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Author Topic: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.  (Read 31762 times)

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 04:31:39 PM »
Surprised at the lack of comment from the lone Nutter brigade.

Online John Mytton

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 11:06:40 PM »
Surprised at the lack of comment from the lone Nutter brigade.

Why would you single out the "Nutter brigade" when it's obvious that no one of any persuasion had commented on this thread until you bumped it?

But let's get serious, the evidence that the official Autopsy report is authentic is overwhelming and I don't know why you people continue to rely on people who never even closely examined the cleaned up wound.

At the end of the day;

we have the Zapruder film showing a wound over the right ear and a bone flap hinged towards the front.
we have the Nix film showing a spray towards the front
we have the initial eyewitnesses who were interviewed on TV in the next hour or two and all say the wound was as seen in Zapruder
we have the autopsy photos showing the same wound with the same bone flap
we have the Xrays showing the same wound.
we have a stack of eyewitnesses who all describe the same wound

You have some people who aren't consistent on where the wound was, never touched the wound and only saw a blood drenched head. The reason that an Official Autopsy is conducted is so that the cleaned up body can be examined closely for many hours whereas a fleeting glimpse in horrendous conditions for only minutes is never going to be reliable.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 11:06:40 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2022, 11:29:06 PM »
Why would you single out the "Nutter brigade" when it's obvious that no one of any persuasion had commented on this thread until you bumped it?

But let's get serious, the evidence that the official Autopsy report is authentic is overwhelming and I don't know why you people continue to rely on people who never even closely examined the cleaned up wound.

At the end of the day;

we have the Zapruder film showing a wound over the right ear and a bone flap hinged towards the front.
we have the Nix film showing a spray towards the front
we have the initial eyewitnesses who were interviewed on TV in the next hour or two and all say the wound was as seen in Zapruder
we have the autopsy photos showing the same wound with the same bone flap
we have the Xrays showing the same wound.
we have a stack of eyewitnesses who all describe the same wound

You have some people who aren't consistent on where the wound was, never touched the wound and only saw a blood drenched head. The reason that an Official Autopsy is conducted is so that the cleaned up body can be examined closely for many hours whereas a fleeting glimpse in horrendous conditions for only minutes is never going to be reliable.



There are more people who were actually present at the autopsy that say that what they saw does not match what's in the autopsy report. 

Paul O'Connor and Jim Jenkins actually participated in the autopsy and were there from the beginning to the end. To claim that they only had a fleeting glimpse of the wounds is simply a classic Mytton misrepresentation of the facts.

Online John Mytton

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2022, 12:07:13 AM »

"The video presented above features Paul K. O'Connor being questioned while on the witness stand during the 1986 television docu-trial, "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald".

The late Mr. O'Connor was a technician at Bethesda Naval Hospital who assisted at President Kennedy's autopsy on the night of November 22, 1963.

In the above video, O'Connor is first questioned by defense lawyer Gerry Spence (who was representing his "client", Lee Harvey Oswald), and then "U.S. Government" prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi gets a chance to cross-examine O'Connor, with Vince exposing the inaccuracies being told by the witness with respect to his outrageous allegation of: "There was no brain [in JFK's head] to be removed [at the autopsy]".

There are many conspiracy theorists who put their complete faith in O'Connor's wild tales, even though (to my knowledge) he is the only witness on the planet who ever said he saw all four of these crazy and impossible things on 11/22/63:

1.) There was no brain at all in President Kennedy's head.

2.) There was a huge wound in the back (occipital) portion of JFK's head.

3.) President Kennedy was inside a body bag when he was removed from the casket at Bethesda (instead of being wrapped merely in sheets, as all the autopsy doctors have said).

4.) JFK arrived at Bethesda in a cheap "shipping" type casket.

That #1 item alone makes O'Connor out to be an enormous fraud/kook/nutcase (take your pick). Because there was a whole lot of brain left inside Kennedy's head when he arrived at Bethesda. In fact, the majority of his brain was still inside his cranium when he arrived at the Bethesda morgue. [See Warren Commission Final Report, Page 544.]

