This is just silly. Your observations are the basis for your conclusion.
Well done, you seem to have grasped the difference between observations and conclusions

The only silly thing was your snide comment - "Just repeating your conclusions doesn't make them correct."
And yes, the observations form my interpretation of events and when I've looked into as much evidence as I can I will make my conclusions.
I'm not sure if you would approach this differently because you seem to lack the confidence to make an interpretation of the evidence.
As I said earlier, your apparant belief that you somehow have the superior knowledge (or "observation") is astounding, but hardly convincing.
Oh dear, now you seem to be struggling with the concepts of "observation" and "knowledge".
Making an observation isn't the same as having knowledge, superior or otherwise.
The Z-film shows a massive crater in JFK's head after the headshot - fact
It also shows two distinct "jets" of what I assume are skull fragments and brain matter emanating from the top of JFK's head at enormous speed.
Are these two observations linked? I certainly think so.
I also observe a large flap of scalp hanging down by the side of his head after the headshot.
Is this observation linked to the other two. I certainly think so.
And from these three observations I have made the interpretation that when the bullet strikes JFK's head, his skull is fragmented and is blown upwards, tearing the scalp at the top of his head and blowing it to the side.
This interpretation is strengthened by the autopsy Gif John posted and the detailed description of the large wound Jenkins sees during the autopsy.
Thank you for sharing your "observations".
Your welcome.
Hopefully, when you're feeling a little more confident, you can have a go at interpreting the evidence yourself.
Since when do I have to provide anything to disprove your "observations"? What isn't persuasive is the fact that all your "observations" are self-serving. The weakness of your arguments is that you can not provide anything authentic or conclusive. You can not even answer the question you asked yourself. If you (and your conclusions observations are correct, how do you explain the multitude of witnesses (who were actually there) that tell a different story? Are they all lying?
Oh dear, now you seem to be confusing "observations" with "interpretation".
Don't worry, nobody is expecting you to disprove an "observation".
Your point was that you thought my interpretation of the observations wasn't persuasive but you wouldn't say why it wasn't persuasive.
It seems your inferiority complex will allow you to make these snide suggestions but not to follow up by clarifying them.
"What isn't persuasive is the fact that all your "observations" are self-serving."WTF does this mean? You really do say some silly things.
Your entire posturing yells out that you rule out the possibility that Jenkins was right and you are wrong.
This statement has no basis in fact and is just a manifestation of your inferiority.
Jenkins' description of the large head wound, the large flap of scalp coming away from the side of the head, is shown in the Z-film. It explains why there is a large crater in the top of JFK's head - some parts of the skull were blown away [the "jets"]and some were attached to the inside of the scalp. The scalp can be seen hanging down by the side of JFK's head which is in accordance with Jenkins' observation of the large head wound.
Whereas Jenkins believes the large head wound is caused deliberately, the Z-film shows it is a result of the headshot.
There you go again. Jenkins didn't understand what he saw, but I [Dan o'meara] do. That's what you are saying. And of course you ignore all the corroboration provided by a large number of witnesses.
That's not what I am saying.
That is your interpretation based on your inferiority complex.
And I address what the large amount of corroborating witnesses saw in the part of the post you were responding too. You need to take a breath before you start responding.
Film evidence of the head wound happening is "hardly persuasive"??
What file evidence would that be? The Z film has been argued about since people first saw it. There is nothing conclusive or persuasive about it. You think you see one thing and can not imagine that somebody else might see something different.
There is nothing persuasive about the Z-film? Is that metallic headgear you're wearing? Have you been outed as Tinfoil yet?
Jenkin's detailed description of the head wound is "hardly persuasive"??
No, it's your out of context interpretation of his description that isn't persuasive
I repeat exactly what Jenkins describes.
I note that his description of the large head wound is also shown in the Z-film [crater, scalp flap]
There's nothing out of context.
You really are insecure.
The authenticity of what evidence is called into question?
The autopsy evidence you rely on, but you will never see that because your opinion is the only correct one, right?
The Z-film is faked. The autopsy pics are faked. But your tinfoil hat is real.
It's just a perverse coincidence that Jenkins describes in detail the exact wound shown by both the film and the pics.
Too bad you ran from answering my question about the authenticity of one of the autopsy photos showing an intact back of the head, when we know that part of the skull was left behind in Dealey Plaza.
ran from your question?

In fact, I've answered it on a number of occasions - the Z-film is unequivocal on this point, there was no blow-out at the back of the head. Therefore there is no reason for the scalp to be damaged in that area.
The interpretation of the missing bone representing a bullet exiting the back of the head is refuted by the Z-film.
The "jets" show the skull was blown upwards, not backwards.
As does the crater.
As does the large flap of scalp hanging down the side of his head.
Try your own interpretation of the evidence.
And remember - breathe.