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Author Topic: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.  (Read 31831 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #128 on: March 21, 2022, 10:27:28 PM »
I've yet to see you--a conspiracy nut--post anything but tripe in here.  Nothing but troll drivel. You conspiracy nuts have a habit of bringing about the worst in people--and yes--everyone has a part in them that's their worst!

I've yet to see you--a conspiracy nut--post anything but tripe in here.

And I don't think you ever will see that, because it's an impossibility as just about every LN will automatically dismiss anything that does not match their narrative as "tripe".

You conspiracy nuts have a habit of bringing about the worst in people

It clearly has brought out the worst in you, that's for sure

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #128 on: March 21, 2022, 10:27:28 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #129 on: March 22, 2022, 04:15:24 AM »
Huh? Pay attention!
I have already posted a stack of evidence in this very thread and you haven't even begun to refute 1 shred of it, you Mongo, being an "Engineer" who by definition must possess some semblance of an empirical mind, how about you tell me why I'm wrong, then if I consider your reply scientific and coherent then I'll consider responding. But until then you're just another angry CT who is just so goddamn mad that he can't think straight, don't worry, I see it all the time just look at Roger having another hissy fit. LMFAOYFD!

Look who's talking. It's .... not Mongo and you knew it. Hissy fits are usually directed toward the female gender [another insult] Anger ascribed to the the almighty might be a forum violation. Looks like it is John Mytton who has become rattled.
No one can refute the fact that JFK was leaning forward when his head exploded and that in that collage of witnesses... a few [Sitzman, Newman, Zapruder, Humes] showing this shot... are holding their hands up to their eye or the side of the head....

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #130 on: March 27, 2022, 07:48:36 PM »
"It has always been beyond obvious that Kennedy's wound was at the top of his head."

 :D :D :D
What a joke you are.
I've been arguing exactly this for page after page and you have argued against it all the way.
Now I've pointed out the witnesses you put forward for your "Invisible Blowout"  BS: are actually describing a far more extensive wound you suddenly change tune. As if it was a misunderstanding on my part!!

You can't make out the massive crater in the top of JFK's head because the Z-film is too blurry, but you can see that his head has expanded like a balloon??
The autopsy pics are fake (maybe) because one of them doesn't show a blowout hole at the back.
The Z-film is fake (maybe) because some of your Tinfoil buddies saw a unicorn in it.
And on and on...any stupid argument to undermine the interpretation I was putting forward - that the injury to JFK's head involved nearly all the top right side of JFK's skull.

Show one place where you've argued for an injury that included the top of JFK's head.

Because I understand how your little Tinfoil mind works I know what you're problem is.
Sibert and O'Neill report overhearing mention of surgery to the head.
Jenkins reports a jagged fracture in the scalp of "rents and tears" joined together by small incisions.
You put 2 and 2 together and come up with Conspiracy. JFK's head was surgically altered before it got to Bethesda  ???

But the Z-film clearly shows that the massive flap of scalp and skull that Jenkins saw open up after taking the towels off JFK's head, was already blown off to one side at the moment of impact, revealing a massive crater in the top of JFK's head where parts of the skull had been blown away and parts were still connected to the blown away scalp.

This means the large flap of scalp wasn't the result of some kind of dodgy surgical procedure, as Jenkins and yourself assume, it was present at the moment of impact.

Can you see the crater in the top of the head yet?

Too bad your assumptions invalidate all your conclusions. Like Mytton you believe your lying eyes prove your case, but you're quoting the bible to prove god exists.

Your first mistake is you assume a FMJ bullet can do the damage shown in the above Z frames, blowing the top of JFK's head off sending skull fragments and brain matter everywhere. But you claim there was definitely no occipital blowout because the Z film says so. Ok, but only a frangible bullet can do that much damage to your head, which explains the blow out at JFK's right temple and the ejection of skull fragments and brain matter away from the head. This was not a shot from behind since there is no trajectory into the back of JFK's head and out his right temple, otherwise, why would he have a right temple blowout? Jet effect? BS. A FMJ bullet cannot create the same jet effect as an explosion, which includes moving the head back and to the left. The slight forward motion doesn't rise above camera shake or reflex, but it was possible a 3rd shot came from behind and into JFK's back, just not out his throat.

