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Author Topic: Truly's False Roll  (Read 35112 times)

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #104 on: March 15, 2022, 01:00:07 AM »

The only thing convoluted is how one has to twist selected and isolated testimony to make-believe BRW ate his lunch in the sniper's nest. A little later BRW diagrams the area where he ate his lunch.

Mr. BALL. I will. I am going to introduce them all. Let's go back to the diagram, which is 483. Could you mark on this diagram the window that is shown in this picture 484 that is, the place where you were sitting and eating your lunch?
Mr. WILLIAMS. That would be facing Elm Street. I would say right around in this.
Mr. BALL. In other words, you are marking here something between--some area between the third and the fourth window.
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. You are not able to tell exactly?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No; I am not.
Mr. BALL. The witness has drawn a red rectangle to show the approximate area which runs from about the center. of the second row of windows from the southeast corner over to about the fourth pane of windows.
Mr. WILLIAMS. I would say about right in here, third or fourth.
Mr. BALL. Third or fourth?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Now, you have made two marks, so I will identify the last mark. Between the third and fourth, is that right?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. We will mark the rectangle, and we will mark it "W-3" and "W-4" the end of the lines.

Even though his lunch remains were found on top of the Sniper's Nest?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #104 on: March 15, 2022, 01:00:07 AM »

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #105 on: March 15, 2022, 01:00:41 AM »

Buell Frazier has stated on more than one occasion there was an employee "roll call" and Oswald was the only employee not present.


Online Charles Collins

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #106 on: March 15, 2022, 02:06:25 AM »
Even though his lunch remains were found on top of the Sniper's Nest?

Are you imagining things again?   ???   ::)

Try paying attention to the evidence:

Mr. BALL. I have an exhibit here marked 484.
Mr. BALL. Do you recognize that?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; I recognize that.
Mr. BALL. What do you see?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I see a two-wheeler, a Dr. Pepper bottle, and some boxes in the windows.
Mr. BALL. And is that anywhere near where you were sitting?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; that is the exact place I was sitting.
Mr. BALL. That is the two-wheeler you were sitting on?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #106 on: March 15, 2022, 02:06:25 AM »

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2022, 03:20:48 AM »
Are you imagining things again?   ???   ::)

Try paying attention to the evidence:

Mr. BALL. I have an exhibit here marked 484.
Mr. BALL. Do you recognize that?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; I recognize that.
Mr. BALL. What do you see?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I see a two-wheeler, a Dr. Pepper bottle, and some boxes in the windows.
Mr. BALL. And is that anywhere near where you were sitting?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; that is the exact place I was sitting.
Mr. BALL. That is the two-wheeler you were sitting on?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir.

Your memory is very short Charles.
Eight officers stated the remains were found in the location of the SN.
Three officers specifically stated they were on top of the SN.
Try and wish it away all you want but that's the fact of the matter.
I think Bonnie Ray is the most interesting witness in this case because I think he saw the real shooter.
I think that for a young black man to sit in the offices of the racist, right wing DPD and lie to their faces on the day of the assassination is genuinely extraordinary. He states he had lunch with Norman and Jarman on the first floor and went up to the fifth floor with the two of them. He knew damn well he went up to the 6th floor alone and stayed there for at least 25 minutes before going down to the 5th floor.
What would make him tell such a lie?
And, why, months later, long after Oswald is dead, is he still lying to the WC about where he had his lunch?

Eight officers testified the lunch remains were at the SN
Arnold Rowland saw a black male in the SN window at the time Bonnie Ray was having his lunch on the 6th floor.
This same man left the SN window just a few minutes before the motorcade arrived and Bonnie Ray went down to the 6th floor just a few minutes before the motorcade arrived.

The lies Bonnie Ray tells in every statement he gives about what he did that day all have the same thing in common - to distance himself from the SN.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #108 on: March 15, 2022, 05:30:34 AM »
Your memory is very short Charles.
Eight officers stated the remains were found in the location of the SN.
It's not his memory that's short. Charles Collins has been short on curiosity from the time he joined the forum. And I really don't know why. I "twisted" nothing around.
All I did was quote William's testimony. One minute he was eating on the 3rd or 4th floor--- but he wasn't sure---then what floor again? Oh 6th floor.  But wait a sec...he was photographed on the 5th with the other guys. Why would he go into solitude to eat his fried chicken all scrunched up between some boxes? And after desiring viewing companionship with his comrades?
 Charles subscribes whole heartedly to this floor plan created belatedly for Bonnie Ray by the Commission lackeys. Try finding B R Williams' affidavits on line. There should be two. Try linking them and while you're at it his FBI interviews.
There is this scribbled, undated, & unsigned thing....

