Chapter 29 of The Bishop Hoax is now online:
Veciana stonewalls the ARRB.
Veciana and Patria Potestad.
Veciana and the Pedro Pan exodus.
Marie Fonzi's role in Veciana's David Phillips "revelation."
Veciana and the AARC conference.
Trained to Kill.
The death of Veciana.
This is solid, original reporting that will be ignored because it's not promoting a conspiracy. You won't get attention or money by promoting a lone assassin theory. It's a type of Gresham's law: bad assassination research drives out the good research. The next time there's a story about the assassination the media will go to irresponsible people like Morley. And he's grossly irresponsible.
One point on Veciana's claim that Phillips asked him about getting a visa to go to Cuba, i.e., "If one were to go to the Cuban embassy in Mexico, would one be able to get a visa to travel to [Cuba], to which the response was absolutely no.” And from that Phillips allegedly sent Oswald to get a visa knowing he would be turned down. IOW, it was simply a maneuver to "connect" Oswald directly with Havana and not get him into Cuba.
But Oswald didn't request a visa; he asked for an
in transit visa, one that he could use on his way to the Soviet Union. He said, according to the Cuban account, that he was headed to the Soviet Union to meet his wife there and that, as a friend of the Revolution, he wanted to stop in Cuba along the way. But he needed that transit visa at that time since his Mexican visa expired shortly. The Cubans, i.e., Silvia Duran, then told him she needed to see his Soviet visa first. From that we had the back-and-forth with him going to the various facilities trying to get one.
If Oswald was instructed to get a visa then why did he ask for an in transit one? And then proceed to try to get a visa from the Soviet Embassy? And act, according to the officials, like an erratic crazy person when turned down? And go back twice? None of that makes sense to me if he was being guided/controlled.
Anyway, this is solid original work that the conspiracists will ignore. At some point you'll be called a "disinformation agent."