...she immediately realized that the shots or whatever it was came from the building above her. She said within a matter of ten seconds a uniform police officer in a white helmet ran into the building..."In this statement Sanders emphasises the speed which Baker arrives at the steps, a matter of seconds. She reveals that he was running and she also reveals that he ran straight into the building. This is confirmed by Baker's own testimony. Truly's testimony. And, most importantly, the Couch/Darnell films. How anyone could possibly doubt whether Baker was at the steps within seconds of the assassination is beyond me. I note your use of the phrase "half-assed" has no bearing on the quality of the witness statement so I assume it goes against your own beliefs on this particular aspect of the case, which makes this solid eye-witness testimony "half-assed" (and not your own interpretation of events)
Sanders statement that she saw Baker arriving within seconds is further confirmation of this aspect of the reenactment.
"Mrs. SANDERS advised that this morning she called GERALDINE REID, another employee, telephone number FE 1-6617, who told her that the police officer who had first entered the building ran into the lunch room where Mr. TRULY, the warehouse manager, and OSWALD were evidently lunching. The police officer put his gun into OSWALD's stomach but TRULY advised the police officer that OSWALD worked for him. Police officer turned turned away and evidently left the area. (...)"
So which of them totally bungled the story as Reid MUST have gotten it from Truly? To Sanders this story would make no sense if she had seen any sign of Truly trailing Baker. Any sign!
I've pointed out Sanders' testimony confirms that Baker arrived at the steps within seconds of the assassination. Which it does. This is further corroborated by Baker's own testimony and the Couch/Darnell films. Three independently corroborating pieces of evidence.
You counter this with some third-hand hearsay that has no bearing on Baker's arrival time at the steps.
We know from the Couch/Darnell films that Truly was not in the 2nd floor lunchroom with Oswald so we're dealing with something that was lost in translation. Maybe Reid misunderstood what Truly was saying, maybe Sanders misunderstood what Reid was saying, maybe the FBI misunderstood what Sanders was saying.
What we can be sure of is that this is a garbled account of the encounter between Baker and Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom that Reid got from Truly, probably on the SaPersonay.
I do love the drama of the last line:
"To Sanders this story would make no sense if she had seen any sign of Truly trailing Baker.
Any sign!"[my emphasis]
Again, you seem to be implying Truly wasn't at the steps within seconds of the assassination but we have independent corroboration from Molina that he was. Not sure where you're going with that. Sanders confirms Baker got there within seconds and Molina confirms Truly got there within seconds. Not sure what the problem is.
BTW, how do you confirm a fake reenactment? It was nothing but a time trial to get Baker and Oswald to the second floor at the same time, hypothetically.
Not sure about the logic being used here either.
If the WC reenactment was a fake time trial why not add on ten seconds in the lobby and another ten seconds dithering at the elevators?
This would've given Oswald plenty of time to get from the 6th floor to the second floor lunchroom by the time Baker and Truly got there, rather than the three second window they allowed themselves.
This extra time could account for why Oswald was so calm and composed, why he wasn't out of breath.
This extra time could account for Brennan's and Euins' observation that the shooter the window.
This extra time would've meant Oswald had a realistic amount of time to wipe the rifle clean.
His lack of hurry could account for why the three men on the 5th didn't hear him rushing across the floor inches above their heads after Norman had heard the hulls hitting the floor.
In reenacting the movements of Baker and Truly as accurately as possible the WC totally shot themselves in the foot. This is why the detail of Oswald already having a Coke in his hand had to be cut out, because the 3 second window they allowed themselves wouldn't allow for Oswald buying a Coke.
All the WC had to do was add a few seconds on. But they didn't. They allowed Baker and Truly to reenact their movements as accurately as possible and this caused a huge problem for them. One that could've gone away if they'd actually faked the reenactment.
Clearly, you view all this in a completely different way, the logic of which eludes me.