I re-posted John Mytton's GIF below which shows some very clear and interesting aspects of the alteration. The movement of the grass across the screen in contrast to the static yellow curb next to Greer is unmistakable. Also the top of the shadow line is uneven and its shape is also static. If you look closely at the area of grass a few inches past/above the shadow you will see the demarcation. The variation in discoloration of the grass makes it easy to see that the grass just above the shadow is not moving with he grass above it. It is static just like the curb.
The really interesting part is that the demarcation line is not level across the screen, it matches the angled curb line which is lower on the left side. Is the angled demarcation a result of a glitch in the program or did the perpetrators choose the demarcation line? I would have assumed that a program would work row by row across the screen in a level fashion.
The image almost looks like it could be achieved with cutting and pasting by rotating JFK's head. But the background cannot be a cut and paste. You could cut the background and re-paste it a bit to the left and get most of the effect. You would have to take background from the left side of 313 and paste a slice of in to the right side of 312a to replace the missing section of the background from 312, But the images of the grass undulate from frame to frame so it might not match.
What would be extremely difficult to just cut and paste would be Mary Moorman's position relative to and behind Hargis' windshield. That position is between 312 and 313 and happened when the shutter was closed. Mary Moorman's position is a creation of some sort. The question is how was it done?