The big problem regarding the above two pics which are generally believed to show the original position of the Sniper's Perch is CE 512.
This picture was taken showing the position of the shell casings in the Sniper's Nest. The "perch" boxes can be seen at the bottom of the picture:

A cursory examination of the position of the "perch" boxes reveals a fundamental difference between the positioning of these boxes and the boxes in the "legit" pictures of the Sniper's Perch. The Perch consists of three boxes - one on the floor (bottom box), one on top of this box (top box) and one on the window ledge (ledge box). In the photos below the boxes are numbered as follows:
1) Ledge Box
2) Top Box
3) Bottom Box
The difference between the two set-ups is that in the "legit" set-up (CE 733) the top box (2) does not hang over the bottom box (3).
In the photo taken of the shell casings (CE 512) the top box (2) is hanging over the bottom box (3).
This difference is picked out by the yellow arrows in each pic:
CE 512

CE 733

This difference reveals that crime scene photos of the Sniper's Perch were staged.
This shouldn't come as a surprise as the crime scene photos of the shell casings and the position of the lunch remains were also staged.