Compare with J Jarman----

BEFORE ME, Patsy Collins, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared James Earl Jarman, Jr., c/m 33, 3942 Atlanta Street, Dallas, Texas HA8-1837 who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:

I work for the Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elm Street, as a Checker on the first floor for Mr. Roy S. Truly. On Friday, November 22, 1963, I got to work at 8:05 a.m. The first time I saw Lee Oswald on Friday, November 22, 1963 was about 8:15 a.m. He was filling orders on the first floor. A little after 9:00 a.m. Lee Oswald asked me what all the people were doing standing on the street. I told him that the President was supposed to come this way sometime this morning. He asked me, "Which way do you think he is coming?". I told him that the President would probably come down Main Street and turn on Houston and then go down Elm Street. He said, "Yes, I see". I only talked with him for about three or four minutes. The last time I saw Lee Oswald on Friday, November 22, 1963 was between 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon when he was taking the elevator upstairs to go get some boxes. At about 11:45 a.m. all of the employees who were working on the 6th floor came downstairs and we were all out on the street at about 12:00 o'clock noon. These employees were: Bill Shelley, Charles Givens, Billy Lovelady, Bonnie Ray (last name not known) and a Spanish boy (his name I cannot remember). To my knowledge Lee Oswald was not with us while we were watching the parade.

/s/ James Earl Jarman, Jr.


/s/ Patsy Collins
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

To my knowledge Lee Oswald was not with us while we were watching the parade.
What an odd statement. He either saw Oswald there or he didn't.

From Harold Weisberg---
6 pages
this means is that Williams, Jarman and Norman remained
on the fifth floor until after Oswald was seen on the second floor and
they did not hear anybody running or walking above ithem or coming down
the ancient steps or using the creaky elevators. If this testimony
means anything, it means that neither Oswald nor anyone else left the
sixth floor until after Williams, Norman and Jarman did. It would cer-
tainly seem to confirm Oswald's statement to the police that he was on,
as I recall it, the first floor. And it would clearly mean that whoever
'fired the rifle remained on the sixth floor. Williams's testimony about
seeing the police officer occurs in a reference to his questioning- by
FBI Agents Odum and Griffin
Here is an article in a Don Willis blog--- 
Why Bonnie Ray Williams Did Not Really Want To Say Which Window He Was
in When the Shooting Started; or, The Rewriters

It's pretty common knowledge that two of the three depository fifth-
floor witnesses--James Jarman and Harold Norman--did not even mention,
in interview or statement, the fifth floor until two days later (in
the case of Jarman) and four days later (in the case of Norman). Less
well known is that the third witness, Bonnie Ray Williams, was
actually much more dilatory about disclosing his precise whereabouts
at 12:30pm on 11/22/63--about four months' worth of dilatory. Not
until his Warren Commission testimony of March 24, 1964, in fact, is
Williams able to say precisely where he was. Why was Williams so
reluctant to say where, exactly, he was on that date, at that time?

It's not that his location was a secret to the world at large. There
he is, in two Dillard photos and a Powell slide, in the SE corner
double window on the fifth floor. Or, as Norman put it in his Secret
Service affidavit (12/4/63), "We took a position in the south-east
corner of the building on the fifth floor...." Did Williams really
think that he could hide the fact of his presence there in the
window? Why this odd phobia?

To be fair, Williams does, in his 11/22/63 county affidavit, admit
that he "went back on the 5th floor with a fellow called Hank and
Junior...." And in his 1/8/64 FBI interview, he states that he
"joined" Hank and Junior "on the fifth floor". He's not shy about the
fifth floor in general--just about that strangely problematic corner
double window. And in the above affidavit and interview, he tells the
truth, as far as he goes.

However, in two other FBI interviews, he goes further, and leaves
truth behind, though it would seem to stand to reason that he must
have known he wasn't fooling anyone:
"[Williams] stayed on [the sixth floor] only about three minutes, &
seeing no one there, descended to the fifth floor.... There he joined
two other men known to him as Hank & Junior. They were looking out
windows on the south side of the building APPROXIMATELY AT THE MIDDLE
OF THE BUILDING...." (FBI interview 11/23/63)

Must be a mistake. But, again for the FBI--almost four months later--
on 3/19/64, Williams has this to say:
"I, along with Norman and Jarman... were on the fifth floor.... We
were at the windows which are located at about the CENTER OF THE
BUILDING on the south side."
Just before his testimony for the Warren Commission, he's still saying
"the center of the building".

