So, what John Iacoletti said was a fair and correct representation of what Mooney said during his testimony?
Not in the context he presented. First, John I. has misconstrued what Hine said. She did not say that the power went out. She was referring to the fact that there were no incoming calls which allowed her to leave her desk to look out the window. She said "no one was calling." She attributed - rightly or wrongly - no one calling to the motorcade meaning that she believed most folks were out watching it and not placing calls to the TSBD. What else would she mean by referencing the motorcade as the reason why no one was calling? As far as I know, motorcades don't cause phone and power outages. Do you think she believed the motorcade was causing power and phone outages in Dallas? How exactly would that work?
Second, Hine's statement relates to events that occur around 12:30. John falsely implies that Hine's statement about the lights and phones being interpreted as an outage is somehow supported by Mooney's reference to the elevator. But Mooney's elevator ride occurs AFTER the assassination. If the power/phones are out around 12:30 per Hine's statement, then the power has to be back on for Mooney to take his elevator ride from the first to second floor. This would be a different power cut to the elevator. It could not be the same one referenced by Hine (which didn't occur anyway). Mooney attributed his difficulties in the elevator to a power outage but that doesn't mean, as John suggested, that there actually was any power outage to the elevator or that this was related and supported by an interpretation of Hine's statement to mean that a power outage had occurred in the building. They would have to be separate outages when the events are viewed in chronological order: 1) Hine "outage" around 12:30; 2) Mooney elevator working (along with Truly and Baker elevator); 3) Mooney elevator outage.
Lastly, there is no apparent reason for anyone to intentionally cut the phones and power to all or some parts of the building for a short duration. This is where you claim no one is suggesting that conspirators cut the power and phones. If that is the case, and all that is being suggested is that the phone and power outages were coincidental having nothing to do with the assassination, then who really cares? Knock yourself out if that is what you want to believe. It would be like arguing about whether John Wilkes Booth's horse was brown or black.