Therefore, O'Connor's ridiculous assertion that the entire brain (save a few small "bits and pieces") was gone is reason enough right there, in my opinion, to pretty much dismiss everything else he had to say about President John F. Kennedy's autopsy."

David Von Pein
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 12:39:52 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2022, 12:07:13 AM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2022, 12:57:05 AM »

"The video presented above features Paul K. O'Connor being questioned while on the witness stand during the 1986 television docu-trial, "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald".

The late Mr. O'Connor was a technician at Bethesda Naval Hospital who assisted at President Kennedy's autopsy on the night of November 22, 1963.

In the above video, O'Connor is first questioned by defense lawyer Gerry Spence (who was representing his "client", Lee Harvey Oswald), and then "U.S. Government" prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi gets a chance to cross-examine O'Connor, with Vince exposing the inaccuracies being told by the witness with respect to his outrageous allegation of: "There was no brain [in JFK's head] to be removed [at the autopsy]".

There are many conspiracy theorists who put their complete faith in O'Connor's wild tales, even though (to my knowledge) he is the only witness on the planet who ever said he saw all four of these crazy and impossible things on 11/22/63:

1.) There was no brain at all in President Kennedy's head.

2.) There was a huge wound in the back (occipital) portion of JFK's head.

3.) President Kennedy was inside a body bag when he was removed from the casket at Bethesda (instead of being wrapped merely in sheets, as all the autopsy doctors have said).

4.) JFK arrived at Bethesda in a cheap "shipping" type casket.

That #1 item alone makes O'Connor out to be an enormous fraud/kook/nutcase (take your pick). Because there was a whole lot of brain left inside Kennedy's head when he arrived at Bethesda. In fact, the majority of his brain was still inside his cranium when he arrived at the Bethesda morgue. [See Warren Commission Final Report, Page 544.]

Therefore, O'Connor's ridiculous assertion that the entire brain (save a few small "bits and pieces") was gone is reason enough right there, in my opinion, to pretty much dismiss everything else he had to say about President John F. Kennedy's autopsy."

David Von Pein

There are many conspiracy theorists who put their complete faith in O'Connor's wild tales, even though (to my knowledge) he is the only witness on the planet who ever said he saw all four of these crazy and impossible things on 11/22/63:

1.) There was no brain at all in President Kennedy's head.

2.) There was a huge wound in the back (occipital) portion of JFK's head.

3.) President Kennedy was inside a body bag when he was removed from the casket at Bethesda (instead of being wrapped merely in sheets, as all the autopsy doctors have said).

4.) JFK arrived at Bethesda in a cheap "shipping" type casket.

That #1 item alone makes O'Connor out to be an enormous fraud/kook/nutcase (take your pick). Because there was a whole lot of brain left inside Kennedy's head when he arrived at Bethesda.

A perfect example of an LN telling outright lies. There is in fact plenty of corroboration for all the four things that O'Connor saw.

O'Connor was one of several people who saw the shipping casket. Jenkins, in the interview posted in the OP, actually confirms he did see that casket as well, with Kennedy in it, in a body bag, and Funeral home employee Van Hoessen also confirmed to the ARRB that he saw Kennedy's body in a plastic body bag. The autopsy doctors were not even present when O'Connor and others took Kennedy's body out of the casket and placed it on the autopsy table. It's was O'Connor's and Jenkins' job to prepare the body for the autopsy. Just like O'Connor, Jenkins also confirmed the huge wound in the back of JFK's head, as did Funeral home employee Tom Robinson.

It is true that O'Connor (who normally had the job of removing the brain, but on this occassion was told to move on to another procedure) said there was no brain left in Kennedy's head and Jenkins said in the interview that Dr. Boswell gave him a brian that had less than 1/3 missing, which is actually less than what the autopsy report said. However, Jenkins could not confirm that the brain he received was taken from Kennedy's head. The main reason he couldn't be sure was the fact that when Kennedy's head was unwrapped, it was noticed that there had been surgery to the head. FBI agents Sibert and O'Neill confirm this in their report. In the OP video Jenkins explains further that the incision made would have given access to the right side of the cranial cavity.

