Everything is documented. Just like posts on this forum. Someone could, for example, go back to the time you challenged Bill Brown to a debate and when he accepted you ran like a small child. Completely hysterical with all your fake "conditions" including flying to Europe during the pandemic. What an embarrassment. Even I almost felt bad for you. That was pathetic.
Aha... another pathetic attempt at distraction by a false ad hom attack. Now, that's really pathetic.
The fact is that Bill Brown was the one who chickened out. He "accepted" only an on line debate (which would have given him opportunities to manipulate the conversation) instead of the face to face one I proposed. Earlier he did a similar thing by accepting Barry Krusch's challenge and then finding excuses for not following through. You only have to watch his videos and you know that Brown is somebody who loves to hear himself talk and it's pretty obvious to me - from the way he ran from our conversation about Callaway and Bowley helping to load Tippit into the evidence - that he can't handle any kind of challenge.
And btw, Brown didn't have to fly to Europe, but you could have when you made a bunch of false claims, including that I wasn't in Europe. I offered you to pay for the flight and accomodation, so you could come and see for yourself, on the condition that you would reimburse me fully when the lies you told about me were exposed for the BS they are. You didn't know just how to run fast enough to get away from that one, because it also would have exposed your true identity.
Far safer to just write some lies on a forum, right "Richard"?
Everything is documented. Not everything that's documented is actually true, although some gullible individual like you might think it is...