CE 2104 is an FBI report dated 1/9/64 of Steven F. Wilson's witness account of the JFK assassination. Here is a link to it:
https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/exhibits/ce2104.htmSteven Wilson watched the motorcade from a third floor window in the TSBD.
In that report it states: "...Due to a large tree being in the way, he could not view the entire procession,
but as his view became obstructed, he heard three distinct shots which he thought came from a rifle, and subsequently it was determined that the President had been shot.
A look at one of the frames in the Hughes film, shows that only one set of blinds on the third floor was open during that time period. It is the second set of windows and the left (from the inside) one of those two windows.

And, a look at the floor plan of the third floor, indicates that this appears to be consistent with his statement that it was opposite his reception desk in their office. The interior of the offices isn't indicated in these plans, however it stands to reason that the reception desk would be just inside the door near the elevator.

From that window, it appears that the same infamous oak tree that partially obstructed the view from the sniper's nest three floors above, and Victoria Adams’ view from one floor above, is also the tree that obstructed Steven Wilson's view. And a look at the 3-D computer model shows that the limo would have been beginning to be obstructed by that tree around the Z133 time frame. So, I have to conclude that Steven F. Wilson is yet another witness who's account supports the theory that the first shot occurred around the Z133 time frame. If any others with 3-D models cares to confirm what my 3-D model shows, I would certainly appreciate it.