Also yes you could me right with your guess. I guess

its only a guess for anything anyway.
It also could be he means he has witnesses that he is very much not the person the police are after who had just run into the theatre as he had been there since 1.08pm with plentiful witnesses on several fronts -
- as in at 1.08 he entered the theatre and brought a ticket then went to the upper balcony to then go down to the lobby and buy popcorn then to go to the lower floor and sit next to several different people trying to keep a rendevous he thinks he is to make and then to give up on that and seat where he was arrested.
Of the 2 Oswalds involved ie one who ran from Tippit scene to the theatre and the one already there it was the already there one seen by multiple people seating there as stated above arrested while the other was seen by multiple people being escorted out the side door by Police.
Which is a good explanation of the phenomana to me. Oswald is instructed if he can to go to his boarding house don a jacket also take a gun to then get picked up and taken to the theatre to keep this supposed rendevous and find out the next move. He is instructed to as they near the theatre to take off the jacket and leave it in the car as it was just a disguise for that part.
Across a bit of town Tippit is waiting to pick up who he thinks is Oswald/lookalike and take him out of town. If the Oswald/lookalike can't make it there on time he can definitely make it at 1.08 to where tippit was shot at 1.08.
As the forensics totally say. Near 1.00pm Tippit was seen becoming increasingly frantic worried about the "grey area" of what if the subject arrives in it as Tippit takes off to the second of his rendevous points. Tippit is seen ringing people and pulling up cars looking in the back seats and then he drove to the scene of the shooting.
Meanwhile the lookalike who shot Tippit to then run to the theatre is instructed to ditch his similar jacket on the way there. When he gets there he is escorted out by Police to easily switch the guns at some later stage.