Studying the earliest photos I can find of the back "wall" of boxes that form the Sniper's Nest and am having problems understanding what I'm seeing.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
In the Powell close-up below there is a distinctive tall stack to the right and at least two (if not three) shorter stacks to the left.
The top box of the tall stack appears to be resting on a box that is jutting a bit further out:

In the Dillard close-up below, again we see the tall stack to the right and we can just about make out the corner of a shorter stack to the left just peeking above the sill in the east window.
This more front-on shot suggests there are only two shorter stacks to the left of the tall stack [it must be remembered that in all subsequent Crime Lab pics there is only one stack to the left of the tall stack. At least one stack has been removed IMO]:

However, in the Murray close-up below the box on top of the tall stack appears to be missing.
This pic was thought to have been taken at 12:42pm, little more than ten minutes after the assassination and at least 15 minutes before the SN is "officially" discovered:
pictures upload
Am I seeing this correctly?
If so, how could that top box have gone missing?
Have come across my first glaring error regarding my analysis of the SN "wall".
The answer to the question - "Am I seeing this correctly?" - is a big NO.
It's to do with the quality of the pictures I've relied on to make my assumptions.
On the Ed Forum I came across a far superior version of the Dillard pic:

This version shows that the top box of the large stack is partially in shadow and is, in fact, far wider than I'd first assumed.
So, in the Powell image, the top box, which I'd assumed to be in full light, is only part of the top box (the rest being in shadow).

It now appears there is only one stack to the left of the large stack and that is what is shown in the subsequent Crime Lab pics. My assumption a stack had been before the Crime Lab pics were taken is wrong.
Hold the phone a second!
Just came across this Groden scan of the Powell pic on the Ed Forum:

Here we see the large stack, partially in shadow.
A stack to the left,
then a clear dividing line between this stack and another stack to the left, which is only partially shown as it is cut off by the window frame.
However, this last stack to the left doesn't appear to be in the Dillard pic!
Back to square one.