No mistake. This bit of misdirection seems intentional, if baffling.
Williams was not delusional--most of the time, on record, he seems
perfectly mentally balanced. Why can't he just say, for instance,
"east end of the building"? In his 11/23 interview, he mentions the
"stairs at the west end of the building". Why does he go out of his
way to contradict fellow witnesses and photographic evidence? And he
does go out of his way--he could, simply, here, have again just
referenced the fifth floor and been done with it. But he--or his
subconscious--seems intent on blotting out every trace of that corner

Williams takes *everyone* with him to the center of the building--not
just Norman and Jarman, but the apparent shooter as well:
"Williams heard two shots which sounded like they came from right over
his head." (11/23)
"I heard three shots which sounded like they came from directly above
me." (3/19)
In other words, Williams relocates the shooter to the sixth-floor
window which he himself occupied about noon:
"He did go to the windows on the south side of the sixth floor, middle
of the building, about three minutes after 12...." (11/23)
Ironically, then, Williams' machinations put him in the "sniper's
nest". Out of the frying pan....

In his Commission testimony, building manager Roy Truly commented on
the state of mind of Williams and his two fellow witnesses, in the
period after the assassination:
"I do know that they have been rather, as the expression goes, shook
up about this thing--especially this tall one, Bonnie Williams. He is
pretty superstitious, I would say." (v3p241) Shook up enough to try
to take himself right out of the picture. To put himself in another
window. To jettison reality.
David Von Pein's response to that blog entry was that Willis is obviously insane. [without any further mental examination]
Mr. McCLOY. From what you know of these young men who testified before you today, are they trustworthy?
Mr. TRULY. Yes, sir; I think they are. They are good men. They have been with me, most of them, for some time. I have no reason to doubt their word. I do know that they have been rather, as the expression goes, shook up about this thing, especially this tall one, Bonnie Williams. He is pretty superstitious, I would say. For 2 or 3 weeks the work was not normal, or a month. The boys did not put out their normal amount of work. Their hearts were not in it. But after that, they have picked up very well. They are doing their work well.
Mr. BELIN. If we can go off the record for just a moment. (Discussion off the record.)
[{Mr Belin---- Lets not talk about that again.
Mr Truly-----OK]}

The CHAIRMAN. Back on the record.
Mr. TRULY. I thank you very much.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #108 on: March 15, 2022, 05:30:34 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #109 on: March 15, 2022, 06:04:48 AM »

I think Bonnie Ray is the most interesting witness in this case because I think he saw the real shooter.

Williams had no trouble going directly to the relative exact same window on the floor below, what stopped him from at least looking at these windows just in case his friends were at these windows on the 6gth floor, it doesn't make sense?

When you read all of the various statements by Williams, initially he was elusive about being on the 6th floor and as time went on, he admitted more and more. Imo it appears that there was a sinister reason(he saw Oswald and being black immediately distanced himself) for his lack of consistent memories.
I reckon from this line of questioning about this very subject from the WC that they had a similar idea, because when hearing Williams answer about the sniper's nest, Ford immediately associates Williams with breaking the law, Breaking the Law.

Mr. DULLES. How much of the room could you see as you finished your lunch there? Was your view obstructed by boxes of books, or could you see a good bit of the sixth floor?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time I couldn't see too much of the sixth floor, because the books at the time were stacked so high. I could see only in the path that I was standing--as I remember, I could not possibly see anything to the east side of the building. But just one aisle, the aisle I was standing in I could see just about to the west side of the building. So far as seeing to the east and behind me, I could only see down the aisle behind me and the aisle to the west of me.
Representative FORD.Have you ever had any trouble with the law at all?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir.
Representative FORD.No difficulty as far as the law is concerned?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I have never been inside of a courthouse before.


« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 06:07:53 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #110 on: March 15, 2022, 06:41:09 AM »

Can you post a larger readable version?


Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #111 on: March 15, 2022, 07:23:38 AM »
Can you post a larger readable version?
The best I can do is the link here---
Created Date --
    1963-11-22  [bullsheist]
Description --

    Handwritten affidavit by Bonnie Ray Williams, an employee at the Texas School Book Depository, who worked on the sixth floor on November 22nd. At lunchtime Williams went to the fifth floor with a man named Hank where they saw the President pass and heard two shots, which sounded as though they came from just above them. Williams saw Lee Harvey Oswald when she arrived at the building at 8 AM and recognized him when he was brought into the Homicide Bureau.
    Dallas (Tex.). Police Department [some creation huh?] 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Truly's False Roll
« Reply #111 on: March 15, 2022, 07:23:38 AM »