A FMJ bullet typically enters the head thru a small hole and exits with a fist sized blowout. Just like the frontal shot that entered at JFK's hairline and blew his scalp backward and created a fist sized gapping hole at the back of his head where it exited. This is the wound that the hospital personnel saw. The entry wound was removed surgically post mortem. Maybe you and Mytton can explain that one. The back-of-the-head autopsy photo is BS, unless you can explain his haircut. And if the Z film was edited you can assume that the autopsy photos were too. Otherwise, your claim that the occipital blowout doesn't exist because we don't see it on the Z film is a fallacy and based on a false assumption. There is no evidence that any shots came from behind and exploded in JFK's head and if anything, the testimonials are strong evidence that the Z film and autopsy photos have been tampered with.

Myttons top-o-head autopsy gif of JFK shows the center of the explosion from the frangible bullet just inside the right temple. Note what appears to be scorched brain matter around that point and how the explosive force split the skull flaps away from the entry point of the bullet at the temple and blew out a large portion of the brain from the top of the head. A FMJ bullet would not do this. Only a frangible bullet could have caused this much damage. The blowout at the occipital was caused from a near simultaneous shot from the front that entered JFK's head at the hairline. Based on the tilt of his head at Z312, just before the shot(s) and extending a line thru the exit and entry wounds, the shot appears to have come from the overpass nearest to the railroad tracks. James Files claimed that he and another shooter took near simultaneous shots and he used a Fireball hybrid handgun that shot frangible bullets. He took his shot from the knoll and it entered the right temple, then exploded, which is why it didn't exit and strike Jackie. Files claimed that the turkeyshoot point was even marked on the pavement and it was intended to make several shots appear to sound like 1 shot with echoes. The mark was coincidentally the exact spot where Greer inexplicably slowed the limo down to.

You assume the Z film has not been edited, when in fact it definitely has been. When I put together a 3D stabilized version 7 years ago to analyze the camera shake, I noted splices that were not from stopping and restarting the camera.

(You need Red/Blue anaglyph glasses to see the 3D)

The problem is Zapruder didn't recall ever stopping the filming once JFK's limo came into view. Also, there are no lead-in frames when you stop and start the camera. These were splices that the FBI claimed someone had broken the film and merely repaired it, by removing the entire section where the limo came to a near stop rounding onto Elm, where Oswald had JFK dead in his sights, motionless and a mere 60 feet below him. Ask yourself why he didn't take the shot then? Instead he waited for a more difficult shot using his wonky scope. Something must have happened at that point for the FBI to scrub it out.

And if there was a concerted effort to "scrub" the film before returning a COPY back to Z, then you can assume their agenda was to assert the LN narrative and make sure the images confirmed all shots came from the TSBD. That meant the gapping hole in the back of JFK's head had to go. Darkening a lighter contrasted area is the easiest possible undetectable edit you can do on a film. You just have to make a copy of the edited film and keep the original. This is what an optical printer was used for at the time for movie editing. So where is the original Z film and why did the FBI keep it and stash it away or destroy/lose it? If they did edit the film, then their objective was to scrub it of conspiracy, return a copy of it and destroy/lose the original. I assume that's what they did. Those frames of JFK's head exploding look grossly distorted/edited to me. But without the original, we will never know. We certainly can't assume that it hasn't been edited and claim the hospital staff were delusional, based on your gullibility.

You assume all the shots came from the TSBD but I doubt any of them did. Maybe some token shots were taken with the Mauser since the MC was already stashed away. However, in the case of the magic bullet, there just isn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD into JFK's back and out his neck. Just ask Mytton. I guarantee he's tried to make the trajectory work using lasers, but it just doesn't, so he clams up about it and moves on to other fallacies and acts like he's proven something. ;D

If I can assume Oswald could not have shot the magic bullet then he was not a LN. And if LHO was not a LN then he must have been a patsy, whether he took any shots or not. And if he was a patsy, then this was a conspiracy and the conspirators were not relying on Oswald to do the job alone. And if this was a conspiracy then Hoover's FBI must have been involved. Which means Fritz & the DPD were involved. Why the DPD? Because they were in charge of editing films and photos and sheep dipping Oswald with the back yard photos and possibly editing the autopsy photos and even the Z film. Roscoe White was into dark room creations and even film editing at the time. He even had a back yard photo in his possession. It made sense to stick with 1 group for all your sheep dipping and evidence scrubbing needs.

Prove me wrong.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 10:37:35 PM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #130 on: March 27, 2022, 07:48:36 PM »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #131 on: March 27, 2022, 09:36:26 PM »
What do you think happened at the turn onto Elm Jack?

I think the limo almost curbed out turning onto Elm because it was such a tight turn and they probably had to avoid hitting pedestrians. Looks pretty suspicious detouring the limo down a side street and serving JFK up on a silver platter to get assassinated. Makes you look like you planned the route that way.

