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Author Topic: The bus transfer  (Read 24173 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2022, 07:42:01 PM »
"He saw a man who he believed was acting suspiciously.  He followed that man a short distance.  That man went into the TT.  The police found that man in the TT.  That man was Oswald. "

"Acting suspiciously".....    ???   

"That man went into the TT." ...... Brewer did not see the man enter the theater....He saw him enter the vestibule, and assumed that he had entered the theater.....

 The police found that man in the TT. .......   No ...The police found Lee Oswald....  Just as intended.
Three FBI agents were there in the theater, to ensure the cops arrested the patsy.

Far out.   So Brewer was "in" on the conspiracy in your opinion?  And his role was to work at a shoe store waiting for Oswald to pass so that he could call the cops?  Interesting.  Did he have a secret signal like the red rings?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2022, 07:42:01 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2022, 08:58:57 PM »
Shots fired, but a beautiful day in the neighbourhood if you're an Oswald arse kisser

To wit:

1) Nothing illegal about buggering off from work without first asking permission
2) Nothing illegal about ducking out of sight when poor dumb cops run their sirens in your direction
3) Nothing illegal about looking suspicious
4) Nothing illegal about looking like yourself (unless you mow down a poor dumb cop in cold blood)

Oswald: I'm innocent
CT Judge: Ok, you can go
Oswald: [SMIRK]

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2022, 01:39:41 AM »
Far out.   So Brewer was "in" on the conspiracy in your opinion?  And his role was to work at a shoe store waiting for Oswald to pass so that he could call the cops?  Interesting.  Did he have a secret signal like the red rings?

Brewer simply wanted his moment of fame.... He saw a man who imagined looked "suspicious" and decided that there was a connection between that man and the police cars who passed by with sirens wailing.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2022, 01:39:41 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #43 on: April 05, 2022, 03:14:31 PM »
Brewer simply wanted his moment of fame.... He saw a man who imagined looked "suspicious" and decided that there was a connection between that man and the police cars who passed by with sirens wailing.

Wow.  What are the odds that someone would randomly pick Oswald (of all the people in Dallas) for this purpose?  The exact same guy who worked in the TSBD and your fantasy conspirators had decided to frame for the assassination.  And it would turn out that he had a revolver and the same two different brands of ammo used to kill Tippit.  So much bad luck for Oswald that day!  And EVEN if your nutty explanation were correct - so what?  Whether Oswald was acting "suspicious" or not doesn't really make any difference.  It doesn't change the evidence that links Oswald to this crime beyond any doubt.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2022, 04:54:46 PM »
Wow.  What are the odds that someone would randomly pick Oswald (of all the people in Dallas) for this purpose?  The exact same guy who worked in the TSBD and your fantasy conspirators had decided to frame for the assassination.  And it would turn out that he had a revolver and the same two different brands of ammo used to kill Tippit.  So much bad luck for Oswald that day!  And EVEN if your nutty explanation were correct - so what?  Whether Oswald was acting "suspicious" or not doesn't really make any difference.  It doesn't change the evidence that links Oswald to this crime beyond any doubt.

" Whether Oswald was acting "suspicious" or not doesn't really make any difference."

Oswald??    How do you know that the man that Brewer saw "acting suspicious" was the same man that Old Mc Donald socked in the Theater?   Brewer didn't see the man enter the theater, so why do you assume that the man did enter the theater, and that man was Lee Oswald?

Sitting quietly in his seat and watching the police questioning other patrons in the theater, is  suspicious activity...???

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2022, 04:54:46 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2022, 05:10:11 PM »

" Whether Oswald was acting "suspicious" or not doesn't really make any difference."

Oswald??    How do you know that the man that Brewer saw "acting suspicious" was the same man that Old Mc Donald socked in the Theater?   Brewer didn't see the man enter the theater, so why do you assume that the man did enter the theater, and that man was Lee Oswald?

Sitting quietly in his seat and watching the police questioning other patrons in the theater, is  suspicious activity...???

We are going to need more tin foil.  This is going to the bottom of the rabbit hole.  Oswald was arrested in the Texas Theatre.  So he must have entered it.  Good grief.  Brewer confirmed that Oswald was the guy who was acting suspiciously.  Again, though, it makes no difference as to Oswald's guilt whether he was acting suspiciously or even, as you crazily suggest, was not the person Brewer was following.  The only importance of Brewer is that he directed the police to the location where Oswald was apprehended.  Oswald was sitting quietly in his seat?  When they approached him, instead of just asking what was going on and cooperating like everyone else, he draws his gun and engages in a struggle. 

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2022, 05:50:00 PM »
We are going to need more tin foil.  This is going to the bottom of the rabbit hole.  Oswald was arrested in the Texas Theatre.  So he must have entered it.  Good grief.  Brewer confirmed that Oswald was the guy who was acting suspiciously.  Again, though, it makes no difference as to Oswald's guilt whether he was acting suspiciously or even, as you crazily suggest, was not the person Brewer was following.  The only importance of Brewer is that he directed the police to the location where Oswald was apprehended.  Oswald was sitting quietly in his seat?  When they approached him, instead of just asking what was going on and cooperating like everyone else, he draws his gun and engages in a struggle.

he draws his gun
No wonder you're so screwed up..... You believe fairy tales.    There isn't a scintilla of evidence that Lee pulled out a gun"   

Use your head....  You believe that Lee shot Tippit without a moments hesitation ...and yet he withheld pulling a gun and having it cocked and ready when Old Mc Donald approached.   

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #47 on: April 05, 2022, 07:11:26 PM »

he draws his gun
No wonder you're so screwed up..... You believe fairy tales.    There isn't a scintilla of evidence that Lee pulled out a gun"   

Use your head....  You believe that Lee shot Tippit without a moments hesitation ...and yet he withheld pulling a gun and having it cocked and ready when Old Mc Donald approached.

Not a scintilla of evidence?  Well, except for the police officers who were there and arrested him.  He certainly had the revolver in his possession.  Oswald didn't shoot Tippit "without a moments hesitation" as you suggest. Rather, he tried to bull his way out of the situation when Tippit pulled over to speak to him.  When they didn't work and Tippit got out of the car, Oswald shot him.  Same deal in the TT.  Oswald simply waited to play his hand out.  Maybe hoping the police would bypass him since they weren't approaching everyone.  Once they approached him, he went for the gun (i.e. it's all over now).  Almost identical scenarios.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The bus transfer
« Reply #47 on: April 05, 2022, 07:11:26 PM »