You explain nothing as usual " The lights went out because the motorcade was near"? --"The phones became dead "?
That was very specific and you never are.
Where did Hine state 'south window' or 'south' anything ::)Why did all of a sudden- the calls came in "rapidly"? You ignore the statement-------If you re-read the testimony it becomes quite clear.
Where did Hine state 'south window' or 'south' anything 
I didn't say that Hine used the word south. That was my wording.
Look at the floor plan for the second floor. It is the south windows that face out on to Elm Street.
Why did all of a sudden- the calls came in "rapidly"?I would only be able to guess. Are you trying to insinuate that there just
had to have been be a sinister reason for it.
You ignore the statement-------Mr. BALL. That is when you were at the window, is that right?
Miss HINE Yes, sir; that is when I was at the window, because the next car, you see, was coming up and turning and I looked. Of course I looked when I heard the shots. I just stood there and saw people running to the east up Elm Street. I saw people running; I saw people falling down, you know,
lying down on the sidewalk.
Mr. BALL. That was on Houston Street?
Miss HINE. No, sir; Elm.What are you trying to insinuate? That the only people who ran and got down on Elm Street were west of the southeast corner of the TSBD? And that none of the people on Elm Street that were in her view from the east window of her office ran or got down on the sidewalks?

Here's the continuation of Hine's testimony (which you
conveniently left out):
Mr. BALL. You could see could you see any part of Elm?
Miss HINE. East, yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. You could see east on Elm?
Miss HINE. Yes, sir; I could see east on Elm. I saw them run across east on Elm away from where his car had gone and
my first thought was if I could only see what happened, so I went out our front door into the foyer.
Mr. BALL. You mean the front door to the office?
Miss HINE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. That opens on---
Miss HINE. The foyer, little hall, and---
Mr. BALL. Steps lead down?
Miss HINE. Yes, sir; but there is a door before the steps and the elevator is to my left and
I went past the hall that goes to my right and I knocked on the door of Lyons and Carnahan; that's a publishing company.
Mr. BALL. What did you do then?
Miss HINE. I tried the door, sir, and it was locked and I couldn't get in and I called, "Me, please let me in," because she's the girl that had that office, Mrs. Lee Watley, and she didn't answer. I don't know if she was there or not, then I left her door. I retraced my steps back to where the hall turns to my left and went down it to Southwestern Publishing Co.'s door and I tried their door and the reason for this was because those windows face out.
Mr. BALL. On to Elm?
Miss HINE. Yes; and on to the triple underpass.
Read Hine's description of where she went (after the shots) trying to get to windows which overlook Elm Street [you should also be looking at the floor plan and locating the places she describes]. The first thing she does is go out their front door to the foyer, little hall, and.... [Locate this on the floor plan]. She is talking about the door which has "Room 200" written above it. This tells us that (in order to go
out that door) she had just been inside her office looking out the nearby east facing window when the shots were fired. Once outside her office door she goes to and knocks on the door of
Lyons and Carnahan. Lyons and Carnahan offices had windows which overlook Elm Street [face south]. Why would she want to go inside that office? Because she wanted to see what had happened but couldn't see the area where the presidential car had gone (this just happens to be the part of Elm Street west of the southeast corner of the TSBD). A second effort was made by going to the offices of Southwestern Publishing Co., which was just down the hall and also has windows overlooking Elm Street [facing south]. Hine had no luck getting in that office either. Then Hine continued down the hall and went back through the back door (near the camera location #28) to her office.