I saw this interview years ago, and heard nothing that convinced me of a head wound anywhere but where Mrs. Kennedy saw it. On top of the head! She's looking right into the skull cavity in frames 335 and 337 (clearest of the many frames) The large skull flap hanging over the temple belongs to the top of the head. Mrs. Kennedy pushed this piece back into place, and she said as much in her interview with Theodore White 7 days after the assassination. She said she was "Trying to hold the top of his head down...Maybe I could keep his brains in". The piece of matter that Pepper Jenkins said she handed him was not picked up off the trunk lid. She picked nothing up off the trunk lid. The Zap[ruder film shows her gloved wide hand open and flat against the extremely slick surface of the trunk lid as her right hand meets the trunk lid surface, sliding out from in front of her, causing her to slam down onto the trunk lid with her left elbow. It's all there in the Zapruder film gif John Mytton posted. Thank you, John.