The one they claim as the official one
(I'm talking about the boxes.. why did you change the subject)
There seems to be a bit of confusion here.
The original configuration of the Sniper's Perch is shown in CE 512, the picture of the shell casings:

In this picture the Top Box (2) overhangs the bottom box (3):

Any other pictures, including the one you believe was used to reconstruct the Perch, are staged (sorry, reconstructed) two days later, on the 25th, as Day states in his testimony. Titling one of the pictures "SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SIXTH FLOOR SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF CARTONS SHORTLY AFTER SHOTS WERE FIRED" is misleading, to say the least, but, as Charles says, there's nothing necessarily sinister about it.
So, now for the sinister part.
What it means is that there was never any photos taken of the Sniper's Perch as it was. Again, not necessarily sinister but it does reflect profound incompetence - not one single picture of the location from which the shooting took place, think about that for a second or two.
As hard as it is to believe, this fact is confirmed by Studebaker in the part of his testimony dealing with the boxes that form the Perch:
Mr. Ball: Then, you don't have any pictures taken of the boxes before they were moved?
Mr. Studebaker: No.Studebaker then goes on to explain Studebaker Exhibit D, the picture below:
Mr. Ball: Now, I will show you another picture which we will mark as "Exhibit D," was that taken by you?
Mr. Studebaker: Yes.
(Instrument marked by the reporter as "Studebaker Exhibit D," for identification.)
Mr. Ball: Does that show the position of the boxes before or after they were moved?
Mr. Studebaker: That's after they were dusted---there's fingerprint dust on every box.
Mr. Ball: And they were not in that position then when you first saw them?
Mr. Studebaker: No.Studebaker is explaining that the perch boxes have been dusted for prints (we can see the black powder marks) and put back but not in the same position.
It is clear from his testimony that the boxes in the above picture are the boxes that formed the Sniper's Perch.
Now for the sinister bit - none of the boxes in the picture above were the box resting on the window ledge the assassin is supposed to have used to rest his rifle on.
Many of the boxes in the Sniper's Nest had strips of tape running along the seam where the box opened. This tape would go around the corner of the box and be cut off. Obviously, this tape was to strengthen the box from opening when being moved around. Many of the boxes in CE 733 have this tape on:

CE 511, also known as Studebaker Exhibit B, shows where two of the shell casings lay on the floor. To the left the box leaning on the ledge can be seen and it has this characteristic tape running around it:

Now look at the boxes from Studebaker Exhibit D, the boxes Studebaker specifically states were the Perch boxes after they had been dusted for fingerprints:

Neither of these boxes has the tape running around it.
What does this mean?
The first thing that jumps to mind is that the boxes that formed the Sniper's Perch were switched at some stage.
If this is the case we have moved well beyond the realms of incompetence.