Therefore, O'Connor's ridiculous assertion that the entire brain (save a few small "bits and pieces") was gone is reason enough right there, in my opinion, to pretty much dismiss everything else he had to say about President John F. Kennedy's autopsy."

Well, mr Von Pein, all the lies you've just told is reason enough, in my opinion, to dismiss everything you've just said as 100% unreliable. And same goes of course for our expert in misrepresentations, who as per usual prefers to hide behind gifs and other person's opinions.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 01:22:23 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2022, 02:17:21 AM »
The assassination only happened one way and there is a stack of physical evidence that proves it, it's bonkers to cherry pick some solitary nutcase and ignore the mountain of evidence that authenticates the Official Autopsy results.

Just one example which all alone disproves any CT fantasy. A number of Autopsy photos were taken in stereoscopic pairs and when recombined they demonstrate 100% three dimensional mathematical precision, these computerised morphs use a technology unheard of in the early decades after the assassination and demonstrate how beyond all doubt that the person in these photographs is JFK and these wounds are the ones photographed shortly after the assassination. The Official Autopsy is Authenticated!

The exploded wound on the top of Kennedy's head.

The bullet wound.

The back of Kennedy's head has a solitary bullet wound and the bone flap on the RHS is seen in the Zapruder film, every piece of the official authentic evidence corroborates itself whereas desperate Kooks relying on attention seeking Kooks, is a waste of everybody's time. Btw the back of Kennedy's head can be verified by the neck creases which are like fingerprints and in addition Kennedy's ear size, shape and proportion in relation to the rest of Kennedy's head.


Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2022, 02:41:43 AM »

The assassination only happened one way and there is a stack of physical evidence that proves it, it's bonkers to cherry pick some solitary nutcase and ignore the mountain of evidence that authenticates the Official Autopsy results.

Just one example which all alone disproves any CT fantasy. A number of Autopsy photos were taken in stereoscopic pairs and when recombined they demonstrate 100% three dimensional mathematical precision, these computerised morphs use a technology unheard of in the early decades after the assassination and demonstrate how beyond all doubt that the person in these photographs is JFK and these wounds are the ones photographed shortly after the assassination. The Official Autopsy is Authenticated!

The exploded wound on the top of Kennedy's head.

The bullet wound.

The back of Kennedy's head has a solitary bullet wound and the bone flap on the RHS is seen in the Zapruder film, every piece of the official authentic evidence corroborates itself whereas desperate Kooks relying on attention seeking Kooks, is a waste of everybody's time. Btw the back of Kennedy's head can be verified by the neck creases which are like fingerprints and in addition Kennedy's ear size, shape and proportion in relation to the rest of Kennedy's head.


The assassination only happened one way and there is a stack of physical evidence that proves it, it's bonkers to cherry pick some solitary nutcase and ignore the mountain of evidence that authenticates the Official Autopsy results.

To rely on the so-called "offical autopsy photos" (that were never authenticated) as proof that the official autopsy photos and the autopsy results are authentic is what's really bonkers, when you have a large group of people who were all there and all tell pieces of a story that clearly conflicts by the official narrative.

It's not a solitary nutcase... It's O'Connor, Jenkins, Custer, David, Sibert, O'Neill, Robinson, Van Hoessen and others. They are all men who had nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying. To dismiss their collective story in favor of a (re-written) autopsy report and some photos that were never authenticated and hidden away from the public for years is basically saying there must have been a conspiracy against the WC commission and the FBI, which was initially surpressed by hiding the "evidence" and only came to light in the late 70's/early 80's. Well, is that what you are saying? Or is it you idiotic opinion that so many people at Parkland and Bethesda all saw things that were not there and/or never happened?

I don't give a damn what you claim the photos show and that won't change until you can actually authenticate those photos. O'Connor and Jenkins did, on average three autopsies a day. Humes, Boswell et all never did an autopsy in their life and were chosen for one reason only; they were in the military and could be told what to do!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2022, 02:41:43 AM »