Maybe the guys on the 6th floor taking the shots were concerned that it would look too much like a setup and they wouldn't have time to vacate the building. Also, any cop near the TSBD would have caught Oswald before he even sat down with his coke in the lunchroom. They needed time to set him up. But even then it wasn't enough time for him to have taken the shots, wiped all his prints off the rifle and ditched it amongst the boxes, ran downstairs and into the lunchroom and bought his coke, all in 90 secs. I suspect that's why they didn't take the shot then. As far as the missing section of film goes, maybe the film caught another signaller like umbrella man. Who knows?

« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 09:37:36 PM by Jack Trojan »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #132 on: March 28, 2022, 02:23:25 AM »
Too bad your assumptions invalidate all your conclusions. Like Mytton you believe your lying eyes prove your case, but you're quoting the bible to prove god exists.

Your first mistake is you assume a FMJ bullet can do the damage shown in the above Z frames, blowing the top of JFK's head off sending skull fragments and brain matter everywhere. But you claim there was definitely no occipital blowout because the Z film says so. Ok, but only a frangible bullet can do that much damage to your head, which explains the blow out at JFK's right temple and the ejection of skull fragments and brain matter away from the head. This was not a shot from behind since there is no trajectory into the back of JFK's head and out his right temple, otherwise, why would he have a right temple blowout? Jet effect? BS. A FMJ bullet cannot create the same jet effect as an explosion, which includes moving the head back and to the left. The slight forward motion doesn't rise above camera shake or reflex, but it was possible a 3rd shot came from behind and into JFK's back, just not out his throat.

A FMJ bullet typically enters the head thru a small hole and exits with a fist sized blowout. Just like the frontal shot that entered at JFK's hairline and blew his scalp backward and created a fist sized gapping hole at the back of his head where it exited. This is the wound that the hospital personnel saw. The entry wound was removed surgically post mortem. Maybe you and Mytton can explain that one. The back-of-the-head autopsy photo is BS, unless you can explain his haircut. And if the Z film was edited you can assume that the autopsy photos were too. Otherwise, your claim that the occipital blowout doesn't exist because we don't see it on the Z film is a fallacy and based on a false assumption. There is no evidence that any shots came from behind and exploded in JFK's head and if anything, the testimonials are strong evidence that the Z film and autopsy photos have been tampered with.

Myttons top-o-head autopsy gif of JFK shows the center of the explosion from the frangible bullet just inside the right temple. Note what appears to be scorched brain matter around that point and how the explosive force split the skull flaps away from the entry point of the bullet at the temple and blew out a large portion of the brain from the top of the head. A FMJ bullet would not do this. Only a frangible bullet could have caused this much damage. The blowout at the occipital was caused from a near simultaneous shot from the front that entered JFK's head at the hairline. Based on the tilt of his head at Z312, just before the shot(s) and extending a line thru the exit and entry wounds, the shot appears to have come from the overpass nearest to the railroad tracks. James Files claimed that he and another shooter took near simultaneous shots and he used a Fireball hybrid handgun that shot frangible bullets. He took his shot from the knoll and it entered the right temple, then exploded, which is why it didn't exit and strike Jackie. Files claimed that the turkeyshoot point was even marked on the pavement and it was intended to make several shots appear to sound like 1 shot with echoes. The mark was coincidentally the exact spot where Greer inexplicably slowed the limo down to.

You assume the Z film has not been edited, when in fact it definitely has been. When I put together a 3D stabilized version 7 years ago to analyze the camera shake, I noted splices that were not from stopping and restarting the camera.

(You need Red/Blue anaglyph glasses to see the 3D)

The problem is Zapruder didn't recall ever stopping the filming once JFK's limo came into view. Also, there are no lead-in frames when you stop and start the camera. These were splices that the FBI claimed someone had broken the film and merely repaired it, by removing the entire section where the limo came to a near stop rounding onto Elm, where Oswald had JFK dead in his sights, motionless and a mere 60 feet below him. Ask yourself why he didn't take the shot then? Instead he waited for a more difficult shot using his wonky scope. Something must have happened at that point for the FBI to scrub it out.

And if there was a concerted effort to "scrub" the film before returning a COPY back to Z, then you can assume their agenda was to assert the LN narrative and make sure the images confirmed all shots came from the TSBD. That meant the gapping hole in the back of JFK's head had to go. Darkening a lighter contrasted area is the easiest possible undetectable edit you can do on a film. You just have to make a copy of the edited film and keep the original. This is what an optical printer was used for at the time for movie editing. So where is the original Z film and why did the FBI keep it and stash it away or destroy/lose it? If they did edit the film, then their objective was to scrub it of conspiracy, return a copy of it and destroy/lose the original. I assume that's what they did. Those frames of JFK's head exploding look grossly distorted/edited to me. But without the original, we will never know. We certainly can't assume that it hasn't been edited and claim the hospital staff were delusional, based on your gullibility.

