Which only displays your enormous level of insecurity, as you are desperately trying to appeal to authority to authenticate a film which I never claimed was faked in the first place. It's hilarious beyond belief.
Who, pray tell, appointed Zavada as the "world's leading expert on 8mm Kodachrome II"? The man worked for Eastman Kodak, was hired by "NARA" after his retirement and an on line search quickly reveals that he did most of his "expert" work for the 6th floor museum (go figure)! But leave it to a LN to overemphasize the significance of the man, who had actually already shown his true colors by proclaiming his belief of the official narrative. He clearly wasn't an independent expert.
There is no reason for me to "struggle wishing that away", because whether or not the Z film is authentic is in no way relevant for our discussion as we were talking about what you believe you see in the film.
"...desperately trying to appeal to authority..."Always with your "appeals" to this and that.
When you say that I'm trying to appeal to authority, would that be the world's leading authority on Kodachrome II? Whose authority should I be appealing to, you and your tinfoil buddies?
The world's leading expert undertakes a comprehensive examination of the Kodachrome II film Zapruder used and releases a 150 page report in which he finds it to be genuine but that's not good enough for you.
And the way you present accepting the word of someone with world class expertise in Kodachrome II as a negative thing.
What a joke.
"...a film which I never claimed was faked in the first place..."You don't have the balls to just come out and say you think it's fake just like you don't have the balls to interpret the evidence. Instead you hide behind snide comments like this - "The Z film has been argued about since people first saw it. There is nothing conclusive or persuasive about it."
You think you can write off one of the most important pieces of evidence in this case just because some of your tinfoil brethren have questioned it.
It has been proven to be genuine by the world's leading expert on Kodachrome II. Get over it.
"Who, pray tell, appointed Zavada as the "world's leading expert on 8mm Kodachrome II"? Here's a couple of excerpts from his biography. I've highlighted a couple of relevant parts:
"Mr. Zavada retired, as a Standards Director for Imaging Technologies, from Eastman Kodak in March 1990. His past responsibilities included coordinating the activities of the Consumer Video and Broadcast Telecine Television Evaluation Laboratories, a product engineer on reversal motion picture films, and as
a principal member of the teams that introduced Kodachrome II, Ektachrome Commercial and Kodachrome int Film and that developed the Super 8 system.
He began his standards activity with the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) in 1962. In 1966, he assumed responsibility for the National and International Standardization of the Super 8 system,
becoming chair of the SMPTE's 16mm and 8mm Technology Committee, chair of the Super 8 Technology Committee of the ISO TC-36, and subsequently became chairman of several national and international committees including leader of the United States delegation to ISO-TC36 - Cinematography. Work with the Society culminated with four terms as the Society's Engineering Vice President, 1976-1983."
I've no doubt that's still not good enough for you because someone else said the film was made by pixies.
It shows a massive crater in the top of JFK's head. An area where scalp and skull are missing.
It only shows that in your opinion. I don't believe it shows any of that.
It's just my opinion, is it?
You don't see the difference in JFK's head between this:

And this:

Would it help if I used an arrow to point out the massive crater in his head:

Does that help?
Can you see it now?
Of course you can't

It shows defined "jets" of skull and brain matter shooting upwards from the top of his head.
It shows a large flap of scalp blown over to the right side of his head.
So, how do you explain the motorcycle police officers behind the limo being covered with brain tissue and the skull part that was blown out to the back? Jackie Kennedy actually climbed out of the car to retrieve a piece of skull.
What do you mean?
The top of his head was blown off, what don't you understand about that?
It doesn't show a blowout at the back of the head."
True, at least not that you can see, but it does show IMO the back of the head expanding like a balloon, which matches the description that parts of the skull at the back of the head were heavily fractured and only being held in place by the skin.
"...at least not that you can see,"

Wiedmann's "Invisible Blowout" theory.
I'm not surprised you don't interpret the evidence
None of this changes the fact that you have reached your conclusion based on what you believe you see in the Z film combined with autopsy photos you can't authenticate and a cherry picked out of context description of the wound by Jenkins. That this will do for you is no surprise. It will do for any shallow superficial LN, so why should you be any different.
"...autopsy photos you can't authenticate..."You're expecting
me to authenticate the autopsy pics??
What meds are you on?
Luckily both Custer and Ebersole authenticated them. They seemed better placed to do it than me, particularly Ebersole. But I've no doubt that's not good enough for you.
"...cherry picked out of context description of the wound by Jenkins."Cherry picked?
You mean I've picked the bit about the head wound I was discussing?
Do you mean I picked the
relevant part of the interview?
Do you understand what "cherry picked" means because you certainly don't understand what "out of context" means.
Or "observations" or "conclusions" or "knowledge" or "interpretation".
Anyone who saw JFK's head while it was in this condition would have no reason to suspect the full extent of the damage to his head. It may have appeared the only injury was towards the back of his head
BS. This is pure speculation and contradicted by what O'Connor and Custer said. Are you seriously suggesting that the ER doctors at Parkland were so incompetent that they missed the biggest wound on the President's head?
Or "speculation".
When I wrote "it's something like that" I was clearly indicating it was speculation.
If the scalp was back in place, as Jenkins describes, anyone not specifically examining the head wound would not be able to gauge the full extent of the damage. That's obvious.
In fact, Jerrol Custer told the ARRB that most of the occipital bone was gone and that the hole was so big that he could fit his two hands, folded together, in the cavity. Custer, just in case you don't know, was the man who took the X-rays and to do so he had to move the head around, which he found near impossible to do because the wounded part of the head was highly unstable.
Is this the same Custer you quoted earlier as someone who only saw the blowout hole at the back of the head?
"Well, let's see. Jenkins clearly shows us in the video, by using a skull, where the actual blast out wound was. That description is the same as that of O'Connor, Robinson,
Custer, Van Hoessen and most of the Parkland ER staff that saw the head wound."
You still have not answered my question about Sibert and O'Neill saying in their report that there was discussion in the autopsy room about surgery to Kennedy's head prior to the arrival of his body at Bethesda. You have also ignored my question about the skul fragment that was found in Dealey Plaza. Since you foolishly seem to believe that you have all the answers, why can't you answer these two questions?
They heard talk about surgery to the head. So?
A piece of skull was found in Dealey Plaza. So?