You assume all the shots came from the TSBD but I doubt any of them did. Maybe some token shots were taken with the Mauser since the MC was already stashed away. However, in the case of the magic bullet, there just isn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD into JFK's back and out his neck. Just ask Mytton. I guarantee he's tried to make the trajectory work using lasers, but it just doesn't, so he clams up about it and moves on to other fallacies and acts like he's proven something. ;D

If I can assume Oswald could not have shot the magic bullet then he was not a LN. And if LHO was not a LN then he must have been a patsy, whether he took any shots or not. And if he was a patsy, then this was a conspiracy and the conspirators were not relying on Oswald to do the job alone. And if this was a conspiracy then Hoover's FBI must have been involved. Which means Fritz & the DPD were involved. Why the DPD? Because they were in charge of editing films and photos and sheep dipping Oswald with the back yard photos and possibly editing the autopsy photos and even the Z film. Roscoe White was into dark room creations and even film editing at the time. He even had a back yard photo in his possession. It made sense to stick with 1 group for all your sheep dipping and evidence scrubbing needs.

Prove me wrong.

What a gem of a post this is.
To imagine you are not the one who is gullible is laughable. You swallow down every piece of Tinfoil  BS: you can get your hands on and regurgitate it in this beauty of a post - the Z-film is fake, the autopsy photos are fake, a shot from the overpass, James Files and on and on.
As for the Z-film, the Zavada Report [which can be accessed here -] ends all buffoonery about the authenticity of the Z-film. It demonstrates the original Z-film is unaltered, and so disappears nearly all of your nonsense with it. Almost every point you make relies on the Z-film being faked. The Zavada Report blows everything you believe out of the water. If you are really interested in what actually happened that day read the report [like that's going to happen].

While you're at it get yourself a copy of the Towner film and let us all know when this moment the limo almost stopped during the turn off Houston occurred.

Just to highlight the full extent of your stupidity - you claim the blowout hole in the back of JFK's head is altered to hide any evidence of a shot from the front [I'll ignore that you avoid talking about all the material that is supposed to be blown out of the back of his head and how this was "scrubbed out"], yet the "back and to the left" motion is left in by the fakers! Do you see the stupidity of the point you're making?

There are so many other things wrong with your post it would need a new thread to go through it all.
It is you who is gullible, don't ever forget that.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2023, 12:26:25 PM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #132 on: March 28, 2022, 02:23:25 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #133 on: March 28, 2022, 12:09:22 PM »
Your older posts (several years back) seem to have been written by a person genuinely looking for the facts in this weird case. Something happened since then and you just seem paranoid in all your recent posts. Shame that your recent posts should just be ignored- you offer nothing!

And you are a Tinfoil nobody.
You don't have the slightest interest in what actually happened that day, the more outlandish the  BS: the better.
But seeing as you've taken up the challenge on behalf of Jack:

Where in the Towner film does the limo stop?
If the blowout at the back of the head is altered in the Z-film why is the "back and to the left" motion left in?
What greater authority on the authenticity of the Z-film is there, other than Zavada?
Can you see the crater in the top of the head yet?

This will be the third time you've ducked this question Mr Integrity.

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #134 on: March 28, 2022, 07:35:02 PM »
What would you know about integrity?

  Well?  See!  You just ducked it again!

  If the back of the head was "altered" as you say, Mrs. Kennedy's hand wouldn't be in the frames in that area either.  Her hand is moving right on top the area that you claim is altered. Furthermore, since you guys cherry pick the things you gather as "proof", if there was a wound on the back of the head, Bobby Hargis would have seen it.  He said this himself.  All he saw was a "splash on the right side of his (JFK's) head". 

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #135 on: March 28, 2022, 08:51:35 PM »
What would you know about integrity?

Ducked again, for a third time, how heroic.
As with all Tinfoil Merchants, any difficult questions are treated as if they don't exist because you are in denial.
Let's try again:

Where in the Towner film does the limo stop?
If the blowout at the back of the head is altered in the Z-film why is the "back and to the left" motion left in?
What greater authority on the authenticity of the Z-film is there, other than Zavada?
Can you see the crater in the top of the head yet?

Four simple questions.
You believe you're all over this so let's hear what you have to say.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Interesting video of Dr Jenkins who was at the autopsy of JFK.
« Reply #135 on: March 28, 2022, 08:51:35 PM »